Chapter 210

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This white crystal is the reason why Ye Feng suddenly stopped and turned his head to the edge of the seedling field.

Under the reflection of the sunlight, he saw these small white crystal particles, and there were many scattered on the edge of the field in more than one place.

Twisting the small crystals, Ye Feng put it under his nose and sniffed, his brows wrinkled slightly.

There is a smell, but it is not a bad smell, nor a pungent smell, but the smell of hydroxy compounds.

Because of his proficient skills in criminal investigation chemistry, although Ye Feng can't tell what it is, he can be sure that this crystal is poisonous!

"Can you tell what this is?" Ye Feng-turned his head and asked Jin Feng.

Jin Feng frowned, recognized it carefully, and said with some uncertainty: "It seems to be carbofuran, but I can't be sure."

"Carbofuran is a pesticide, right?" Ye Feng continued to ask.

Jin Feng nodded, he was still very clear about this.

"Check who owns this piece of land, and ask if they have sprayed pesticides on it!" Ye Feng said to Luoyang decisively.

Luo Yang acted immediately, and after a while, he brought an elderly villager over.

"Boss, this is Uncle Zhang in the village, he is Zhang Gui's uncle, and the owner of this seedling field."

Ye Feng smiled and said hello, and then went to the main topic: "Uncle, I want to ask you a few questions here. Just answer them truthfully."

It can be seen that the old man is an honest farmer, and Ye Feng is afraid that he will scare him, so he has a smile on his face.

"You are asking about Zhang Gui's family, right? He is really pitiful too, what can he do if there are no mothers and children! I didn't expect that fellow Liu Tiezhu is such a thing!" Uncle Zhang took a cigarette, and then he was quite pitiful. Road with emotion.

Ye Feng formally entered the topic: "Uncle Zhang, this is your seedling field? Are you spraying pesticides in the seedling field?"

Uncle Zhang was taken aback. Ye Feng didn’t expect Ye Feng to ask about his land, but he quickly replied, “Yes, it’s my land! This is not a seedling, when late rice is planted, it is always eaten by birds, so I He sprinkled pesticides, the one called carbofuran, and the bird would die if he ate it!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Feng turned his head and looked at Jin Feng.

Jin Feng knew that Ye Feng didn't understand farming, so he explained in a low voice in Ye Feng's ear: "Carbofuran is carbofuran, the name is different!"

Ye Feng asked in a low voice, "How is the toxicity of carbofuran and trichlorfon compared?"

"That is not comparable at all. Trichlorfon can only be regarded as moderately toxic. Carbofuran is a highly toxic pesticide. The country stipulates that carbofuran cannot be used on vegetables and fruit trees. You know how toxic it is. NS!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but be shocked when he heard Jin Feng's explanation. Since he didn't use it, why would Uncle Zhang still use it?

But then it occurred to me that vegetables and fruit trees cannot be used, and there is no stipulation that they cannot be used when raising seedlings. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it!

After pondering carefully, he restored the entire poisoning case in his heart. I don't know why, Ye Feng still feels very strange.

The deceased was poisoned by eating pears, but no highly toxic pesticides were sprayed on the pear trees, but in the two nearest places, highly toxic pesticides were sprinkled in the seedling fields...

Could it be that the cause of death of the deceased was carbofuran poisoning, not trichlorfon poisoning?

Ye Feng frowned. This kind of speculation was reasonable, but he couldn't figure out how the deceased was poisoned!

"I urge the forensic doctor to check out the specific cause of death as soon as possible, and see whether he died of trichlorfon poisoning or carbofuran poisoning!" Ye Feng suddenly turned around and told Luo Yang.

Luo Yang didn't keep up with Ye Feng's thinking a little bit, "Died from carbofuran poisoning?"

However, Luo Yang also knew that this was not the time to doubt, and immediately followed Ye Feng's instructions to call the forensic room of the Criminal Investigation Squadron of the sub-bureau.

Then a few minutes later, Luo Yang walked over with a shocked expression.

"Boss, the forensic doctor reported that the deceased indeed died of carbofuran pesticide poisoning!"

Luo Yang was shocked because he didn't know how Ye Feng connected the poisoning incident with carbofuran pesticide.

These eight poles can't be beaten!

But the forensic test results confirmed Ye Feng's guess!

How can this not shock him!

At this moment, Ye Feng stood there with a deep expression.

The direction is right, but now Ye Feng can't think of how the carbofuran pesticide was eaten by the three dead!

If you can guess, and then find the corresponding evidence to support, then you can declare the case over!

0 ····Find flowers 0 ··

"Boss, there are still a few test results." Luo Yangqiang suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to report: "Carbofuran pesticide ingredients were detected on the leftover pears, and the concentration was enough to kill. In addition, the deceased used it when stealing the pears. The same concentration of carbofuran pesticide was also detected on the pear bag."

Ye Feng couldn't help but pursed his mouth, bit his lip and fell into thinking.

Even carbofuran pesticide ingredients were detected on the sack. Could it be that someone guessed that Zhang’s wife would use this sack to steal pears, so first soak the sack with carbofuran pesticide solution?

Ye Feng felt that things became more convoluted.

If someone really used carbofuran to poison, then there is no problem to lock a few suspects. As long as you go to the farm and ask who has bought carbofuran, the suspect will most likely surface directly.

.... .... .......

But the problem is, I don’t know why, Ye Feng suddenly felt that this might not be a murder case by poisoning!

Perhaps this was just an accident?

For some unclear reason, the sacks were contaminated with carbofuran solution, which caused the pears to also have highly toxic pesticides, and then caused the death of three dead!

Ye Feng is more inclined to this kind of speculation!

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng gave Luo Yang a look and motioned him to stare at Uncle Zhang first. Regardless of his guess, Uncle Zhang who applied carbofuran pesticide to his rice field was suspected of committing a crime. This must be paid attention to.

Then, Ye Feng quickly returned to the old Zhang's house and found Zhang Gui.

"I have one more question. Please remember carefully, before the deceased died, or before eating pears, did she tell you anything, such as the accident when she stole the pears."

Ye Feng asked in a deep voice.

When Zhang Gui saw Ye Feng go and return, he knew that Ye Feng must have guessed. Hearing Ye Feng's problem, he immediately fell into the memory.

"She said that when she stole the pears, she ran into the beast coming home, and then she quickly threw the pear sack aside, as if it was thrown into the seedling field behind, and then pretended that nothing happened, and waited for Liu Tiezhu. After leaving, she picked up the sack again and carried it back."

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