(Y/n's pov)
I arrived at the temple and Maya was waiting in the hallway to be crowned.
I then said as i stood beside her.
She gulped and i said patting her hand that was held up by the rope to jeep the big crown balanced.
"Don't worry, ill be there to help you".
She smiled and said.
"Thank you hermana".
I then said.
"Your welcome hermana".
We walked forward when our father looked to us to come out.
People gasped and cheered.
They sat the crown on Mayas head and Mayas step mother said holding a little smaller one with a moon on it.
"Today we crown a queen, but not just one.
(I was shocked, i would of understood she be pissed at her husband when she found out i was also his kid.
But she's been sweet to me since i got her.
I never thought she do this.)
We crown two queens.
Queen Maya, and queen y/n".
She placed the crown on my head and the people from the three kingdoms applaud.
The puma warroirs bowed and the skeleton queen said cheerfully.
"Sun and moon queens".
She was right, the egal is the symblo of the sun, owls the moon.
The mark on my arm was on show, but the moment the sky went dark i felt it.
I looked to see that my mark was now glowing with a hidden bat, glowing green.
I looked up as zats and colmillo came.
I raised my hand to stop fad from charging him.
I then said.
"No, he's a demigod.
But he's not alone".
Dats removed his helment and he said to everyone.
"I came to warn you.
Michlan wants your daughters for power.
The only two demigoddess of death".
I looked the the teca warriors aiming to attack.
The other tribes looked at me and i said.
"Stand down, there's no honor in fighting someone who came to help".
Zats looled surprised and Maya then said looking at me.
"You sure"?
I then said looking at her.
"Believe me Maya, if he came to attack, he would of engaged without giving us a chance to arm and evacuate.
He's more than capable of taking us on one by one".
I walked down and she followed me, the people watched us surprised and once we were a feat away from zats Maya spook.
"Why warn us"?
He rubbed his arm and i saw a tiny glow from under his armor.
I remebered the hidden bat that glowed over my owl mark.
He must know how to see what hidden animals glows over his bat mark.
I then said looking to maya, makeing a sociagical assessment of zats morals.
"Cause he's half human Maya.
(I saw the braclete.)
He's a puma warrior like his mother".
Zats asked surprised.
"Who do you know that"?
I pointed to his wrist and i said.
"Your father is the God of bats.
I guessed your mother gave you that bracelet".
He then lightly smiled in the corner and said.
"She is a puma warrior,
(He pet colmillo and said.)
Father said colmillo was once her puma".
'Ah colmillo is not only a friend, but zatz protector.
And family, pumas weren't called pets in the Mayan days.
They were called guardians and family's'.
I then said as i got closer and colmillo came forward and rubbed agasint my arm.
"So this sweet puma is your best friend"?
Zatz nodded and said as colmillo sat down and layed his head on my shoulder.
"He likes you,
(He bowed.)
Your highness".
I then said holding my hand out, the hand that leads up to my arm with the owl.
"Please, call me y/n".
He toke a gental hold of my hand and the hidden bat glowed and zats eyes widened.
Once our hands let go, colmillo purred and i began to scratch his chin.
I then said as the clouds went away.
"Now this won't do".
I clapped my hands and the clouds came back, but not dark.
Lightly gray, enough to block the sun.
The only time zatz was in open sun light was when he died.
Zatz relaxed and he said.
"Thanl you".
I then said as the sound of a grumble came from colmillo, i smiled at zats.
"You two must have traveled a long distance, please you must be hungry".
Zatz then said smiling.
"Your generosity is amazing y/n".
He walked beside me and Maya joined me and chapa came over worried, but spooked of colmillo.
I then said as i pet chapa.
"We're fine chapa".
Chapa went over to colmillo and they became fast friends.
But as i looked at Zats who talked strategy with Maya and our family about our next move i can't help but feel worried, for Maya and zatz, more for zatz since o knew his fate when this is all over if i didn't change a few things.(Time skip to the end of the war and everyone lives)
As Lord michlan, well basically exploded I was hit by a big chunk of him on the side of my head.
I didn't pass out completely, but the sound of a loud skreech made me look to a incoming bluery figure I knew to be Zatz in his big bat form.
My powers over the dead came in handy when my mother was in trouble.
And she didn't get caught and thankfully Zatz didn't have to sacrifice himself so she could live longer to fight.I was so close to the ground that the moment Zatz caught me the momentum of flying back up almost made me puke then pass out, and yes in that order.
Zatz landed, Maya, our three parental figures, our friends Rico, picho, chimi and God's that turned against Lord michlan, including Zatz father, crowed around us.
I thought i was fighting to stay awake, turns out that piece of Lord michlan, just cause a major head ache that could litteraly make me pass out in the slightest hint of exhaustion.
Zatz shifted back, the light made me turn my head into the ground as i covered my eyes.
Zatz picked me up and i said seeing his frightened expression fade away.
"Im good i promise".
Zatz kissed me, i was shocked until I kissed him back.
When that happened everyone cheered.
For that battle being over, and for mine and zatz sutle display of affection.
Once we pulled away zatz higged me tightly to him as he said as I could hear the tears falling down his face.
"I was so worried I was going to lose you".
I pulled back and wipe the tears away and said making him look at me.
"Im not going anywhere any time soon Zatz, i love you to much to leave this world".
He kissed me again and said.
"I love you to MI princessa".
Colmillo worried about us both pushed his way through and began rubbing me and i said holding him as he layed in my lap.
"Easy colmillo we're okay".
Zatz smiled and said as colmillo licked my cheek.
"I think he was more worried about you my love.
(Colmillo gave Zatz some attention and zatz then said looking at his mother who my mom brought back to visit, then back at me.)
There's someone i want you to meet".
He looked just like her, white hair and same purple and green make up.
When i was introduce she hugged me and said.
"Thank you for saving my son and returning his affections".
I then said as zatz held me to his side.
"He had my heart the moment i saw him".
Zatz blushed and he said pecking my forehead.
"You had mine the moment saw you as well.
(Colmillo came to our side and zatz said.)
You were kind to colmillo and i knew i was in love".
I let colmillo and he began to purr really really loudly.
I'm glad everyone survived, most of all im happy zatz and i survived and get our happily ever after.Thee end
To be contiued...

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