(Y/n's pov)
I woke to the sound of a fight, and the moment Kayley and mothers voice's reached my room, I covered my ears.
'Not another fight'.
I looked outside my open door and felt guilty and trapped.
Ever since father died the relashionship between my mother and baby sister changed.
Mother's wants to keep her here safe, and Kayley wants to be a Knight like our father Sir Lionel once was.
The potental for death doesn't seem real until someone you know is gone forever.
I got up and grabbed my bag and got out.
I said passing my mother and sister.
"Next time you two have a disagreement please take it out side"!
I left the house and I was fuming.
The day dad died was the day I lost not just my father, but a best friend.
He knew I wanted to one day explore the unexplored and live my life.
But that day changed, cause on that day I also lost a friend that my father introduced me to when I was 9.I told one last look at my house and turned my back looking ahead stopped at the signs that showed which way to go to a certain place.
I made a step for Camolt, but something stopped me.
I tried again but I froze again, i promised Kaliey that one day we would go to Camolt together.
I looked at the sign that's said forbidden forrest and adjusted my bag.
I began walking and after a while I needed a break once i reached the edge of the entrance to the forbidden forest.I sat down and the ache that acompanyed the pain from losing my father seemed to hurt the most when im near this place.
A stable boy who was sadly blinded by a horse who was scared cause of the stable burning down, dreamed of being a knight, traveling to places unexplored.Father must of saw the friendship that was growing since we first met because he kept bringing me along with him and let me hang out with Garrett.
While he and the Knights had their meetings with King Arthur.
Me and Garrett became fast friends, and i learned so much about the world through his eyes.I looked at the grass plain next to the stone slump and sighed.
I really needed to relax before i think about entering the forrest.The one thing garret taught me on one of our little hang outs when we were looking at the night sky, was how to see with my other senses without my eyes.
Well he couldn't really see it, but he taught me something I used to calm me down, i haven't done it in a while cause it pained me that i will never see him again.I closed my eyes and breathed and i could hear him.
'Its not what you see that I want to show you.
(As I remebered what He did.
He would pat at the ground close my hand.
I pretended that the empty space in my hand was his.
The lingaring feeling of his hand was there, i just need to fouces on it.
He often patted at the ground cause he wanted to hold my hand.)
What do you hear, feel, smell and taste'?
I toke a breath and i felt everything arpund me differently.
The wind blew across the grass and my face as I answered the memory.
"I can here the wind brush against each blade of grass.
(I toke another breath and the smell of rain, but the smell of flowers came across me from the feild.
It was working, I was relaxing.)
I can smell the rain, flowers and grass.
(I tried taste and the smell of mint flower touched my nose so much i could taste it.)
And I can taste mint".
Garrets voice asked.
'What do you feel'?
I could of been crazy but it was like he was here when i opened my eyes to see him.
As I remebered seeing him last.
I then answered.
"Your hand in mine".
I blinked and he was gone, and all that was left was an empty space and I could no longer feel his hand.
I then said as a tear escaped my eye.
"I miss you Garrett, I wish I could seeing you again".
I layed my head back down, more than anything i hoped Garrett would remember me, that he waits for me alittle bit longer like he promised when the knight toke me home when my father died.
I heared the sound of flapping wings made me open my eyes anx look up at the sky.'Empty, nothing was there'.
Then there was flapping wings again and this time it was behind me.
I sat up and turnes to the rock I was siting on a little while ago.
I then said seeing a falcon with silver wings.
"Wait I know you.
Your Merlins bird Ayden.
(He ruffled his feathers and landed on my hand.
I carefully pet him and he purred at my fimilar touch as i said.)
Why are you here, why are you outside of Camelot's walls"?
He flew up and squeak looking at me.
He landed on a tree root near the forbidden forest.
I then said pointing to myself.
"You want me to follow you Ayden"?
He chirped and flew little bit closer inside the forbidden forest before landing again.
I got up and said after looking in the direction of my home.
It hasn't felt like home since dad died, plus when ever mom and Kayley argue they try and ask my opinion on the matter.
They won't miss me, when ever they try to drag me into any converstation that caused their fights I leave the house for the night, maybe two.
"Ill take that as a yes.
(I followed him and I said.)
Lead the way silver wings".

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