*15 mintues before the bell rings*
(Y/n's pov)
Jessica looked at me like I had three heads when I shrugged my shoulders and turned my attention back to the group.
I then said as I looked at Jessica's open mouth and bug eyes.
"Um Jessica why are you looking at me like that"?
She then said fixing her facial expression.
"Sorry Y/n it's just,
(She then said it like it was obvious.)
That's Edward Cullen, he was staring at you and you turned you back and passed it off like he was just another teenage boy".
Angela then said lightly smiling at me.
"Usually alot of the girls here fall for him when they look at him".
I then said lightly smiling.
"Sure he's cute, but I don't even know him.
(I lied through my teeth, as I turned around to see he was still staring.
I closed my eyes and waved before turing back to my group.
I opened my eyes and said.)
Besides there's a slim chance we'll even share one class for us to even to become friends".
I frowned in my minds eye as I remembered the real reason I shouldn't even be thinking about starting a relashionship with him again.
'I'm half witch, half vampire, If Aro knew the truth to my powers, he find a way to use not only Edward,
(I turned my head to stare at the Sadie Hawkins dance poster two students decided to set up before they began to pack their things before the bell rang to signal the end of the lunch hour.
Remebering the Sadie Hawkins dance I went with him in 1917.
But really I was focusing on using my perfial vision to look at him.)
but his sibilings and my father and Esme.
They would be used to get me back to the Voltoiri'.
I subconsciously rubbed the permant scar on my palm and I closed my eyes for a brief moment.
'I lost my grandfather and mother because of my part vamperism, distanced myself from my own father because I feared he blame himself for letting me be with him as grandpa made him hunt for evil'.
I opened my eyes and gathered my things.
Part of me wanted to go back to my dad, tell him I'm still here, to be with Edward again because I feel the old pull coming from my heart being tugged into his direction.
Just like my mated friends always said they felt when they found their mates.
This half life is a lonely one, I been looking for my mate for nearly two hundred and sixty three years before i found him.
But he got sick with the spanish influenza when he was 17 and then he disapeared when I came to visit him to turn him myself and his mother Elizabeth.
But she died before I got to her, and Edward was gone when I made it to the wing where the infected was waiting for medical help.
But now that I found him again, that my father is just a walk down to the hospital where Jessica says he works and that I have another family, I can't go to them.
'This is for their safty Y/n, you can't afford to be selfish.
(My heart ache and I had to suppress the tears that wanted to escape from my eyes.)
No matter how much you want to even if it's just this one time'.
Bella then said picking up on my hidden saddness.
"Hey you okay"?
I then said honestly as I looked at the Sadie Hawkins dance poster.
"Where I used to live we didn't have dances per say.
But a gathering, mom used to take me shoping for something to wear and we come home to see my dad smiling.
It's just sad that she won't be here to help me find my dress".
'Its sad that I can't be with Edward like I wanted when I first found him'.
Bella stood up and said hugging me.
"It you want we can go dress shoping together".
Angela stood up and came over as she agreed.
"Yeah, we can have a girls day out in Seattle".
Mike got up and then patted my shoulder as he spoke.
"Why don't we go with you girls.
(Eric and Tyler nodded as they grabbed their bags.)
Me and Tyler were planing on going to the gamestop in Seattle this Friday with Eric after school anyway".
I heared a loud snap, and I wasn't the only one.
Bella jumped as she asked.
"What just broke"?
Since I had vampire hearing, I picked up where it came from the moment I heared it.
Then the sound of smoothing and molecules falling to the floor reached my ears.
'oh Edward thinks Mike could steal me away from hin'.
I used my magic to snap an unoccupied chair and I turned .
I said like I looked at it for the first time.
"There's the culprit".
Bella then said as she looking at it.
"How did this metal chair break anyway, it looks brand new".
I then said as a mit was walking away from the chair.
"Some bugs eat rust, all it takes is a tiny bit to attract them and they'll eat the rust and the metal surronding it".
Jessica then said.
"I'll stop by the principles office to tell them a chair broke and to call exterminator".

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