Hiccup x reader

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((((How to train your Dragon and frozen 2 cross over))))

(Y/n's pov)

Staring out at the sea waiting for something to even come into my field of  vision became a habit after probably mending and puting together the broken pieces of my heart.
The sound of his laugh ringed through my mind, i don't think I'll even forget it even if i wanted to.
Part of me, well all of me didn't want to let him go.
Whether it was his charm, dramatic flare, talent for calming down tensions between dragons and vikings, i fell hard for him.
And he was just like me, only his powers were over controling fire, while mine was ice lile my twin sister Elsa.
Only I had a blue streak in my snow White hair and my eyes were a deep sky blue and more vibrant.
"Y/n You okay"?
I didn't jump when I heared elsa behind me.
I then said closing my eyes.
"He hasnt come back".
Elsa patted my shoulder and said.
"He loves you, he'll find a way to reach you".
I nodded and Elsa then asked.
"So you ready to join the festivities"?
I sighed and then said smiling.
"Ready as ill ever be".
I toke a step and i heared it, the song he singed to me.
The song he singed to me before he disappeared to check the place I forgot my father warned me, my twin and Anna to stay away when we were kids.
'Ill swim and sail the savage sea's,
With never fear of drowning'.
I stopped and turned, that didn't come from my memory.
That feeling can only come from hereing the source.
I looked and heared it again.
'And gladly ride the waves of life, if you woll marry me'.
I held a hand over my heart and Elsa said as we both heared a new voice.
"Did you hear that"?
I then said looking at her.
"She sounds fimilar.
(I looked at her and said.)
But did you hear him before that other voice"?
Elsa then said looking at me.
"Y/n i didn't hear anyone before that voice".
I then said rubbing my head.
"I'm probably just tired, let's go join Anna then get ready for game night".

(Time skip)
I decided to not play cause of how exhausted i was.
I went back to my room and said rubbing my head.
"Could I really just be hearing things"?
That's when i heared it again.
'If you would marry me
No scorching sun nor freezing cold.
Will stop me on my journey.
If you will promise me your heart,
And love'.

I then said before joining.

(I then singed.)
And love me for eternity.
My dearest one, my darling dear,
Your mighty words astound me.
But I've no need for mighty deeds,
When I feel your arms around me".

The sound of him singing again made me smile.
'But I would bring you rings of gold
I'd even sing you poetry.
(I laughed and said "oh, would you"?)
And I would keep you from all harm
If you would stay beside me'.

I then singed as i walked outside.
"I have no use for rings of gold,
I care not for your poetry.
I only want your hand to hold".
We singed together.
"I only want you near me".

We singed together.

"To love and kiss to sweetly hold,
For the dancing and the dreaming.
Through all life's sorrows,
And delights.
I'll keep your laugh inside me,
I'll swim and sail a savage seas.
With never a fear of drowning,
I'd gladly ride the waves so white.
And you will marry me"!
That's when the crystals appeared and i said seeing the fire elemnt.

That's when everything changed.

(Time skip to being in the enchanted forest)

I looked at our mothers tribe after i held my cheek.
Thats when a small figure appeared in a ball of fire.
I then said seeing how high the flame got.
"Oh no".
I tried to get aeay but i tripped.
I got up and chased the flame and cornered it before it got bigger.
I got ready to fire and that's when i saw him, in the mist of the flames i could still see his firey green eyes.
I then said as he was slowly coming into fouces.
"Hiccup, is that you"?
He theb said as his hair was still a flame and he looked at me like he seen a ghost.
"Y/n You came".
I then ran to him and hugged him.
He hugged me and i patted his hair and it became a fimilar ruff of red hair.
He then said holding my bruised cheek.
"I'm so sorru that you go hit".
I held his hand and said feeling that we were being watched, and seeing hiccup look at them.
"We're being watched aren't we".
He nodded and i saod looking at Elsa and Anna.
"Hey guys".
Anna ran over and hugged us, Elsa did to and then punched his arm and said.
"What the heck happened to you"?
He then said.
"When I got through the mist, i became a spirit when nock got alittle out of hand".
Elsa then said to anna.
"Y/n has to stay with the tribe, these guardians are dangoures".
Hiccup then said holding me.
"And i promise i won't let her out of my sight".
He then said after kissing me.
"And i promise when everything is fixed, I'll keep my promise.
(He kissed me passionlty and i matched it.
He then said after hugging me to him.)
I missed you so much my lady".
I then said as a tear escaped.
"I missed you to".

Thee end...

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