Charles Xavier x reader

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(Y/n's pov)
I don't know what made this day worse, the fact I had a splitting headaches that seemed to come out of nowhere a few weeks ago.
Or the fact that this bar littleraly smelled of stale beer, cheap alcohol, moldy wood and cigar smoke.
I then said as I put my nose over the lid of my soda.
"You have about five seconds to put that dam cigar out Logan".
He looked at me and said his calm usual way, but I could hear his concern from his quiet tone.
"The head ache still there"?
I nodded and he put it out, for as long as I known Logan, he never puts out his cigar, the only person that could even get away with put thing out with him watching was a mulit-talented Jean Gray.
Only she wasn't born yet, sorry where are my manners, I'm Y/n L/n, and I'm not from the world of X-men.
Where I came from, this world was both made into the most popular movie franchise, and the biggest comic collection I ever layed my eyes on.
But never did I ever think I ever be apart of this world, let alone have the similar fricking powers as Jean Gray, only Jean couldn't make objects appear out of thin air when she thought about them.
He then looked to the bar tender and said.
"Do you have pain relief"?
The bar tender nodded and said placing it infront of me.
"Here you go Y/n".
I then said looking at Jaime.
"Thanks Jamie".
The doors opened, I rubbbed my head and the moment the fimilar smell of cologne hit nose.
The head ache was going asay, like it was being repaired.
'I apologise for the pain you suffered.
I didn't know I might reach another mind reader'.
I turned to look at him, Charles Xavier, along with the metal bender Erik Lehnsherr.
Logan looked at me and asked.
"Is he the one"?
I looked at Logan and said.
"It wasn't his fault, I didn't even know there was another mind reader out there in the world.
Let alone that he or she's powers could be amplified".
Logan became like a protective father and big brother when he saw I was just like him.
I then looked to Charles and said.
"Charles this is Logan,
(I looked to logan and said.)
Logan this is Charles,
(I then said to logan.)
Be nice".
Logan then said looking at Charles.
"Your lucky she's here".
Charles then said sitting beside me.
"So tell me what's your name"?
I then asked.
"Didn't you hear it when you guys reached my mind like I heared yours"?
He then said curious.
"Intreseting, what else did you hear"?
I then said confused.
"Only what you can probably look up on the internet.
Your a professor on the theory of mutantions.
A rising star in the academic feild and you have a adopted sister named Raven".
Erik then said.
"Wow she's good".
Charles then was looking at me with an emotion I can't identiy.
I then said looking at Erik.
"I'm completely lost".
Erik then said.
"Charles can't read your mind, but you could read his, for however brief your meeting was".
I then said looking at Charles and remembered how that meeting ended.
"Sorry for how I reacted".
Charles then said.
"You dont have to apologise, if I were you I probably would of done the same".
Logan then muttered as he drank his beer.
"Reading thousands of people's minds at the same time can do that to you".
Charles then asked.
"I know you have basic knowledge of your powers, but I,
(Erik raised his eyebrow playfully.)
I mean we can help you both".
I looked at Logan and thought in his head.
'I won't go if you won't Logan'.
Logan looked and me and said.
"Even though youll be safer with others like you"?
I then thought.
'You became more than a friend, you became my brother.
My father always said never leave your brothers behind.
I'm not leaving you behind Logan, Semper Fi'.
Logan finished his beer and said the second part after taking hold of my hand.
"Do or die".
Then we said at the same time before turning to Charles and Erik.
Charles was smiling and Logan said.
"So where are we heading to train"?
I playfully narrowed my eyes at Logan.
Charles then said.
"Xavier manor".

