(Y/n's pov)
When you tell people you wish to live in the world of your favorite anime show, they laugh and tell you to think twice.
When they say becareful what you wish for, they mean it.
I groaned as i layed on my left side after stumbling from the hill that was thankfully soft enough to break my fall, or I'm just stopping thinking about the pain I'm in.
I looked up and toke a breath to calm my outrage.
I was infront of cross academy's main gate.
Here in the world of animation, my annoycane can be seen as four red inward pointing triangles woth a twitching eyebrow.
I said keeping my voice low as i kept my eyes closed.
"I want to go home, why am i still stuck here"?
'You are home'.
I turned and said rubbing my eyes.
"I must be hearing things".
But how could I be hearing my own voice from when I was probably around the age of six?
That's when she appeared, or she let me see her.
She said tilting her small head wearing dad's marine cap.
"You aren't hearing things older me.
(I stiffened and kept my arms to myself.
Did I really have to like such creepy stuff.
Most girls like barbies, unicorns and mermaids.
Why did i have to like the world of fantasy horror.)
You can't leave because you were originally from here".
I then said holding my head looking down.
"No, that can't be, it just cant".
I ran, i ran and tried to use my gifts again.
It was say time not not like the other two times I landed here in two different places.
I made it to the market and said feeling a pull.
"That pull".
I followed it, anx i found her, yuki holding artimes ready to attack the level E aproching her.
I felt my waist and the marine core eagle sitting on the earth belt buckle was actually the bud of a marine crowbar knife hide in the belt leather.
I pulled it and ran.
Not careing for my safety.
I yelled after he said he wanted her blood.
"Not while I still stand you leech"!
He turned and i stabbed him in the heart and twisted the knife.
He froze abd then he turned to dust.
I coughed as I waved the dust away.
'Damit i stood to close'.
I dropped my knife and fell to my neeks.
Yuki seemed to put her staff away as she ran towards me and said patting my back and holding some water to me.
"Here this might help,
You saved my life".
I then said after i was able to breath normally.
"No problem,
(She looked like the little girl I saw the first time i fell here.
Intact she was her, only 10 years older.)
What the heck was that guys problem?
Or was that even a guy at all"?
Zero came and said handing me my knife.
"He was a level E vampire,
Here you dropped this".
I then said putting the knife away.
(I held my forehead and said.)
Two times i fell here and i never encountered someone that far gone, i thought they were just rabid with rabies".
Zero stiffened and yuki siad.
"Wait what do you mean fell here"?
Zero then said my name and i recognised him as the little boy that was almost bitten that pureblood woman shizuka.
"Wait y/n"?
I turned to him and saod.
"Wait a minute zero.
(I looked him up and down and said as yuki helped me stand up.)
I cant believe it last tiem i saw you you were tall enough to be the height of my waist".
He then said lightly smiling.
"That was your years ago y/n, yet you didn't age a day".
I then said with shock.
"Four years ago, it felt like one hour ago".
Yuki said as she held my hand.
"And i saw you yen years ago".
Zero looked shocked and i said holding the side of my head.
"Has ten years really passed?
(I sat on the ground and looked at my hands.)
What the hell is happening to me"?
Hanabusa aido said as he and Akatsuki appeared.
"I think we might be able to help explain what's happening to your friend here disciplinary committee".
I looked up and said noticing what they are from zeros expression.
"Great, more vampires".
I stood up and said hands on my hips.
"And you aren't like the ones I met the first time, and your definatly like the pureblood that attack zeros family".
Akatsuki said recognising me.
"Wait, your the saviour".
I then said confused, and in the world of anime, it's one solid eye color and a slack chubby face was a line passing behind me.
"Um what"?
My face was back to normal when aido said.
"Let me explain, for you it must of felt like a couple hours passed you by.
But to us it's been ten years since the great battle with the defeat of Rido".
I then said as I remembered that Aragon pureblood.
