(Y/n's pov)
I never thought that victoria was coming for me, in the weeks after Bella found out her best friend was a shifter, I carefully watched over her.
Perparing her to defend herself.
Should of thought about standing behind a wall though cause her magic in the beginning was klutzy.
I was sitting on the beach and said as i rubbed my head.
"She's spunky ill give her that".
The voice of a female vampire vampire said and i stiffened.
"Just like her ancestor.
(I turned to her and she said.)
You look good for a 300 and 33 year old witch".
I then said closing my fist as i let energy head their and build discreetly.
"Let me guess you found my old portairt in the Salem witch trials musem.
Didn't know you were interested in history, Victoria".
She lightly smiled and said"You know James had it all wrong, Edward wasn't protecting Bella.
He was protecting you".
I was confused and said.
"Sorry come again"?
Victoria smiled and said.
"Wow you really don't know?
(She then looked avidly bought my eues flash purple and froze her feet.)
For a powerful witch, you really are stupi-".
She tried to move but couldn't and i said.
Walking around her.
"Don't ever stall a kill young lady.
That's the problem with younger nomads today in this day and age.
Always draw things out to gloat over your pray.
That's how i was able to get the upper hand on your mate.
He underestimated me, yet you think to slow.
And didn't your creater teach you the most important thing about witches"?
I then whispered in her ear.
"Never piss them off".
She then explodedand then i dusted myself off and said coughing.
"Oh wow, pungent".I levitate the parts that didn't turn to dust and i said walking over to the fire.
"Can't be to carefull".
The cloud of lavender bellowed into the sky and jacob and Bella came running with the wolf pack.
Bella then said holding my arms out to see rapidly healing.
"You okay"!?
I then said as i stopped her by holding her hands .
"Im okay Bella, I've spent 300 and 33 years of my life protecting my descandents from supernatrals.
Scraps and bruises are barely harmfull to me".
Jacob nudged my shoulder with his big nose and i said petting him.
"But I think I won't get the smell of lavender out of my head for a while".
Sam said, being in his human form saw Jacob stare at him as he carefully layed his muzzle on my shoulder without putting his weight on it.
"Still when we saw the smoke you kind of scared us.
Jacob just got one of his soulmates.
Your family now".
I then said.
"I didnt plan to run into her on purpose,
(Bella then hugged me.)
I need air before coming back for lunch".
Sam then said as he guided me and Bella to his truck.
"Emily made enough since we were coming from chasing Victoria".
(Time skip)(Edwards pov)
I just arrived in forks and Alice called surprised.
"Edward, y/n she's the same y/n in the salem witch trials".
I then said as i caught her scent leading to la push.
"Then that means-".
Alice then said.
"She's immortal, has been since she turned 17".
I then asked.
"She's the witch that saved her self and Bella from Victoria.
She knew we were vampires when we entered the cafiteria.
Not when Bella told her.
(I then asked.)
This may be a stupid question aloce but can she, like me, read minds"?
Alice then said.
"She is a which, her gifts could be more than one.
Maybe one of them is what guards her mind from you reading it, you read some witch minds before hers".
I then said.
"When i first a proached her she was talking to a dog like it was talking back.
I suddenly stopped when she turned lile I hit a wall, but then i felt like i was pushed a step back like a person".
Alice ten said.
"Ill have to tell Carlisle, if the voltoiri learn of this-".
I then said.
"Then y/n is in more danger".
Alice,then said.
"And that you two are imprints to Jacob black".
I then thought as I remebered i did have some feeling for the dog, wished that he wasn't born my eneime when i read his mind, pure and innocent.
I probably felt more about him than i let myself on.
I then said.
"Alice when will everbody arrive in forks"?
She then said.
"A day or two, you better patch things up with y/n She's older and more knowledgeable than she looks".
I smiled as I thought she was 18 year old human and said.
"Witches, tricky as they are stunning".
I turned off my phone and ran to my old house, i don't know how long y/n will be on the res, but she's safer there for the time being.As i entered my empty room i couldn't help but relive the memory of when y/n was in here with bella.
'I never seen so much music since,
(Y/n corrected herself.)
My mothers collection'.The younger me looked intrigued at the statement and y/n said eyes widening at the sight of my books.
'I don't know who has more books, you, Bella or me'.The younger me asked.
'Where do you keep them'?
Y/n then said.
'One trunk holds them all'.I toke a breath and looked to the woods and said holding y/n could hear me, but lile me she had to be fimilar to hear me long distance, otherwise she be out of range.
'Im back y/n and i promise to never hurt you again.
Or be an idiot when i should of trusted myself when you did with all your heart and soul'.(Time skip)
(Y/n's pov)
I pulled the blanket over Bella as she rests on the couch at Jacobs pack house.
Jacob then said mocking on the door frame before entering.
"Nock nock.
(I looked at him and he said.)
How is she"?
I then said standing up and walking out and into the fresh air.
"In shock, but it'll wear off once she wakes up".
Jacob said as we both looked at the moon .
"You can feel it to hu, that he's coming back"?
I looked at jacob and said.
"He already is,
(Jacob was shocked and i said.)
Why do you think I was once the afternoon hit?
I don't how ill take to him being here".
Speaking of the vampire, he said coming out from behind the trees.
"And I'm sorry for what I done".
I then said not feeling mad.
"I believe you, but it's not me you should apologise to".
Edward then said.
"And o hope the both of you can forgive me, one day".
I sighed and said.
"I already have".
Jacob seemed to realise a breath he was holding and he said.
"Welcome back Edward".
I smiled at my boys, i toke note on how happy that made me feel.
I smiled at them.
'My boys'.Thee end.

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