(Y/n's pov) My enternal alarm clock went off due to a wind like noise going threw my room. I imeaditly opened my eyes and no one was in the room with me. My eyes skimmed untill I noticed something that wasent there before. A bouquet of blue roses. I grabbed my gun that was hiding under my pillow and held it close. I got to my desk and held a blue rose up to my nose. It smelled lovely, and judging by the card attached to the paper from a pricey Boutique. I then looked to the card that was left outside my door when i arrived at my dorm. I opened it and I read what it said. Surprised to what I'm seeing. "Dear y/n, Been a long time since we last spoke. No I'm not talking about when you were pushed yesterday before the sun went down. I was a kid back then. After you shot my uncle Rido. By now if you are reading this figured out its me kaname. Why i care that your hurt is because I love you. Have since i first saw you. When you disappeared i wasn't myself for years. Thinking you were gone, my father had a painting made But years after, seeing you keep the day class from us it was like my heart was beating again. Why you should stay away from zero you already know. But seeing how you keeping him calm and collected I advise you to be carefull and not bleed. Your blood is the sweetest i ever smelled, it will make zero go crazy if a drop is spilled. Why you should listen is because i don't want to lose you again. I don't know if i can take it. Blue roses are your favorite, it's a beautiful flower for a beautiful woman. Rest well my love and i hope you enjoy the flowers. I'm sending aido to bring you to the night class dorms cause I have a few other things i want to give and something I want to show you. I also leaving you a wrist wrap when you wake up. I don't like seeing you in pain". I lifted the bouquet and there was a blue wrist wrap.
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I then said seeing it was four in the morning. "Well I'm up, might as well get ready". I put on my favoirte blue blouse. Then jeans and denim combate boots. I decided to let my hair down from its usual pony. I then put a blue rose in my hair.
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