(Y/n's pov) *three days later*
It only toke three days for Bella to bear with the mental wound Jacob gave her.
But I wouldn't of let her talk me into hiking to the feild Edward toke her if I didn't see she need closure for this part of her life.
Good thing Casper was a mustang or otherwise we would be walking the off the path trail to the feild.
The only reason I agreed was under one condition and that was that Casper came with us.
Bella was holding my waist so she doesn't fall off and knowing that with her clumsiness, she would break her ankle.
And that is only the minor injuries she would get riding a horse as we hiked in the woods.
I looked at Bella as I pulled Caspers reins as I saw we were close enough to the feild to see the conditon it was in.
I could practically feel the saddness, and it was not coming from Bella.
'Oh my good, everything is dying'.
I looked at Bella and asked.
"You sure about this"?
She nodded and said.
"Can you give me a minute before coming over to comfert me".
I had a bad feeling the mintue she asked me that, but I nodded anyway.
I then said as I nudged Casper's right side with the tip of my foot.
"Me and Casper will be right at the edge okay"?
She nodded and Casper bended down so Bella could get off easier.
I got off and held his reins and gave him a treat as I watched Bella with my perfial vision.
After a mintue of two, i looked up to see Laurent.
I said to Casper with a whisper.
"Caspire stay here".
I ran and said as I pushed him with my mind when I saw he speed closer to her.
"Over my dead body a******"!
He looked at me gunning to kill me, 'Victoria must of told him he could kill me'.
Casper neighed and began to run us, but before that there was a big snap that echoed the silence.
Laurent looked to the trees where the snap came from and said seeing what me and Bella can't because of his perfect vampire eye sight.
"I don't believe it".
That's when I knew what was in the woods.
I then said.
"You just signed your death warrant the moment you layed your murders glare on me you a** so you better believe it".
That's when the red one came out with the black side by side.
They had their heads lowered, but the moment they rose to show that they were bigger than a house with their ears pulled back and teeth beared, did I know they were far from p*****.
I didn't know biology and social ranks of wolves to notice that these two were alphas, where the alphas, there won't be a pack to far behind.
That's when the pack showed, the exact number of the boys in Sam's group on the Res.
Two boys I know to be Jacobs friends, Quil and Embry, the other two were ones I couldn't where I could remeber one human face but not the other.
'One of them must be Jard'.Laurent ran and the other members of the pack ran after him.
But the red and black wolf stayed behind and reined in their anger as they turned their heads to look at me, ears no long pulled back and teeth no longer beared.
I wouldn't believe it myself if I didn't see it myself, but they looked like calm harmless giants puppies when they stared at me.
I then said as Casper toke hold of my sleeve, he does not want me and Bella to be here anymore than the wolves did when they saw Laurent was going to kill me first the moment I got him away from Bella.
"Ill be fine, go your pack needs you more than me".
The red wolf didn't want to leave, but the back wolf lightly purred to him and then he looked back at me.
The red wolf came forward and I knew what he wanted.
The black wolf followed the red wolf's lead.
I then heared both their thoughts the moment my hand touched their fur.
They were in sink, their minds in their wolf forms are connected psychically, probably to commintate and coordinate their movements when hunting vampires.
That's why I could hear them say this at the same time.
'We'll always protect you'.
I then said looking at them both.
"I know you guys will,
(I looked to see where Laurent ran.)
I promise I'll be fine".
They nodded and their anger was set free the moment they ran after Laurent.
Casper neighed and i said looking at Bella's shock.
"Believe me Bella, I want to tell you their secret, but i can't.
You need to remember what Jacob told us at the La push beach party.
(I pulled out the drawling I did of the two wolves.
Both colored the way I saw them in my imagination before I dreamed about them.
Now that I saw them in reality, I startle even myself that my foresight struck me again and I didn't even notice it when it happened that time.)
Don't look at it until I get you home okay?
(She nodded and I said.)
I'm going to go for a ride with Casper to make sure Laurent didn't escape and go into town and kill anyone.
Do not leave the house until I got back Okay"?
She nodded and I said getting on Casper and holding my hand out.
"Time to giddy up".
