(Y/n's pov)
I thought I knew what boredom was. Turned out I never truly understood the mean of it, just knew the description.
I quickly got tired of doing my routine.
Did some simple distractions over and over but that didn't last long, even my hobbies couldn't occupy my mind long enough to get throught the day.
It's like I can't hear myself think but I am thinking.
I was just sitting in the norths work shop in the north pole.
Watching the guardians do there thing, they were all gathered because Manny was going to tell us who the new guardian is.
I was here cause the only home I ever knew was gone, the world evolved and expanded.
I don't even know where to start looking.
It was one of the reasons why this boredom spell was worse than the others.
Because my home wasn't a place, it was a person.
That's why the saying home is where the heart is made a lot more sense to me.
Tooth was talking to her little fairy assistance baby tooth, Sandy was napping, North was working on presents, and Jack and Bunny were,well they are arguing like usual.
I began rubbing my temples, their argument was beginning to rise in volume.
I stood up abruptly, pointed my hands at the boys and yelled.
"That is quite enough"!
Jack and bunny remained floating in the air an inch or two of the ground.
I floated down from the supporting beam I was lounging on and stood inbetween the boys.
"You two are not childern, your grown a** adults, act like it"!
I breathed, clenched my fist and let my breath go.
Being the only guardian with a Viking past it was easy to get annoyed to the point of anger.
It's been like a couple thousand years since the age of Vikings and dragons.
So long that I almost forget who I was before becoming a guardian.
These outburst sometimes remind me of what I used to be, but as time grew on and more of my culture began to disapeare.
So was the Viking in me, and I was beginning to not see her in my reflections any more.
Jack and bunny looked at me with wide eyes.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and thought.
'Right they never heared me speak before.
Only North, Sandy and Tooth'.
The sound of Tooth and baby tooths wings stopping made me look up and turn to them.
That's when I realised what happened, I didn't just get everyone's attention.
I scared them.
I looked at my shacking hands and said looking away from them.
"Guys, I-I.
I'm sorry.
(I set them down and then said turning to everyone.)
I'm going to get some air, I'll be back in a few mintues".
I left the room, and began moving to the exit doors of the north pole.
To go out into the harsh winds blowing snow everywhere.
It reminded me of what the weather was like at Berk.
North called out to me once he caught up.
"Y/n Wait".
I stopped and breathed, I looked to him and I said
"North I apologise for my behavior.
I lost my temper again and cursed.
What I did is inexcusable.
I almost lashed out and hurt Jack and bunny and it wasn't right.
(I rubbed over my forehead feeling the braid running across it.
The placed it over the bump in my shirt.
Located over my heart.)
I'm not a Viking anymore, I'm a guardian, and a guardian doesn't lash out at other guardians.
So please.
(I looked to him and he was staring back softly.)
I need to have time alone to let off some steam before going back in there".
I stood still waiting for North's permission to leave, but he softly smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder.
He said.
"You'll always be a Viking Y/n
(I looked to him.)
It's true what you did is inexcusable, but you restrained yourself.
What you did to stop them from argueing was the right move since I know the rest of us would of broke up the fight eventually since it was starting to bubble over.
I know you miss him y/n
(I looked down and he said.)
That's part of what lead to almost lashing out the way you did instead of warning Jack and Bunny.
(I looked at North and he said softly.)
You are hurting because Hiccup was your home, and the only way you see him now is threw Sandy's dreams.
(He lead me away from the doors, calling the elves as we go back to the main area of the work shop.
The elves held plate of peanut butter cookies ready and waiting when we arrived.)
Here eat, you'll feel better with some sugar in your system, you have been getting hangry since your recovery from your last battle with pitches lose night mares".
I nodded and said.
"Tricky slippery little puffs of black sand.
(I looked at North and said smiling)
Thanks North".
He then said.
"Anytime kiddo".
I laughed, North and I were closer in age, but he has about a thousand years on me.
