Chapter 170

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Ye Feng understood what happened, so his brows were still frowned.

Of course, this is what the big boys said, and they still need to investigate and collect evidence.

Once what the boy said was true, Ye Feng would be very suspicious, why did the two men suddenly act on the boy?

Do they think that the older boy is ~ wanting to abduct the child?

Perhaps, there is only this-one possibility!

If the truth is like this, Ye Feng can’t help but follow-filled with outrage.

I couldn’t keep my eyes on the child, and even fought against the person who saved the life. This is no longer what can be described by the word bastard.

“I probably understand that we will conduct a full-scale investigation. If you are innocent, then we must catch the assailant and give you justice.”

Ye Feng comforted the excited boy, left the phone, and then turned to leave the ward and came to the office.

He also needs an injury report from the injured.

When he got the admission report, Ye Feng couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

These two men are ruthless!

Four broken ribs, moderate concussion, multiple soft tissue contusions all over the body…

If the identification is based on the injury, the injury of the victim has exceeded the minor injury and reached the minor injury.

Once the injury reaches the minor injury standard, the case immediately rises to the height of a criminal case, and the assailant needs to bear criminal responsibility.

Back in the team, Wang Hongliang, who had called for monitoring, also came back.

Monitoring restored everything.

As the victim said, he was riding a bicycle on a non-motorized vehicle lane, and a little boy appeared on the road ahead, running around there.

The victim got out of the car and pulled the little boy across the green belt, onto the sidewalk, and then looked around.

At this time, the little boy’s mother rushed over, took the little boy away, and ran away quickly.

Judging from her actions, as Ye Feng judged, she believed that the victim had bad intentions.

Then, before the victim got on the car again and left, the two men rushed into the video and started punching and kicking the victim…

This is what happened!

There is no doubt that these two men have already constituted the crime of intentional injury and are required to bear criminal and joint civil liabilities.

The identities of the two beaters have been determined, and they are the father and uncle of the little boy.

Moreover, the uncle of the little man, who also had a criminal record, was once in jail for four years for deliberate injury.

“Call the suspect’s family members and urge them to let the suspect surrender as soon as possible.” Ye Feng told Wang Hongliang.

It happened yesterday. If the two suspects wanted to abscond, they would have escaped from Binhai long ago.

If you don’t plan to flee, you have already found a hiding place!

Therefore, it is completely meaningless to deploy control at the railway station or highway intersection at this time.

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