Chapter 168

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The Ye Feng special operations team successfully completed the first day of Operation Blue Sword and even exceeded the goal.

This is extremely proud and proud of the team members.

This is the best time to boost morale. The sense of honor of a team is often built up in this way.

In order to reward the team members who have worked hard for a day, Ye Feng walked away to treat guests at night.

A few people went to the food stall and had a real meal.

Do not drink, eat meat, the terrible speed of eating meat, so that the barbecue stall owner can not keep up with the speed of barbecue!

Wang Hao, who was born in the army, grabbed a bunch of strings together and almost chewed on the iron lottery.

Until this moment, Ye Feng realized that he might have underestimated Wang Hao’s combat effectiveness…

“Everyone performed well today. I can feel everyone’s enthusiasm and focus. In just one day, I can think that the formation of our special operations team is meaningful.”

Ye Feng smiled and raised his voice, affirming everyone’s performance.

The faces of several people were flushed, very proud.

After all, the results of their group on this day are not even comparable to the other four squadrons combined.

“However, I found a problem today.” Ye Feng paused, and then said: “I think the six of us acted together, it seemed that we lacked a little efficiency.”

Indeed, almost all tasks today were carried out by six people. Except for patrolling the streets in groups, six people rushed upward in a swarm of other cases.

Through today’s case detection work, Ye Feng has almost fully understood the abilities of several people.

Needless to say, Wang Hao is a retired special force with comprehensive capabilities. Although he lacks some experience in criminal investigation, he wins in his combat effectiveness.

Luo Yang has obtained the true biography of Luo Hui, and his comprehensive criminal investigation ability is extremely strong. Ye Feng even believes that he has the ability to lead a squadron in the criminal investigation brigade;

The three King Kongs of the second squadron, although sometimes a little bit off their personality, they all have rich criminal investigation experience and strong execution ability;

In this way, if six people act together for all tasks, it would be a waste of resources.

So Ye Feng wondered if he wanted to group.

“Tomorrow, let’s try a group action!” Although Ye Feng is proposing, he is the leader of the special operations team, which is naturally equivalent to a decision.

“Luo Yang, as the deputy leader, you lead a group, Wang Hao and you, you choose one of the three remaining!”

Ye Feng’s plan is very comprehensive.

Ye Feng owns superpowers, and his combat effectiveness is also leveraged. With two people working with him, he can handle most of the scenes.

When Luo Yang and Wang Hao are paired together, they are a weakened version of themselves, with some assistance, which is equivalent to having the ability to independently detect cases.

Although it is better to match Luo Yang and Wang Hao with two members, the special operations team now has only six people, and there is really no extra person to match them.

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