Ethan Morgan x reader

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***Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva***

(Y/n's pov)
If there was one thing that could describe White Chapel in two words, and it is a Supernatrual hotspot.
You know when someone believes in the Supernatrual they in the end gets there minds blow when they met the real deal?
Well that happened to me last year, and I'm more than amazed that I still have some bit of sanity.
Well maybe I'm just shocked that I'm not shocked.
I mean who can walk around a town that seems to have a vampires, witches or wizards, werewolves, ghouls and  mind readers inhabiting it but not wet themselves or look like the living dead cause of lack of sleep?
I mean what's next, goosebumps stories really coming to life?
Or heaven forbid chucky?

I then said when my friend Rory tried to scare me when i opened my locker when he wasn't infront of the door of my locker earlier.
"Rory really?
(I closed the door and he looked sad that I knew he was there before he had the chance to spook me.)
How many times did Sarah and Erica tell you to not try to scare either one of us?
Especially me".
He then said huffing.
"Sorry y/n I'm just bored.
(He held his arms out and they fall back to his side.)
I mean Ethan and Benny got on the hockey team and now i have no one to hang out with".
I stopped and said looking at Rory.
"Wait they got on the team"?
He nodded and said.
"Yeah why does that surprise you"?
I then said a smile slowly forming on my face.
"No not surprise".
I began to rush to the ice rink, the amount of happiness that coursed through my veins made me jumping with joy.
Ethan told me he tried out, but he didn't tell me what the results were.
I got on to the ice and said as i kept myself steady.
He turned and said seeing me.
I carefully moved left to right in a straight line.
He came over and he said.
"What are you doing here"?
I kissed him and and he wrapped his arms around me and we pulled away when Benny came over saying.
"Hey love birds get a room but don't kiss on the ice rink".
We pulled and away and ethan blushed.
He saw why i was here.
I then said.
"Im so proud of you, but you know your perfect to me.
You saved my life last year from Jesse taking my soul".
Oh did I forget to tell you Ethan Morgan is my boyfriend.
Ethan then said looking at me.
"I know".
A hockey player passed me and Ethan moved me before the guy nocked me over.
I looked at the guy and had a bad feeling.
'Something is not right about him'.
I then asked Ethan.
"Who was that guy"?
Benny then said.
"Oh that's Volt.
He's the best player on the team".
I saw Volt randomly chase a guy and i could swear that i smelled a rotting corpse.
I then said looking at Ethan smiling.
"So when the next game my boyfriend's going to be in"?
He then said.
"Oh it be in a few hours".
Erica called out to me worried.
"Y/n i need your help".
I then said pecking Ethan's lips.
"I got to go but i promise ill be there".

I joined Erica and she speed us off the ice and said.
"Sarah has been accused of drink dead blood".
I then looked at her and said.
"And from the look on your face that's very bad".
She then said.
"Is Sarah did drink dead himan blood she be sick, like super sick that spread throughout the vampire community".
I then said as i can't help but think of Volt when Erica mentioned dead blood.
"Dead blood can not only be black but it can decay like any human organism when they pass on".
Erica looked at me and said.
"Whats going on through that beautiful mind of yours"?
I then said looking at Volt.
"When Volt passed me i could of sworn he smelled like a corpse.
The instinct to investigate was stronger now when I looked at Ethan.
I then said to Erica.
"If I'm right which I hope I'm wrong then not only is Ethan and Benny is in danger, but there's someone going around playing doctor Frankenstein and they are going to need a new brain for Volt.
And I have a sinking feeling I know who that donor brain is going to be".
Erica then said.
"When it comes to the supernatrual bestie then your never wrong.
But who would be the hockey mad scientist if Volt is the hockey version of Frankienstine's monster"?

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