"You mean that monster,
(Kaname was a kid then, he lost his parents and his sister was inside, memories erased and wandered off into the forest after the commontion ended.)
That monster doesn't desevre to mentioned in the history books".
When i saw how hurt kaname was when his father died i lost it, i touched the vampire hunter sword and thrust it with all the strength i could muster, and that seemed to trigger strength I didn't know i had in me.
Rido turned to ash after half of his head was cut off.(Flash back)
I was breathing deeply, the sword felt heavey in my hands and it pulled my arms down.
I turned to look at kaname and said seeing him hold his father's coat.
"Im so sorry this happened to you.
(I dropped the sword when it glowed to bright.)
(I covered my eyes and backed up.
The light died down and i said seeing the sword changed to that of a sword you find in what's left of Camolat with a big green gem on the hilt.)
Okay that's freaky".
I looked at kaname and said as i got close to him.
"You know, he's not truley gone,
(He looks at me and i wiped his tears away and i point at his heart.)
He'll always be with you in here.
Just becasue you cant see him doesn't mean he's gone.
My name's y/n, what's yours"?
He seemed to cry some more and i didn't like, it.
I said holding my hands to myself.
"Im sorry.
I didn't mean to make you more upset-".
He hugged me and i relaxed as i wrapped my arms around him and combed my fingers through his hair gentally and he began to relax.
He said once he was calm enough.
"I'm not more upset.
(He looked at me and he said.)
I know it's forward of me to say this but i fell for you and worried for you as you fought my uncle.
I'm just glad your okay,
(He lioked to the house as he said.)
My name's kaname kuran.
My sister yuki must still be-".
I saw her in the distance as it was snowing.
I then said getting up as ran.
"No she's outside"!
I ran and i saw the level E coming for her and said yelling.
"Leave her alone"!
I killed him and then as i turned i fell again and all i could hear was kaname yelling.
"No y/n"!(End of flash back)
I looked at aido and said.
"So talk, whats happening to me"?
Akatsuki said looking at me.
"I think it better that you come with us to our night class dorm president".
I looked at Yuki and she said.
"But she deserves answers now".
I then put my hand on her shoulder, i looked at aido and Akatsuki and said.
"Okay, lead the way".
Plus i want to see kaname again.
He must of changed and grew these past ten years.
Yuki and zero followed me and i said seeing all vampire aristocrats in one place, drinking blood tablet wine.
"Wow, i never seen a aristocrat party before".
Everything seemed quiet as they all looked at me.
I then whispered to Yuki as i noticed everyone staring.
"Um did I say something wrong"?
Takuma said over joyed coming over.
"Oh my gosh it thee y/n, saviour of the vampire realm.
(He shook my hand and said.)
Great, great to meet you, i asked while Lord kaname sent aido and Akatsuki to kill that level E that if they could bring yuki and zero.
What a great present to meet my hero".
I then said lightly smiling.
"Um. Thanks,
(I shook my head asi remebered he said kanames title.)
Wait is kaname here"?
That's when i heared it, kanames voice, it was deeper this time.
"Y/n, is it really you".
I looked up to kaname and said shocked to see him.
He left the couch ontop of the stairs and i ran to meet him half way.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and i wrapped my arms around his neck.
He buried his face in the crock of my neck and i felt his tear land on my skin.
He said lightly.
"You came back".
I then said.
"Ill always come back to you".
I combed my finger tips through his hair and he relaxed and he kept his arms around me as he pulled away from my neck and kissed me.
I was shocked at first and i kissed him back.
He then said.
"I'm never letting you go ever again".
He picked me up bridle style and carried me to the couch and i was in his lap when he sat back down.
Everyone seemed stocked at kanames forward nature and i pecked his lips and he returned the kiss, which was ment to be short.
Once he pulled away he said holding me, after this party im going to the head master to ask him if you'll join the night class, im not letting you disappear again".
I then said holding his cheek.
"Im not going to, I'm staying".
He smiled and mine mirrored his.Talk about happily ever afters.
Thee end.

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