She grabbed my hand and I pulled her up and kicked Casper's hunches, carefully as to not hurt him.
But he kicked it into high gear much faster, but aggressively.
He wanted to get as far from here as possible for all of our safty.
Bella could tell becasue she was huddling closer to me.
We arrived in record time and I said as Bella got off.
"Stay in the house, we'll be right back".
Casper then ran and i siad as i decided to expand one of my gifts over the town of forks and the reservation.
"Okay Laurent, where are you if you escaped"?
I gasped as I could see the entire town me and Casper was heading towards, hear every thought of my friends, their family's and all the residence in town.
I didn't know it toke 30 mintues for me to see that no one even caught a glimpse of Laurent.
But when I heared Bella's truck heading in the direction of the reservation, and hearing the wolves heading to where she was going, Jacobs house.
It felt like my mind was returning to my body, that's why I made the comparison of to that of a phantom limb gaining feeling back in its muscle and feeling the pain that made the feeling go away.
I then said as Casper knew by my mood to turn in the same direction Bella was going to the Reservation .
"Isabella Swan you are going to drive me up the wall".
'If the Cullen's knew they would say you already have'.
Casper pushed to be faster and faster, that was when I noticed we were running like a vampire.
Well Casper was running like a vampire, my mind escaped me again and I saw it, my eyes were golden.
They went away the same time my mind returned and we just arrived to see Bella stomping up the tree boys i recognised.
Sam, Paul and Quil.
I then said see paul shack violently, sp much that I could see steam, after Bella punched him.
Casper kicked it up another notch as i yelled knowing what was going on.
"Bella get away from him now"!
Bella ran like red riding hood away from the big back wolf, only thing time red riding hood is wearing black and brown, a brunette instead of a blond, and a legal adult instead of a child.
Paul shifted into the gray wolf me and bella saw walker in the feild.
I rhen said as Paul attached the ground.
"You mess with the horse,
(Casper raised his top half and neighed and Paul looked scared and I said.)
You get the hooves"!
I heared jacob yelling as he exited his house.
"Y/n, Casper"!
Rhats when I heared the sound of cloths ripping.
Casper stomped Paul's face and Paul yelped in pain.
Backing away, and I siad seeing the anger still there.
"That's alot worse he could of done to you without me here Paul, now go cool off before I get off Casper and make you".
Paul paused looked at me and the relaxed.
Like he was proud at my guts.
I turned to see behind me and i saw him, Jacob in his wolf form, my drawling in his teeth because he must of picked it up from Bella dropping it.
I was shocked and said seeing the names of the wolves appear in dark blue ink.
The name of the wolf appeared under them.
Jacobs name appeared under the red wolf, Sam's appeared under the black wolf.
I then began to feel dizzy and said lightly as Casper imeaditly got down so I could get off, talking to Bella.
"And I thought I wouldn't be surprised of anything supernatraul.
But this,
(I petting Casper's neck and he hummed.)
I'm surprised I'm staying sane knowing that these power's are only getting started".
Sam then said seeing me blink really fast and lean onto Casper.
I then passed out and That's when I heared it.
Edwards voice in my head.
'Rest now Y/n, I'm coming back soon just stay where you are'.
Well I won't have a choice, I've been up because of my gut feeling on how this day would go after Bella asked me if we can go hiking the day before.
The caffeine from the coffee that I drinked to keep me awake was finaly gone, and the crash was what made me pass out faster.
She screamed before everything goes black.
"Y/n"!(Time skip)
(Bella's pov)
I went to her, and I said seeing that she was indeed passed out ontop of Casper.
The red wolf dropped Y/n's drawling and went to her.
I picked it up and was shocked to see the names.
'The red wolf is jacob, the black one is Sam'.
Jacob must of been checking her pulse because moved his head to be on her back, ear against it.
Sam then asked coming over taking Y/n's hand in his, two fingers on the inside of her wrist.
"Her pulse is steady,
(Jacob looked at him and nodded, and then whimpered as he placed his muzzle on her shoulder.)
I know jacob she'll be fine".
I ghen said lightly when i saw the date on the back of the picture.
