Chapter 248

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Isn't the mysterious boss looking for himself because of business matters?

Instead, I asked myself what happened to my ancestral tomb?

Listening to the voice of the boss, how does it feel like a case handler at the police station?

So Liu Yinong is really dumbfounded!

Subconsciously looking at Bao Renzhi, and receiving Bao Renzhi's affirming look, Liu Yinong actually didn't know what to say.

However, his years of business management experience quickly calmed him down. After thinking about it, he replied: "Hebin Group has direct competition with many companies. Recently, several projects I have led are also facing competition. Could it be that they Did you start?"

Ye Feng also guessed that such a group must have various commercial rivals.

Not every opponent likes to compete with you in an open and honest manner, and it is common to make stumbling in secret.

"Then please trouble Mr. Liu to sort out the list of your doubts, and we will investigate them all." Ye Feng exhaled, and then seriously addressed Liu Yinongdao.

Liu Yinong claimed that it was good, and finally ended the call.

But after finishing the call, Liu Yinong also sighed, and the tension just disappeared slowly.

"Chief Bao, what's going on?" Liu Yinong asked in disbelief: "The second largest shareholder of the group cares about my family's affairs so much? Why does he sound like a policeman?"

Bao Renzhi's expression was already very exciting, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Liu, you are really right. Ye Shao does have a great asset background, but his essential job is a policeman, and he is also a criminal police officer of the Criminal Investigation Brigade!"

This secret has been kept by Bao Renzhi for a long time, but it is so enjoyable to say it now.

Then Liu Yinong was stupid!

Shao Ye is a detective?

Are you kidding me?

Shouldn't such a rich and young man feast and laugh about life every day?

Even if you make a little progress, it should be hard to learn management, take over the family business in the future, and then carry forward.

But what's the matter with you being a policeman?

Of course it’s not that the policeman’s profession is not noble, but that if you do this, what will your family’s business do in the future?

Liu Yinong really couldn't understand the thoughts of these big and young men, his expression was shocking.

However, now that the ancestral grave of his hometown has been dug, it is indeed a knot in Liu Yinong's heart now. Since Ye Shao is investigating this matter, that's not bad.

On the one hand, he believes that Ye Shao's energy can definitely investigate the case. On the other hand, if he can get in touch with Ye Feng because of the case, it will be good for his own development within the group.

After all, everyone said that Bao Zong and Ye Shao had paid off at the end of the year, and that all the shares held by Ye Shao were managed by Bao Zong.

This is completely different from other companies, where the majority shareholder and the second shareholder are often in a violent fight, and the brains are out of it.

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