(Y/n's pov)
When feeling came back to me after the shock wore off, I was imeaditly playing possum.
I understood why they pretended to play dead, cause when feeling came back so did the hearing.
Jacob was talking to someone, someone named Sam.
"Why isn't she waking up"?
Sam then said.
"She just witnessed a group of giant wolves Jacob.
Just been told she's being targeted by a vengeful vampire.
She's almost more normal than Bella".
I felt Odette move my hand, the way she does to keep me from falling asleep.
I didn't move, i then spoke but didntmove my mouth as i fouces on odette.
'Odette im fine, but we got to get out of here, just dont give me away just yet'.
She stopped and layed her head on my lap.
Jacob then said looking over.
"She's never going to trust me again".
Sam then said.
"Well alpha, you and Edward got alot to do to even get close to trust".
When I heared that name, i felt like i was going to break.
'I have to get put of here'.
Then i was, when I opened my eyes, i looked around to see I was in my room.
Odette was on my bed with me.
I got up and then flinched, i felt my head and groaned.
'Damit I hit my head when i passed out'.
Odette got on me and looked at me and i said.
"What are you?
My nurse?
(She growled lightly and i held my hands up looking at her.)
Wow okay, your worried.
I love you ro Odette but it's just a head ache, i need some Tylenol".
She whimpered and then licked my cheek.
She got off and i crawled to the bathroom.
Dad then asked confused and worried.
"Wow y/n your okay"?
I then lied, good thing I'm better at that than Bella.
But is it lieing when your telling part of the truth?
I then said.
"I hit my head from passing out when I just woke up from my nap after coming home from our bike ride.
(I acted sick.)
That usualy only happens when I feel partly sick".
Odette helped keep me balanced on the way to the bathroom.
Dad then said as he saw we were heading to the bath room.
"Ill get the Tylenol".
Odette stopped and nudged my side.
I looled af her and said.
"Odette did you just-".
Dad came back and scrunched his face and asked.
"Who cut the cheese"?
Odette looked up and i said looking at odette, remembering our lunch choice before the bike ride.
"I think it's probably us, i had a three bean chili and she stole the rest in my bowl".
Dad then said .
"Okay a dog that likes chili".
He handed the bottle and said.
"So I'm going to the dinner, you want something.
(I looked at him.)
Usualy when your sick you have something salty or sweet".
I then said.
"Um ill just have a slice of pie".
Dad then said patting my head.
"Ill get two pies, if you feel better ill bring your favorite sandwich".
Odette yipped and dad said looking at her.
"You want something to"?
I then said.
"I think she wants the meat they make my sandwiches".
Dad then said rubbing her head.
"I'll get you the whole bird, your a good dog Odette".
He left and i said looking at odette.
"Odette swan, did you talk earlier"?
She then said moving her mouth.
"Yeah, only you can understan because you can understand animals.
And from what's happened since.
(She didn't want to mention Jacob or Edward who she never met.)
Well you know, your not a normal human.
Didn't you always say your a Taurus, you can do anything you put your mind to"?
I nodded and that was a bad idea, the head ache got agrivated.
She put her head on my shoulder and then I heared it, a Volkswagen Rabbit pulled up the drive way and I siad crawling to my room with Odette watching over me.
"Why did they come here"?
I paused and remembered how my dad becomes a worry wart.
I then said as I crawled into my bed and moved to be the way I was in before I opened my eyes.
Odette layed her head on my stomic and I closed my eyes.
Dad was leading people in, and was speaking to Jacob when he saw i wasn't waiting in the hallway.
"She must be in her room".
Dad opened the door and he gasped seeing how green i looked.
"Um Jacob i think she's actually sick".
Sam then said.
"Why we help you bring in the food Charlie"?
He nodded and jacob offered.
"Ill watch over her".
He then said once everyone left.
"Y/n I know your awake.
I can hear your heart beat".
I then sat up and layed against the head board, i crossed my arms.
"I'm peaved at you, you know that right"?
He toke hold of my hand and said.
"I know and you have every right to be, at both of us".
I looked at him and said knowing who he's talking about.
"How long has he been back"?
Jacob then said.
"The moment you passed out he called, aparently Alice called him and told him everything that happened to you.
(He raised his hands.)
Remains peaved all you want but we love you and you do to that why your this angry.
But you been through alot and that has finally caught up with you and you need rest.
Your going to either need to stay indoors or on the la push reservation".
I then said.
"I don't know how I feel about being in either place".
Jacob then said.
"I know, but until victoria is caught.
Your going to need to stay on the res".(Time skip)
I kept myself in soors until I decided to walk on the beach.
That's when I saw her, Victoria.
She speed out and i raised my hand and she paused in the air.
I then said looking at her.
"I'm done being angry, im done being scared, and im done being sick.
(She was coming apart.)
Im sorry, but i won't let you try to kill my sister and me".
She exploded in flames and i fell backwards.
The smell of sage and fressia was strong.
I was bringing to pass out qhen i heared.
Jacob and edward.
He speed over and said feeling my head.
"Y/n can you hear me"?
I then said as a tear falls down.
"Im so Sorry".
Edward held my cheek and said as i looked at Jacob who became a red wolf growling at the remains of Victoria.
"We know you are, we're just glad your okay".
I then siad before passing out.
"I love you both".
Edward pecked my cheek and jacob carefully licked my other cheek and he said for both him anx Jacob.
"We love you to".
Edward picked me up and said.
"Now your probably hungry".
I then said looking at them.
"First sign someone's getting better is if there hungry enough to eat an elephant".
Edward then said.
"Well in Jacobs case he probably can, while only you can do it since you haven't eaten in a week".
I laughed and jacob was to.
Glade to be finally back to normal, well as normal as one person can get when dating two supernatrul beings.Thee end...

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