Chapter 141

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Ye Feng was also welcome, stopped the car and turned off and walked to the accident site.

At this time, he clearly saw that the old man was still lying on the ground and groaning, his posture and even the angle of lying were exactly the same as before.

This is obviously a special drill!

A young guy got in and out of the car, too scared, and hurried to check the old man’s injuries.

“Don’t move me yet!”

Ye Feng heard the familiar lines again and saw the driver’s familiar actions.

Next, it’s time for the elderly to educate the young again.

“You young people don’t pay attention to driving. I have old arms and legs. I really want to hit me out…”

However, before the old man spoke, he saw Ye Feng coming from the side. He was shocked and swallowed the words behind.

“You want to say what should I do if I knock you out, don’t you?” Ye Feng asked with a little sarcasm.

The color of the old man’s face has changed, and his heart said why he came suddenly?

If he said a few days later, he might have forgotten what Ye Feng looked like, but now it has only been an hour, how could he forget that he just received 1,500 yuan from Ye Feng?

Don’t panic! Don’t panic!

Don’t panic now!

“Oh, I was really miserable. I just got hit by you and wanted to go to the drugstore to buy some medicine, and then go home again, I was hit by him again!”

“I didn’t read the almanac when I went out!”

The old man rolled his eyes and started talking to himself.

But now Ye Feng can no longer believe it.

“What about the medicine?” Ye Feng continued to ask with a smile.

The old man stopped abruptly, and then said angrily: “The pharmacy is closed!”

Ye Feng almost didn’t laugh, and pointed at the far side of the road.

The old man looked back and saw that there were still several lights on at the street door in that direction, and one of the pharmacies was open for business!

I really don’t know how to make it up, the old man directly began to be unreasonable.

“You bumped me into this, what do you mean by telling me this now?”

“In this case, take me to the hospital and see how much you have to spend!”

Ye Feng smiled, “Master, you can go to the hospital if you want, but let’s go to the police station with me first!”

Hearing Ye Feng’s words, the old man’s face changed color again, and he hurriedly said: “Go to what police station! No! No! Don’t force me to lie on the ground.”

At this time, the guy next to him was stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

Didn’t I just knock the old man down?

I am ready to pay for him to see a doctor!

What does this guy mean?

Why can’t I understand what the two of them said?

These two people will not form a team to ruin me, will they?

Ye Feng naturally did not know what the young driver was thinking. He continued to say to the old man: “I am a policeman. Now I suspect that you have extortion and extortion. You need to cooperate with me to investigate at the police station. If you do not cooperate, I have the right to You use coercive means!”

With that said, Ye Feng showed his police officer ID!

The old man was shocked, and he would never have thought that he would mistake the money for the police!

If he knew this, he would have let go of the Beetle!

But now it’s too late to say something, he just thinks about how to get out.

“Police officer, you see that I have been hit now and my whole body hurts. Can I go to the hospital for an examination and not go to the police station?” The old man didn’t dare to have a high-profile voice, and said to Ye Feng in a low voice, with a little pleading in his tone. .

Ye Feng glanced at him blankly, “You can go to the hospital, but you have to think about it first. If you go to the hospital and the result is no problem, you still have to go to the police station immediately. If you want to ask for a hospitalization under the pretext of a headache or some pain, I’m afraid you can only pay for the hospitalization!”

After hearing this, the old man lowered his head dejectedly. He had nothing to do.

At this time, the guy next to him finally reacted. The feeling was not that he accidentally hit someone, but that the old guy riding an electric bike stared at him and hit him.

I couldn’t help but anger and stopped fighting, his expression called an anger.

“You should also go back to the police station to make a transcript. Now he is suspected of deliberately driving an electric car to blackmail property. If your car is damaged, you can ask him to pay compensation at that time.”

Fortunately, it is not far from the Wanshuihe Police Station, so there is no need to drive anymore. Ye Feng directly took the two of them for a while and entered the police station 0…

At this time, the Wanshuihe police station was brightly lit. After all, a knife-wielding robber had just been caught, and there were still many follow-up links after the interrogation. They were busy in full swing.

At this moment, Ye Feng led a group of three people into the police station.

After seeing Ye Feng, all the police stopped their work and turned their heads to look over in surprise.

Why did he just leave and come back?

Did something fall here?

It’s impossible to catch the suspect again and bring it here, right?

However, when they saw the crying face of the old man, their hearts were shocked.

Can’t guess right?

Ignoring the dumbfounded former colleagues, Ye Feng directly put the old man into the interrogation room.

“Afeng, what’s the situation?”


“What did you do with another arrest?”

“You still let us sleep?”


At this moment, they seemed to be back when Ye Feng was at the Wanshuihe Police Station, picking up suspects one by one, and keeping the internal policemen busy working overtime every day!

Everyone no longer knows how to express their feelings at the moment. In addition to being shocked, they also want to express their uncontrollable emotions by swearing.

I just caught a robber in the evening, and less than an hour after he went out, he came in again with the suspect…

Is there really a suspect waiting in line outside waiting for you to pick it up?

Just when the police officers of Wanshuihe Police Station were so shocked that they could not speak, Li Bin walked out of the office.

“Hurry up and work, and then go home to sleep. A Feng is really a loss for this case today, but unfortunately, he is unlikely to return to our police station…cough cough cough…”

However, as soon as he opened the door and spoke, Li Bin saw Ye Feng standing in the big office. He almost choked to death with his saliva on the spot, choked and coughed!

what’s the situation?

Why is Ye Feng back again?

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