(Y/n's pov)
I should of known from the beginning, the moment that I found out the Cullens secret.
I should of remebered what happened after the car went in flames, with my mother and father in it.
The presence of one or two nomads always kept me alert when I wake up in the middle of night dispite wanting to go back to the peaceful world of dreams.
The dreams were the only way I could see my parents again when ever I wanted.
But lately, for the past month.
I've been dreaming about Edward and the Red and black wolves.(Dream)
I was back in the same feild as I was before all hell broke loose, pardon my french.
But this time, I wasn't alone.
Probably since I was resting with Casper in the waking world, I was with dream horse Casper.
I then said as Casper stepped forward.
"Why do I keep coming back to this place?,
(Casper made a noise and this time I didn't need to understand him to know he doesn't know what's going on.)
Sorry Casper force of habit, my dreams start with me, being alone is this feild for about maybe a few mintues before the wolves shows up".
The wolves stepped out, as if on que.
Casper backed up of course freaked out for a moment, but he imeaditly calmed down.
I then said looking at the wolf.
"He knows you two, I know you two.
That's why I started dreaming of you guys in the first place"."And you are right".
I turned to see Edward, different from the last time I saw him in the waking world.
I then said shacking my head, feeling dizzy and fuzzy.
'Oh no I'm waking up and I need answers'.
"First Casper's here and now you have a wardrobe change?
(I rubbed my forehead and that seemed to only wake me up further.)
What's this dream trying to tell me?
Why is it changing now"?
Edward held my hand as the wolves now layed down beside him and said.
"Your never alone Y/n.
We'll be there for you no matter what, we'll always protect you".(End of dream)
I woke up the Casper nudging my head with his lips.
I then said petting his muzzle.
"Casper that tickles".
He then said.
"You were dreaming that dream again, i got worried".
I then said sitting up.
"I know, but it wasn't the same not really, two things changed.
First you where there, and second Edwards outfit was different to what I last remember him wearing before I left Rio".
Casper then said.
"That's good, there must be some clues, what else was different"?
I then said.
"Only two, first you knew the wolves, who he is when they are not in their wolf forms.
And Edward said we'll always protect you, like he was speaking for the wolves as well.
I keep hearing that and I can't put my finger on what it means".
Casper then said as the back door from the house opened and closed.
"We'll figure it out later, right now you go and have fun.
You got a movie to see later with Bella and Jacob.
But first those earndes need to be done".
I nodded and said keeping up.
"Yeah your right, first I need to eat breakfast and then take a shower and change".
I shack my head and began going down and made sure Casper doesn't fall off.
Bella came in and said holding a plate with bacon, eggs, and a butters biscuit.
"Morning you two, sleep okay"?
Bella held an apple up and Casper's ears perked.
He walked to her and I said patting his back as he passed me.
"You heared the wolves to hu"?
Bella nodded and Casper eat the apple quickly.
She then said looking at me.
"What were they, those howls were to big for wolves".
I then said looking at her.
"They aren't wolves per say.
(I swallowed and said.)
Their the shapeshifters that the Cullens made the treaty with".I pulled a big bucket for me to sit on and Bella followed suit.
I then said as I remembered the story Edward was telling me when he saw my drawings of two big wolves, both in color alittle bit after the beach party.
"I never seen them, only heared that the word treaty and nothing else when Edward told me you invited him to the beach party at La push as well.
He found out I was going when he found me drawing in the livingroom, watching a werewolf movie.
But my conscience was telling me that's not what a shifter looks like.
A werewolf yes, but story of shifters not so much.
Edward saw the big wolves I was drawling.
So he told me about who the cullens made the treaty with.
(I had the drawing in my pocket to, I pulled it out and said.)
Only the first dream I had with them in it was before I woke up on our birthday.
(Bella looked shocked at me.)
Alice's gift of seeing the future is more frequent than every human in the world when she was human, it intensified when she became a vampire.
(I rubbed my hands and said.)
But my point is, you, me, and every human in the world is capable of having one moment or two at most of seeing the future in are sleep.
Alice can see it when she's awake, when she was human she could of probably have visions in her sleep as well.

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