Chapter 140

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Li Yanfei drove her little beetle on the way home at a not fast speed.

Ye Feng sent her home first, and then drove her beetle home, planning to pick her up at her house tomorrow morning.

“Don’t worry, Taishan-sama’s company will be able to get past even if it encounters a little trouble.” Ye Feng smiled and comforted Li Yanfei, “I didn’t buy the pendant in an accident today. Let’s go shopping tomorrow!”

However, as soon as the voice fell, and the car was turning to the right, Ye Feng noticed an electric car on the auxiliary road.

“Be careful!” Ye Feng shouted fiercely.

Li Yanfei reacted slowly. Although she stepped on the brake, the electric car still crashed-on the Beetle.

At that time, I felt the Beetle shook slightly, and the rear door was hit.

The electric car hit the Beetle and fell, and the rider also fell to the ground.

Li Yanfei was startled, a little dazed, at a loss.

Ye Feng quickly opened the door and got out of the car to check the situation.

Although he felt that the impact was not strong, because it was not particularly obvious in the car, but the speed of the electric car just now was so fast, the driver of the electric car might be injured.

After getting out of the car, Ye Feng saw the driver who fell to the ground at first sight, probably because he was protected at a critical time and was not pressed under the electric car.

The driver was probably in his early sixties, and he was lying on the ground groaning.

Ye Feng hastened to help him up. Compared with the loss of the vehicle, the safety of people is definitely more important.

“Don’t move me!” The driver yelled, then lay on the ground and began to move his body slowly. It should be to see which part of the body hurts badly and whether there is a possibility of a fracture.

Ye Feng didn’t dare to get started, so he was guarding carefully next to him.

But out of curiosity, Ye Feng took a look at what happened to both the Beetle and the electric car.

The Beetle’s back door has been deflated, and it is clearly recessed, while the electric car is lying on the ground, it seems that there is not much to do.

Ye Feng couldn’t help but come up with a ridiculous idea, is it that electric cars are more bumpy than cars?

Li Yanfei slowed down and got off the car with a little fear, while the electric car driver also slowly stood up and limped.

“Father, shall we take you to the hospital?” Ye Feng is going to help him, “Check to see if there is any injury, and if there is any hidden danger!”

The owner of the electric car glared at Ye Feng, and said, “You young people don’t pay attention to driving. I have old arms and legs. What if you really want to knock me out?”

Ye Feng smiled and nodded. After all, he had done something wrong and smashed others into this way.

“Uncle, let’s go, or go to the hospital, don’t worry if you check it out!” Ye Feng continued to smile.

“Forget it, I won’t go to the hospital. I feel it myself. Although I may have a painful fall, I must be blue and purple tomorrow, but the bones should be fine!”

“But you have to pay some money, right?”

“I didn’t fall lightly. It hurts so much. I have to pay for mental damage. In addition, my electric car didn’t fall like it. I have to repair the car.”

“Can’t you let me pay for it myself?”

“Young man, do you think this is the reason?”

The old man looked very reasonable.

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. When encountering this kind of thing, the most worrying thing is that the other party obviously has nothing to do, but he has to go to the hospital and stay in the hospital. If the money is not given, he will not be discharged.

And this old man seems to be easy to talk, Ye Feng is naturally willing to have less trouble.

“Okay, uncle, tell me the number!” Ye Feng said cheerfully.

The old man narrowed his eyes and seemed to think for a while, and then he said, “It’s 1500, 500 is for repairing the car, 1000 yuan is considered to buy me some supplements.”


Although Ye Feng is not a traffic policeman and has not dealt with traffic accidents, he also knows that the father wants 1500, which is not low, but it is not a big talk.

So in order to reduce the trouble, Ye Feng happily took out 1,500 yuan, handed it to the old man, and then gave the old man a phone call.

“Uncle, you have to collect the money. You’d better go to the hospital for a check if you have time. If you have any sequelae, call me as soon as possible.” Ye Feng finally told him, and then he and Li Yanfei got into the car again.

This can be regarded as private in a traffic accident, and there is no report to the police.

0 ····Find flowers········

“Is he really okay?” Li Yanfei asked in a low voice, still a little frightened, her driving hands trembling a little.

Ye Feng comforted Li Yanfei and said: “There should be nothing wrong, depending on the degree of the impact, it is not too serious.”

He comforted Li Yanfei all the way, until she was almost at Li Yanfei’s house, and Li Yanfei was in a better condition.

After bidding farewell, Ye Feng suddenly felt a little hungry, so he randomly found a restaurant and had a late snack before rushing back.

In fact, the Binhai Yujing where he lives is on the banks of Wanshui River, not far from the Wanshuihe Police Station and the pedestrian street, so Ye Feng is now turning back to the original road.

Not to mention, driving a small beetle, it feels very different, very interesting.

……. .. …….

However, the Beetle was damaged in the accident just now, and tomorrow I have to find a time to throw it to the 4s shop.

However, at this moment, after passing the place where the accident had just occurred, Ye Feng suddenly saw a scene that surprised him.

A car came in the opposite direction and turned on the turn signal to turn right. On the auxiliary road, an electric car that was still very slow just now suddenly accelerated and drove forward.

Then just when the car’s turn was about to be completed, the electric car continuously slowed down and eventually hit the car.

At the end, the driver of the electric car was very flexible with a protective action of jumping off and then fell to the ground, while the electric car fell horizontally to the ground after hitting the car.

Ye Feng witnessed the whole process just now!

This process makes Ye Feng extremely familiar!

From a distance, Ye Feng’s eyesight is very good, he sees clearly!

Isn’t the electric car driver who fell to the ground the same electric car driver hit by Li Yanfei just now?

This old man didn’t even change his clothes or electric car!


In less than an hour before and after, in the same position, he was hit again?

At this time, even if Ye Feng is confused, he knows what happened!

Feelings, the accident just now and the current accident are not accidents, but man-made?

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