(Edwards pov) *two months earlier*
I remember like it was yesterday.
When I came back to the apartment complex, I was met with an empty space.
No gloss spray that somehow swept into the livingroom from the out door padio, no little flecks of mica powder on the ground where she walked to the kitchen to get something to eat.But since this was Y/n's way of grieving since Casper would be happy in the humane society for horses until a good family can take him.
Knowing that he'll no longer be with her anymore, she went back to her old hobbie to coup with the loss.
She left behind her esile out on the padio along with her paints, brushes and the big plastic bag of mica powder, that's how I knew she was gone.
I only prayed that she went out on a drive when I saw her mustard yellow mustang was gone from the complex garage.
But as I waited, I began to worry and began looking for clues as to where she might have gone to chill since she only been out of this apartment once or twice, but when I saw the old bandages in the trash and the fresh wraps in the first aid kit haven't been touched, that's how I knew, she was never coming back.
If I could cry I would be barling my eyes out now, and alerted the neighbors to my distress.
I waited for Alice to call, to tell me where Y/n is.
I closed my eyes as I waited for Carlisle and Jasper along with Alice and Esme.(Flash back)
I came back and said before opening the door, smelling the spray, fresh and it started during a couple of mintues ago.
But Y/n's scent was strong but the spray was overpowering it.
'Somethings not right'.
"Y/n you outside"?
I opened the door and that when I said seeing the back doors opened.
"Y/n you'll catch a cold waiting for your painting-,
(I then said seeing the esile empty.)
I ran downstairs and pulled myself together when I went to Alex, Y/n's best friend in the time we been here.
I then said as she smiled at me.
"Alex have you seen Y/n?
She said she be waiting for me".
Alex then said nodding.
"Well she must of went outside to sell her painting.
I got to say Edward, she's really talented.
Don't worry she'll turn up, I would of to if I been coupt up all day indoors working on something beautiful, I go for a drive as well".
I then said smiling.
I waited, for over an hour, Y/n never stayed out this long.
I then smelled it when the spray went away.
'Y/n's blood'.
I went to the bathroom and saw it, i smelled the spray from the can she used and the old bandages.
I then went to the first aid kit and saw the untouched bandages.
I pulled out my phone and Alice was calling me.
I then said.
"Alice Y/n's gone".
Alice then said.
"I can't see her Edward, only shapes and colors".
Thats what made me stop breathing, I then said quietly.
Alice that's Impossible"!
Jasper was now on the phone and he said.
"Edward calm down, this won't help find Y/n".
I then said shacking my head, fighting his power, even over the phone his powers work.
"No I have to get out there, Y/n could be-".
Jasper then said.
"Edward Y/n's powers will protect her.
(I was finally relaxing and confused, he said.)
Carlisle heared one of them, persuasion, and I was held back by her mind.
Do you remember Y/n talking directly to Casper after he made some noises, she can understand him?
The accident with Taylor's van"?
I stopped breathing and remebered Y/n's answer when I asked why she went to Bella.
'I just had a gut feeling'.
I then said.
"She saw the future".
Jasper then said.
"I think Y/n is one of the rare few in the world that has multiple powers.
(He toke a breath and said.)
My father had a gift, my grand father and his mother.
Edward, it's more than possible that Y/n's gifts are genetic.
We are driving to Carlisle and Esme right now, the sun is going to rise soon in Rio, so you need to stay inside.
We'll come to you once the sun goes down ".

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