Male Selene x reader

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(Y/n's pov)
I rushed in and closed the door, when they say old habits die hard, they weren't kidding.
In a world where monsters come from the shadows, and monsters that can walk in the day light and change at will now, that phrase became the greatest understatement of the century.
I'm more than ever confused and scared for my safety when ever I leave the monastery.
I say caution and paranoia are the strongest survival skills I have since I'm not likeing the idea of crossing either creations from my brothers Markus and William.
They kept me far from them both and the people they brought into their blood line.
I toke a breath and said holding my plastic bag full of movies.
"Take a deep breath Y/n Corvinus, your safe now".
The monestary was quiet and only one vampire lives here that i trust.
Though I really should reconsider my trust in vampire men.
I grimaced when i smelt blood, vampire blood and it disgusting.
I then said passing the scholar as i kept my eyes to the ceilling.
"You are really getting on my nerves".
They looked at me and i went to my make shift room and closed the doors.
I grabbed my nose plugs and said as i placed my new movies out in a row.
"Okay, what to watch first"?
The alarm went off and i turned to the screen that show the security photage from the camera's that Tanis has set up.
Someone was outside the monistary, and from the look of his outfit, a vampire, a death dealer.
I moved and i came just when Tanis was tackled by a hybrid, bitten by Lucian and this vampire with him.
How i knew was because i can smell it in this hybrids blood.
I changed and growled at the hybrid.
Telling him to back off, the aura of power i gave off overwhelmed his.
And i was taller, the wolf that bit William, and the bat that bit Markus came at me and i was bitten by both.
I was the middle child of the Corvinus clan, but i loved my brothers and vowed to stay with them when father left them.
I went with them, whrn William was captured, i felt like i been stabbed the most, Markus felt it, but not as much.
I was of both clans, and I felt more connected to both bloodlines than my nrothers.
I stepped forward and growled at the vampire but i stopped.
I knew this vampire, when he was human.
I was shocked and i stepped backeards as i shifted back.
I was besides Tanis and he said looking worried.
"Y/n what's wrong"?
I then said looking and Stefan.
"Hello Stefan".
Stefan lowered his gun and Tanis yellow eyes were big as rocks.
Tanis looked at me and said.
"This is the Stefan you been talking about for years"?
I nodded and i said.
"His family found me, toke me in, gave me shelter and let me stay as long as i needed.
I didn't want to leave, but the moment i saw Victor with Stefan-".
Stefan said finally understanding.
"He would of killed you if he saw you".
I then said lightly smiling.
"Alittle beaten maybe, but killed no.
But he would of killed you instead of turning you.
Im so sorry that i couldn't-".
Stefan hugged me and said lightly.
"Im just happy your alright".
I hugged stefan back and felt happy.
I looked at stefan and said seeing the necklace.
"Let me guess markus is awake".
Stefan nodded and i saod.
"And hes after you for Williams prison?
(He looked more scared as he stared at men.)
But your worried about something else,
(I held his cheek and asked.)
But your aren't worried, this isn't your worried look".
Tanis said stepping forward.
"He's scared,
(I looked at Tanis and he said.)
Markus won't just be going after his brother".
I then said.
"He be coming for me, I'm the middle child of Alexander corvinus, I'm neither lycan or vampire like my brothers".
The hybrid shifted back and said.
"For the first hybrid ever in history, your the first of our kind and strongest".
Stefan said holding my cheek.
"And you can command respect from both sides.
I promise you y/n I'm not letting you go again and im going to protect you,
(He pecked my lips and I responded lightly.)
No matter what".
I then said.
"Thwres one persin that might be able to help us with my older triplet brother,
(I turned to Tanis and said.)
Your coming with us Tanis, Markus knows your here and he'll look for the second key to Williams prison,
(Tanis looked like he was about to protest.)
You know well as i what my brother will do if he gets you, your the only friend i have.
(I looked to stefan and my family descandent.)
Plus i don't think ill be able to look at my dad and contain myself when he speaks of my older brothers".

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