"She knew, before she saw you guys".
Sam came over and said lightly smiling as he toke hold of the picture.
"I stopped being surprised when I first saw her".
Quil came over, holding Casper's rein's and asked with Jacob montiering them like a hawk.
"Should we take rhem to the pack house"?
Jacob looked at me and he nodded and Sam said.
(He saw Y/n's eye bags the moment she turned her head.)
And now, she has eye bags".
Casper didn't need to be told twice, he was the one pulling Quil around instead of quil pulling the reins.
Jacob appeared to be laughing as quil asked Casper.
"Hey stop, Casper heel!?
What did Y/n tell Casper to stop"!?
Sam then said seeing me watch worried.
"She'll be fine, you and her are safe on the reservation".
I then said.
"Even if she lived with the Cullens"?
He then said smiling lightly.
"Sorry for that,
We just needed to keep our secret.
But since Y/n lived with the Cullens, she had to know.
(He held the picture and saod.)
Also we know why the Cullens are on their way.
Victoria's here and since Y/n's alone in forks, she vulnerable, her gifts are just comeing into fouces, she'll need their help to control them ".
I looked at him and asked.
"The cullens are back"?(Time skip)
(Y/n's pov)
The moment I came to, I felt well rested.
I rose up and the blanket that covered me fell off and I was confused at my surroundings.
Tiredness leaving my face, Casper raised himself saying as his lips tickle my face.
"Y/n your okay".
I pet him and said as I got up.
"Yeah Casper I'm fine,
(I got up and asked seeing I wasn't in Bella's house, and this seemed to house multiple people.
And from the look of the mess in the livingroom, boys.)
Where are we"?
I heared someone in the kitchen, multiple someone's.
I stayed out untill I heared Bella's voice.
"I'm going to go check on her".
I stepped inside and Sam said seeing me.
"Hey you".
I then said alittle confused as I rubbed my eyes.
(I looked at the calender that's been hanging up and did a double take.)
How long have I been out"?
Jacob then said pulling out a chair beside him.
"Two days,
Here, before you fall".
I fack laughed and Casper followed in as I said.
"I'm exhausted that's all".
Casper layed down and was grabbing the apples.
I pet him and Bella said checking me.
"You alright"?
I then said lightly smiling.
"Ill be fine, my first pass out from all of this but it's natrual".
Embry then said.
"Jacob is right you are good with weird".
Quil then said smiling.
"Sam and Jacobs imprint is alot stronger than she looks".
I looked at Jacob then Sam, I knew what the word ment because my feelings and what my gut was telling me.
I love both boys, they felt the same way when they first saw me, an imprint is when a wolf sees their soulmate and the bond between them forges when they make eye contact.
Sam smiled and said as Jacob held my hand.
"Yes it's what It means.
(He held my other hand and said.)
But we can feel were missing another person and we can feel who it is from you.
(A tear escaped and Jacob wiped it away with the napkin.)
Don't worry, he is on his way back, so are the rest of the Cullens".
Jacob then said.
"It's not safe anymore in forks for you and bella.
I called Charlie and he said it's okay that you guys and Casper can stay a week".
I then asked looking at Sam.
"How did they know im here"?
Paul pulled out his phone and said.
"A YouTube caught you and Casper on camera when you guys went to Domino's".
I felt sick and Jacob said.
"It's okay, you guys look cute".
Casper perked his ears and jard said.
"I never seen a horse wear a flash light helment before".
I then said petting casper.
"Had it specialty ordered since Casper and I train at night, most people are asleep during that time, we choose that time so we couldn't be spied on".
Quil then said.
"Woof, bronko riding and racing is tough".
I then said.
"And the most injury risk job ever".
Jard then said.
"Now I know where I recognised you, your Y/n Whitlock, the famous and talented bronko rider ever".
Jacob then said smiling at me.
"Not to ment gorgeous".
Sam then said as Casper huffed.
"And let's not forget her charming companion".
Casper smiled and i pet him again.
Bella then said handing me a plate they had left untouched.
"Here, you need to eat, you been asleep for two days and all you had before that was toast and coffee".To be contiued...

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