Jack frost x reader part 1

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(Y/n's intro)
There's this saying, seeing is believeing
What if when it comes to seeing what isn't there, you need to believe to see it?
That my friends, that's where this story begins.
I'm y/n rogers and im going to tell you the story of the guardians.

(Y/n's pov)

Growing up i never really, well i guess you can say I never fit it.
Growing up i was alone.
I just sit there in my room, on my bed and look out my window to see kids, having fun with each other.
No one really ever approached me, it was, it was like i was invisible to the world.
The only comfert i had was movies.
Disney, dreamworks, pixar, you name it.
I finally felt like i belonged, but unforntaunly it didn't give the comfert it gave me to my parents.
They noticed I was ever really truley happy when i watch movies on a tv screen, not outside hanging out making friends, i mean really, who would when they have what i did?
It was also the reason for most of my parents fights.
The one they are haveing now, 6 years later was no different, if anything it gotten worse when i was getting closer to being an adult.
"She's diffferent steve you know that"!
My dad raised his voice.
"Of course i know she different, but we aren't helping her Nat!
Can't you see that, our daughter is alone, isolated, do you really want to watch our daughter contiue to only be happy infront of a tv screen"!?
My mom yelled.
"Of course not, but Steve, childern copy their parents, y/n is scared of the outside world.
We arent helping her believe the outside world is beautiful and wonder full.
Our jobs protecting the world is part of our problem.
Y/n feels safer with us here, safer watching those movies, cause of the memories".
I smiled, mom was the one that understood, I mean who could ask for a better mother when i have the black widow as my mom.
Did i forget to mention my parents are avengers?
Well now you know but that's not important, what was important was what was said next that changed everything.
"Memories don't pay the bills nat, y/n is talented, gifted, special.
And she can't do that, she can't do that by watching a tv screen".
Mom spoke in a whisper.
"Steve you aren't saying-".
Dad then said.
"We have to send her to a boarding school".
I froze in shock, I stayed still where i was in the hallway of the tower the movie i held in my hand seemed to get heavy like it was a boulder.
I then moved and mom said seeing me.
Dad looked up and said seeing my face.
"Y/n sweet heart are you okay"?
I backed up and tears started to fall mom then yelled when i ran.
"Y/n wait baby it's going to be okay"!
I cried when i rushed to my room, my whole world seemed to be swallowed up and shredded to pieces, nothing was left.
My parents were behind me, but i was faster thanks to be part super solider and watching my mom train.
I got to my room and said crying.
He came threw the wall , he lived one floor below me with his wife Wanda, my god mother.
She was with him since she knew my outburst tend to get a bit out of control.
He then said softly.
"Y/n what is it"?
I then said.
"Lock the doors please".
He looked to Wanda, asking her if he should do this.
Wanda said.
"She needs people who understand her around, and that isn't Nat and Steve at the moment.
Go ahead and do it".
He nodded and the doors locked and said to me.
"You can't always live in fantasy y/n but i don't blame you.
(He patted my shoulder and looked me in the eye.)
The world can be cruel, but we must do what we can to make the world a better place".
My parents banged on the door when they found out it was locked.
"Y/n open this door"!
Jarvis then said.
"Ill go talk to them, Wanda, stay with y/n".
Wanda nodded and turned my attention onto her and said pointing my attention to the blue ray in my right hand.
"Oh rise of the guardians, you want to watch"?
I nodded and placed it in my x box that uncle Tony got me.
Tony always spoiled me, it was one of the fight my parents had, but he sees me as one of his kids, since his daughter was going threw a tough time in college, he really missed her.
Wanda then said when my parents arguing with Jarvis got to our peacefull atmosphere when she came back from my snack kitchen.
"Those two have no respect,
(She turned to me and said.)
Reality is perception y/n, if this world you believe in is real then it is, don't let anyone tell you any different understand"?
I nodded and she said.
"Enjoy the movie, ill be right back.
(She mumbled as she went threw the door, ever since they came back from living in tv world, Wanda was able to do a bunch of new tricks.)
And give your parents a piece of my mind".
I looked to the tv screen and heared the argument, waiting for it to end so i could start the movie.
"You two really have a lot of nerve".
Mom then said.
"Wanda it's complicated".
Wanda spoke up.
"Its not complicated, you guys argued alot about y/n when did you really think how this would affect her?
She scared and upset.
You know what happened to me and vision.
When we lived in tv world for a long time.
Y/n is special and these outburst are getting dangourse.
Think of her, not how she would far in the world, cause this world, is probably not the one for her".
Dad then said.
"were not always going to be there for her Wanda, y/n needs to live in reality".
That word echoed in my head when i looked back to the screen of my tv.
What was it that Wanda said.
'Reality is perception y/n, if this world you believe in is real then it is, don't let anyone tell you any different understand'?
I then said pressing the play button smiling not realizing that this action was going to change everything.
"I understand".
Then the power went out, but after a bit my tv fizzled and i said.
"What the-"?
I screamed before i was being pulled by a force to the tv and next thing i knew I was falling threw the sky.
I screamed as i fell.
I rhen said clenching my fists, tryong to activate my powers.
"Come on, come on.
Why is it not working"?
I looked down and said.
"Uh oh,
(I was getting closer and closer to the ground and it didn't look like o was in for a soft cossy landing.)
Im a goner.
I hit the ground and everything went black.

To be contiued.

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