That's why he calls me kiddo.
Jack came over and stood by me and i looked to him and asked.
"Want a cookie"?
Jack smiled lightly and toke a cookie I handed to him, he then said.
"Thanks, but that's not why I came over.
(I nodded telling him I already knew.)
Of course you knew that, I wantes to apologize.
That fight probably didn't help".
I then spoke.
"I forgive you Jack and bunny, next time you guys have a lovers spat.
Take it outside or in another room".
Bunnys ears went up and he blushed, he talked to me the most out of everyone, and come to me for advice.
I only ever communicated telepathically before now.
Bunny looked away blushing before I looked at him.
I looked at Jack when he laughed, lightly blushing and said.
"Okay deal".
Tooth and her fairys came over and said.
"I never thought I hear you speak again".
I then said nodded soflty.
"Yeah, me neither.
I haven't spoken since,
(I held my head down.)
well you know when".
I read tooth thought.
🐦'Because you realised Hiccups gone'🐦?
I nodded and Manny showed up.
I then said letting everyone know.
"Guys Manny's here".
North smiled, clapping as he asked.
"Manny old friend, what up"?
The silence was the only thing the rest of us could hear.
The crystal came up and North said smiling directly at me.
"Manny choosen a new guardian".
I nodded confused, I looked down and grabbed another cookie when jack said.
"Is that a dragon"?
I looked and I dropped the plate seeing guardians Manny choosen, a man and a dragon, nightfury to be exact.
The plate broke and everyone was staring at me.
I then said.
"That's, that's.
(I then said.)
That's Hiccup.
(I saw Toothless beside him.)
And his best friend Toothless, the last night fury in the world, the king of all dragons".
Jack joked to lighten the mood since everyone looked at me.
"I thought Hiccup was the dragon, since you know dragons growl and gurbble".
I then said.
"Hiccup was like me, he was the only other person in the world that understood dragons".
Bunny then said.
"Wait you understand those fire breathing beasts"?
I then said to bunny.
"I was raised by those 'fire breathing beasts' and fyi, there much more nurturing than any human, and animal combined, Hiccup told me that humans can be just the same.
But he was the only human that proved to me that was possible.
(I was infront of bunny now.)
A night fury mother, Toothless mother saved me from drowning when I was just a baby.
Toke me to the hidden world to keep me safe from the world of man.
I was left to die by my human father cause he wanted a son, my mom died in child birth.
(I floated in the air to match his height.)
So next time you think the words fire breathing beasts, remember humans can be beasts to".
I was back on the ground and Jack said.
"Well, it must be my turn to retrieve him and toothless.
I'm going to need a bigger sack, alot bigger".
I then said.
(Jack was confused.)
Toothless may be tame but he became the king of dragon because Hiccups life was threatened.
You come at Hiccup with a sack, or Toothless, Toothless will open fire and attack you.
Toothless went back the the hidden world with his mate, had a couple of kids.
Those night lights were what got me here to be the guaridan of family in the first place.
Toothless mate was my dragon Sierra, a light fury i grew up with.
Her family watched over me since toothless mother didn't come back.
Sierra became my sister and those night lights were my niece and nefews.
Toothless became feral again, he won't respond kindly to you jack.
(Jack nodded and I said looking to the crystal.)
Ill go with you, Toothless won't attack you if I'm there, he learned a friend of mine is a friend of his".
Jack then said looking at me.
"So in summary ill be dragon chow if I appear menacing".
I nodded and north gave a globe to me and said.
"Manny told me where he's going to be, I made this especially for you when I came across it last year.
(I was shocked to see the old huts the riders built on dragons edge.
I looked at North and he said.)
Happy early snoggletog Y/n".
I smiled and hugged him.
He hugged me back.
Once he let go I then said to Jack.
"Ready for a tour of my home"?
Jack frost then playfully.
"Ready when you are Y/n".
I threw the snow globe and it broke, opening a portal.

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