Chapter 180

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Noisy, can’t you stop rushing to me?

Ye Feng was really afraid that Li Yanfei would give herself a shot when she was excited.

He didn’t fall on the way to hunt down criminals, but fell under Li Yanfei’s snatch. That would be too wrong.

“No, I have performed at a super level!” Ye Feng repeatedly raised his hand to beg for mercy, “Otherwise you would have been so handsome and don’t know where to go~”

Li Yanfei squinted her eyes suspiciously and stared at Ye Feng’s face, as if she wanted to tell from the expression on Ye Feng’s face whether he was lying.

Ye Feng, who is proficient in micro-expression analysis, can tell Li Yanfei!

“Then your luck is really good!” Finally, Li Yanfei muttered, then turned to prepare for the last bullet.

Ye Feng couldn’t help snickering, but his acting skills were good.

But at this moment, a few people walked over and stood behind Ye Feng and Li Yanfei.

Ye Feng turned his head and didn’t care at first, but after looking at the head of the person, the intuition of the criminal investigators told him that this person is definitely not easy.

“Brother, I think you did a good job in the fight. Would you like to compare?”

The head of the man was a raging middle-aged man. Although he was wearing sportswear, his fierceness almost came to his face.

Especially the tone of his speech, as if with unquestionable domineering.

At this time, Li Yanfei had already finished the shot and had a good result in the ring.

Just as Li Yanfei wanted to show off to Ye Feng, she turned her head and discovered the situation, not knowing what happened.

Ye Feng didn’t want to be extravagant. After all, he came to the Louvre Hall to investigate the situation. By the way, he could date Li Yanfei. There is no need to be too high-profile.

“I just have fun with my friends, it’s not good, so there is no need to try.” Ye Feng replied with a smile indifferent.

The person headed across the street looked up and down at Li Yanfei, his eyes always had a strong desire for possession, and he was obviously rushing towards Li Yanfei.

The leader hadn’t spoken yet, the younger brother behind him stood up.

“It’s your honor for our brother Tiger to look down on you compared to you, don’t be shameless!”

In an instant, Ye Feng’s expression suddenly changed.

Brother Tiger?

Is the tiger in the clue?

I have been worrying about where I should go to find Brother Tiger, but he didn’t expect that he would take the initiative to send it to the door.

Brother Tiger stretched out his hand to stop the younger brother, then smiled and said to Ye Feng: “Brother, it’s nothing more than making friends, don’t resist so much!”

At this moment, Ye Feng’s newly changed expression seemed to them to be completely frightened.

I couldn’t help feeling proud. Seeing Li Yanfei’s expression, she became more and more like fat in her mouth, swallowing whenever she wanted.

Li Yanfei frowned, her expression disgusted, she hated these so-called social people the most!

“Brother, do you think this is good? If you win, the woman next to me will be yours tonight.” As he said, Brother Tiger pushed the woman next to him forward and laughed.

The woman was dressed extremely cool, with heavy makeup and full of dusty air. It was no accident that she was pushed out. She shouted angrily: “Brother Tiger hates it!”, and then looked up and down Ye Feng with interest. The handsome guy made her full of interest!

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, his tone was cold, “I feel bad!”

Brother Tiger couldn’t help laughing, and then his expression became cold. “No one has been able to tell me for many years. Do you know what happened to the last person who spoke to me like this?”

Ye Feng sneered, “I think the last person to talk to you like this should be your father!”

Hu brother’s face suddenly changed color, his expression was ugly.

The younger brother behind him couldn’t help but stepped forward and wanted to clean up Ye Feng.

But at this moment, a voice of laughter came from behind him.

“Ye Dong, I didn’t expect to meet you here, you are really Yaxing!”

Ye Feng looked sideways and found that the original person was Bao Renzhi, the nephew of Bao Tianrui of Hebin Group, who was currently in charge of the supply chain of Hebin Real Estate.

He smiled and nodded, as if he had said hello, then Ye Feng turned his head back and looked at the group of people in front of him blankly.

At this time, a person behind Brother Hu quietly approached Brother Hu and whispered in his ear: “That is the nephew of Bao Tianrui of the Hebin Group, a member of the Binhai circle.”

0 ····Seeking flowers· 0

Brother Tiger’s expression couldn’t help becoming more cautious.

Although they seem to be fearless in the street, they are not even a fart in front of the real giants.

Since this Bao Renzhi is a member of the Binhai major and minor circle, even if he is unable to clean up himself, he must know that someone with energy can clean up himself, pinching himself to death is like pinching an ant.

And looking at Bao Renzhi’s respectful attitude towards Ye Feng, we know that Ye Feng’s status is probably far above Bao Renzhi.

I might have kicked the iron!

So I didn’t use my hand to remind myself not to make any extravagances at this important juncture. After all these years, the tiger brother, who had been able to bend and extend the truth, was directly subdued.

… …… 0

“Brother, I don’t know Taishan, sorry!”

“We will not disturb your Yaxing, I wish you a good time!”

Brother Tiger clasped his fists and apologized.

Ye Feng changed his mind and suddenly changed his temperament, making him look like a big or young man.

“It’s not necessary to apologize. Since I was a child, I have been very interested in you people who live by licking blood. If it’s okay, let’s sit down and have a chat?”

Ye Feng waved his hand broadly and pointed to the resting place not far away.

Brother Tiger couldn’t help but froze slightly. He didn’t expect that Ye Feng not only didn’t plan to make trouble for himself, but also looked very interested in him.

He realized that this might be an opportunity.

This kind of rich guys and youngsters casually leaked something out of their fingers, and he was full.

If he can establish a relationship with Ye Feng, does he need to worry about doing illegal things in the future?

Obviously no more!

“Please! Please!” Brother Tiger responded quickly and immediately humbled his hand to lead the way.

Behind Ye Feng, he patted Bao Renzhi on the shoulder and motioned for him to join him.

Bao Renzhi was a little dazed. Just now he saw that Ye Feng seemed to be in trouble, so he hurriedly made a statement, but he didn’t expect that Ye Feng would want to chat more with these obviously gangsters now.

Is it true that all rich and young have different hobbies from others?

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