Chapter 183

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If it weren't for three orders and five applications, Ye Feng must be civilized to enforce the law, Ye Feng now really can't wait to go up and give him a kick!

However, Ye Feng actually guessed that there was no real bomb in the suitcase, but no matter what, it is always right to be careful.

Wang Hao gently opened a gap in the box, and looked inside through the gap with his eyes, trying to judge the specific situation inside the box.

If it wasn't for fear of a light bomb, he should actually use a flashlight to light it up.

However, Ye Feng noticed that Wang Hao's expression suddenly became weird.

The nose shrugged, and then frowned.

Then in Ye Feng's surprised gaze, Wang Hao opened the top of the suitcase.

In Ye Feng's astonishment, what came into his sight was the mess of clothes in the suitcase. At first glance, he was wearing the unwashed one, and he could even see a few dirty socks.

You can't see the shadow of the bomb!

Ye Feng couldn't help but took a breath. It's no wonder that Wang Hao's expression was so wrong just now, and his nose was shrugging, his feelings were that he smelled the smell of stinky socks.

Don't say it, now he can smell it!

A false alarm!

Turning his head and glaring fiercely at the man who lied to be carrying the bomb, Ye Feng called directly to report the situation.

Since there are no bombs, then naturally there is no need to fight!

"I said it was not a bomb, you still don't believe it!"

"Do Laozi's socks smell good?"

Even when he was in his seat, the man smiled arrogantly, as if he felt that he could make the police be so cautious that he was too great.

Ye Feng looked at him coldly, and asked in a mocking tone: "Do you think you are great, don't you?"

The man nodded, "Of course! You believe whatever you say, are you stupid?"

"You are quite happy!" Ye Feng sneered, "I hope you will be so happy when you are in jail." "?"

"Squat in jail?" The man was taken aback, and asked subconsciously: "What does it mean to sit in jail?"

Ye Feng decided to let him die a little bit more clearly, so with ridicule on his face, he patiently explained the relevant laws to him.

"Do you think you are not breaking the law without carrying a real bomb?"

"I'm sorry to tell you that there is a special article in the law called the crime of throwing false dangerous substances."

"According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, the placing of false dangerous substances refers to the placing of false explosive, toxic, infectious disease pathogens and other substances that seriously disrupt social order."

"You lied that you were carrying bombs, which seriously disrupted social order and caused psychological panic among the public. This is the crime of throwing false dangerous substances."

"So, do you want to know what is the sentencing standard for the crime of placing false dangerous substances?"

Ye Feng's smile at the moment, in the eyes of the man, is almost like a demon.

The man was terrified and stupid. He would never have thought that his behavior actually violated the law.

He had already regretted it and felt that he was going to be detained, but he would not take it too seriously. Even if he was detained, he would be out for a few days.

But he never expected that he might be sentenced!

" are a lie?" The man was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

"Am I a lie? You will know when you are prosecuted!" Ye Feng snorted coldly.

Ye Feng's tone completely broke the man.

"Police officer, I'm really just playing around. I have no intentions. It is impossible for this box to contain a bomb. I am just an ordinary person!"

"Can you let me go, I promise I won't talk nonsense again."

"I really didn't think about it!"

"Why did I commit a crime?"

The man was handcuffed on the seat and couldn't move, but he already had his nose and tears, and he seemed to be stunned.

Ye Feng really didn't lie, and the man's behavior has caused panic among the public, especially in public places like train stations, which is not a trivial matter at all.

Several policemen from the railway police station rushed to support and found that the danger had been relieved, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Next, the man was escorted to the railway police station nearby. After the end, the bus station slowly restored order.

"Let's talk about it, why do you lie about carrying a bomb?"

Ye Feng and a few policemen were sitting in the interrogation room. They needed the suspect's confession.

And this man who lied to carry the bomb was already decadent at this time, as if his soul had been lost.

"I just want to buy a train ticket to go home, but I came to the train station for several days and couldn't buy a ticket."

"I'm very upset, very upset, and want to vent."

"` ~Get on the bus, I'm paying for change, the driver is very annoying, he asked to hurry up and drop in coins, or get off the bus!"

"I was angry on the spot, I said I don't put coins, what can you do!"

"Then he stared at me and asked me what was in the box. I was annoyed and said it was a bomb. I just wanted to scare him."

"I really didn't expect things to be such a big deal."

"You know it's against the law, I don't dare to kill me!"


The man's aggrieved appearance is not a pretense.

As he said, he might really just rush to the point of anger and said a word casually.

But breaking the law is breaking the law, and it does not depend on whether you have inadvertently lost.

You know, the crime of throwing false dangerous substances can be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years!

Although considering the entire process and the impact of the incident, the man may have the opportunity to be given a lighter sentence, but if he wants to be acquitted, it is impossible for (Zhao Haohao)!

Follow-up matters were handed over to the railway police station. When Ye Feng and Wang Hao left, they were almost sent off by the railway police station.

After all, compared to petty theft, this kind of case is definitely a typical case, and it can give them a lot of points.

If the case stays in the police station for processing, it means that the criminal investigation team did not take the credit alone, and their police station can show their faces together.

At this time, Ye Feng also got the reward of the system.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully arresting criminals, gaining a justice value of 20, obtaining an invisible bulletproof vest, and a cash reward of 30w."

The case is not big, and it can be seen from the justice value and cash rewards. Apart from panic, the facts of this case are really not harmful.

But the reward of the invisible bulletproof vest surprised Ye Feng.

This is a good thing!

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