(Time skip to the beach) *month or so later*

I grabbed hold of the bullet as I yelled, seeing where it will hit Charles.
The pressure was huge on my head, now I understand why Erik had trouble moving metal bigger than this bullet.
I looked at Erik and said as I used my last bit of strength.
"I'm sorry".
I through my arm andthe bullet hit Erik in the arm.
I fell to the ground and Logan yelled running in my direction.
The mutants that event to Erika side toke him and left.
But everything was spinning so fast around me that I only noticed when the pressure lessened.
I felt sick as I swayed side to side on my neeks.
I looked up at the ships and said standing up reaching Banshee and Havok.
"No man left behind".
I closed my eyes and pictured a portal right below their feet, then the end of it to be above the beach floor.
Once done, they fell and landed on the soft sand.
That was the last of my strength, I began to fall from exhaustion.
Charles yelled seeing this.
"Y/n no"!
I landed on the soft grains of sand of the beach.
My eyes fluttering to stay awake.
Charles said picking up my upper half and said holding my cheeks, tears streaming down his face.
"Y/n why?
Why did you do that"?
I then said holding Charles cheek.
"Because for the month I got to know you Charles, I fell hard for you.
(He was shocked and I said.)
The dream you have is so beautiful, i hope one day it will be a reality".
Charles then said hand on my temple.
"Y/n You have a concussion, if you close your eyes-".
I then said.
"I might not be able to wake up I know.
(Tears streamed and I wiped them away.)
But I know a I will, because I am a devil pup".
I closed my eyes and everything went black, but not before I heared him say.
"I love you to".

(Time skip) *2 days later*

I toke a deep breath, and opened my eyes the moment the sunlight hit my closed eye lids.
I sat up and stretched and noticed I was still in my X-men uniform.
I got up and said slightly stabling myself when I noticed I was about to fall flat on my butt.
"Wow, I've been alseep so long that I almost tripped on nothing".

I smelled somthing funky and noticed it was coming from me.
I scrunched my face and said.
"Yeah need a shower, now".
I looking in the closet of the room I noticed was Charles.
I gentally grabbed on of his white dress shirts.
I noticed that it had a slight smell of his cologne.
I looked at my uniform, thankfull that hanl made it into a two piece instead of full suit.
I quickly toke a shower and put back on the jeans and then put on Charles dress shirt.
'It's alittle baggy but I can manage'.

I then exited and heared Hank talk to someone down stairs.
I rolled my eyes when I noticed it was Logan who was pushing Hank to find a way to wake me up.
I passed them without them even glancing my way and went outside.
I smiled at the fimilar lush green grass from the stairs below of the back yard of Xavier manor.

I opened my mind to search the manor for Charles like he taught me.
I furrowed my eyebrows and noticed he's not here.
'Humm, he must be out'.
My instincts were telling me to walk to the front of the manor, so that's what I did.
I saw his car pull up, and i waited.
He stopped half way, not pulling up to the garage.
That's when he reached out to me.
I began running to him and he got out of his car and did the same.
Once we reach one another, he kissed me, wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
Once we pulled away he said with a smile on his face, happy tears streaming down his face.
"Your awake".
I then said smiling.
"I promised didn't I"?
He nodded and said.
"Yes, yes you did.
(He noticed I was whereing his dress shirt.)
Is that my shirt"?
I blushed and he said smiling.
"You look amazing".
Logan screamed looking for me and i flinched covering my ears.
I then said turning to the manor using my outdoor voice.
"For Pete sack Logan I'm out side"!
Charles was laughing and said.
"You two defiantly have a brother and sister relashionship".
Logan came out with Hank and hank said coming toward us with logan not far behind him.

"Y/n You should be resting".
I then said.
"I rested enough,
(I looked to Charles and asked.)
Speaking of which how long have I been asleep"?
Logan then said.
"Two days,
(He hugged me to him and said.)
I was so worried about you devil pup".
I then said.
"Trust me Logan, I'm not going anywhere".
I then went to Charles and i said smiling as he hugged me.
"I dont know about you guys, but im starving".
Charles then said looking to Hank.
"Hank can you get the others?
We are going out to lunch".
Hank then said.
"Of course professor X".
I then said looking at Charles.
"So you kept Ravens code name for you"?
Raven coming out from the manor, blue in all said smiling at me.
"Pretty fitting if I do say so myself".
I then said running to hug her.
She hugged me, I hugged her back.
She stayed, she didn't go with Erik.
I looked at Charles and saw his smile.
He then said.
"Now, let get something to eat".
I'm awake, alive and with the man I love and my new family.
What can be much better than this?

Thee end...

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