*Edward Cullen, Jacob, Sam x reader part 9 final*(Edwards pov)
Bella shock y/n by her shoulders, Sherlock whimpered laying down, looking at y/n.
I ran faster than i can blink.
Sam jogged over and Jacob in his wolf form didn't need to run fast to come to y/n's side.
I then said holding y/n's head.
(I smelled and i looked to bella.)
Bella listen to me, did y/n have any coffee"?
Bella then said.
"Yes, she toke it to keep her awake".
Sam then said.
"That means she didn't sleep".
Jacob then thought.
'Cause she was scared'.
I then said looking to jacob.
"Say that again".
Jacob then thought.
'Shes scared, something must of really spooked her to keep her up all night'.
Bella then said.
"Um sorry i don't read minds, but can someone please tell me what's happening to my best friend"!?
I never seen Bella this upset.
I then said.
"Y/n was scared, Jacob says something must of really spooked her to keep her up all night".
Bella then said holding her head.
"Oh my God, this is my fault".
Sam then said.
"Bella calm down, how is this your fault".
Bella then said.
"Laruent knew y/n was living at the cullens house, y/n says Victoria is here.
And she's right, Victoria sent him to see if i was still being protected.
I had the thought that if he saw y/n before hand then he might have told Victoria.
Y/n looked like she was going to have a panic attack".
I then said as fear freezed me.
"That's why she didn't come back to the house last night".
Sam then said.
"Y/n knows how dangourse Victoria is".
Jacob then thought and panic raced threw him.
'Shes not safe'.
I then said picking up y/n.
"We need to get y/n and Bella out of forks".
Jacob then thought.
'The pack house'.
I then said looking to jacob.
"The pack house".
Sam got up and said to embry.
"Take y/n and Bella to the pack house".
Sherlock whimpered as i handed y/n over to embry.
I then said patting my neek.
"It's okay sherlock".
He came to me and i pet him.
He put his paw in my hand and he watched embry put y/n in the back seat of her Lamborghini.
I then said grabbing the leash.
"Come on".
He listened to me and got in the car.
Bella got in with embry and quill got in the driver seat.
I then said.
"Take them to the pack house".
Quill then said.
"You got it man".He drove off and paul thought as he watched the car.
'Im so so sorry'.
I then said.
"None of us knew things will turn out this way paul".
Sam then said.
"Will y/n wake up"?
I then said.
"She will, but with a migraine.
Hearing jacob and paul fight didn't help since she had coffee".
Sam then said to Paul.
"You and me will see if we can find Victoria's sent".
I then said.
"I'll check on y/n and jacob".(Y/n's pov)
I woke up to a blanket being placed on me.
Bella then said stopping me from moving to fast.
"Easy it's just me".
I then said looking around recognising the house im in.
"Is this-".
Bella then said.
"The pack house.
Good news, Laurent is dead".
I then said siting up.
"But the danger of Victoria knowing im aware of the cullens is still on the table".
The pack came in and said.
"Hey she's awake ed".
I raised my eyebrow.
'Who they calling ed'?
Edward camong into view and said.
I then said looking at him in shock.
"How the heck-"?
He then said shrugging his shoulders smiling.
"I'll let Sam and Jacob explain once them come back from patrol.
Im just beginning to understand how".
Bella then said looking at him with venom in her eyes.
I looked to Edward and i said.
"Just wait outside".
He left and i said to Bella.
"I know there's bed blood between you two.
But understand things changed.
(She looked away and i said.)
You know what another thing we both have in common is being stubborn as bulls.
But this.
(I pointed at her.)
Pardon me for pointing but you need to act like an adult not a 2 year old with a temper tantrum"!
She looked at me and said.
"I don't understand.
I thought i feel the love I did for him, but now i feel friendship, and anger".
I then said looking at her then at paul.
"When did your feeling change"?
She then said.
"When i looked at paul before you got between us why"?
I then said looking back at Bella.
"I think you and i are going to be told the whole thing about the wolves when Sam and Jacob get back".
Paul then came over and said to Bella.
"Im sorry".
He then said to me.
"Especially to you, i almost hurt my alphas imprint".
I then said.
"Alpha's plural"?
Paul nodded and Bella then said.
"Wait what does he mean"?
I then said.
"He means there's two alphas in this pack".
Jacob came threw the door frame and said.
I got up and said walking to him.
He hugged me and he said holding my head.
"You okay, does your head hurt"?
I then said stopping him, holding his wrists.
"I'm fine, exhausted but fine".
Sam then said coming threw.
Edward came in and he said to Sam.
"Paul imprinted to,
(He looked to Bella.)
They both need to know, more specifically Bella".
I then said looking to Bella.
"Cause i know their history before entering this world".
Jacob held me gentally to keep me from moving to fast and Sam sat on my other side.
Edward behind us, checking for bumps on my head.
Paul then said to bella.
"Bella, your my imprint, y/n and Edward are Sam and Jacobs imprints.
(Bella's eyes widened.)
An imprint is like a soulmate.
Our other half.
(Pointing to me, Sam, Jacob and Edward.)
Two wolves together with two other partners is new.
Especially since one of them is a vampire.
The treaty changed the minute Sam and Jacob not only imprint on y/n but on Edward too".
I flinched when edward touched a bump.
He then said.
"Your skull fractured a small bit".
I then said.
"It will heal, until them please don't poke at it.
I have a hard time not scratching it at it is".
He then said rubbing my shoudlers.
"We'll get carlise to look at it okay".
I then said.
"No i can't move, if Victoria knows about me, she'll change targets, track my sent.
Shell follow me.
She's on a war path".
Sam then said.
"She has tp go threw us".
Alice came threw the door next and said cheerfully.
"And she won't get past us know that we're back.
(She came to me and said holding my hands.)
It is so nice to meet my future sister in law".
She hugged me and i pat her back hugging her back.
Even thought i met her in person i feel like i know her.
Her happiness about us meet is infectious.
Rosalie came threw next and said.
"Even thought i dont like the smell of wet dog, i like that my brother is happy".
I then said.
"You must be rose".
She then said smiling.
I looked away and thought shacking the weird feeling.
'Wow rose being geniully nice'.
Edward then whispered in my ear.
"Your going have to get used to it".
Sherlock jumped onto my lap kissing my face.
This is the beginning of my new life.
This is part of my story, the next is the eclipse and honestly thought im scare shit**** i know that if i have my boys. Edward, jacob and Sam then im completely safe.To be contiued

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