(Zed's pov)
As soon as y/n passed out i held onto her.
I looked to where she was earlier but i couldn't see since it was dark out.
I then said seeing y/n's injure on her head.
"I got you, i got you".
Once atthe hosptial i picked her up and the doctor said as i put y/n on a bed.
"How bad is it"?
I then said .
"She hit her head, but she was mobal a gew mintues ago".
The doctor put a bandage on her head and he said.
"Well it dosent need stitches, miracle really.
I heared she protected Addison, brave girl to face off werewolves and make it out with out a scratch".
I looked to y/n and thought.
'Brave indeed'.
I then said.
"I wouldn't mess with her".
The doctor then said.
"Well this might be why.
(His lifted her right hand to see a silver ring.
I narrowed my eyes.
If she shifted that would of hurt her".)
Pure silver".
I then said as the do for was called for an emergency.
"Ill stay".
The doctor left and i went to the chair beside y/n and she stirred.
I got up and said helping her sit.
"Wow wow wolverine, i got you".
Y/n laughed tiredly and held her head to feel a bandage.
I then said getting a pain medicine.
"Here, you want something to drink"?
Y/n then said.
"No im fine, hungry thought".
I then laughed lightly and said.
"French fries"?
Y/n then said looking at me.
I nodded and i asked as i held her right hand.
"How can you wear silver"?(Y/n's pov)
I looked at my ring and then said as i toke it off.
"My mother was probably worried about people finding out what we are when i touch sliver".
Once the ring was off.
My hair went permantly white.
Zed stared at me and i handed it to him.
And i said.
"My father went to my aunt, came back with my ring, told me to wear it until I feel ready to tell the truth".
Zed then said holding a strand of white hair between his fingers.
"Your hair is pure white".
I then said.
"Yeah, aparently this isn't a normal ring.
(I toke my ring back from zed and i said putting it back on.)
The runes on this inside keep my tire hair color hidden and make me look human".
Zed then said.
"Thats why you sneak off once every full moon"?
I then said.
"The ring could only do so much".
Zed then said.
"You rest okay.
We'll go home soon".
I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder.
Closing my eyes.
But one face stared back at me, the werewolf I saw outside the ambulance window.
I seen him before.
Infact i recognised him, i tackled him when i was in my other form, scared that he was a human.
But left when a light shined on us.
That snapped my back to normal and i ran.
I don't know why but i hope to see him again, and i have a feeling i would.
But i didnt fully go to sleep, the doctor came back and i woke up.
Zed then said as the doctor left.
(He turned to me and Zed said.)
Your discharged, let's get you something to eat".
I then said as my stomic growl and he laughed.
We left and Zed made sure i didn't fall or loss balance.
Doctors orders aparently.
Once near the McDonalds in zombie town, i felt like i was watched.
I turned around and stopped.
Zed who was holding the door open said seeing i was looking for something.
"Y/n You okay"?
I then said.
"Its probably just me, but i feel like I'm being watched".
Zed then said coming over and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Is someone out there"?
I then said when my phone pinged.
"Someone who doesnt want to be seen".
I pull my phone out and saw a post.
A video of me shifting.
Protecting Addison.
I turned to Zed and i said.
He then said seeing the title.
"Local girl y/n saves Addison, monster hero.
(He looks to me and said.)
Why is this bad"?
I then said.
"People know, someone was there.
(I hyperventilate and i began to shack.)
If i lashed out at Addison instead of listening to her and my inner voice.
Things could of gone badly-".
Zed then said holding my shoulders.
"Breath y/n i got you.
Okay, your having a panic attack.
You shifted with a head injury, and you missed dinner.
Your hungry and it ain't helping you okay.
I'll get you two large french fries with quarter pounder cheese burgers and we'll grab you an Arbys summer peach shack okay".
He breathed with me and he said.
"Besides, who ever shot the video, told the truth.
Your a hero".
I then said whispering.
"A monster hero".
Zed then said as it clicked in his head, lately before me and addison packed to go to cheer camp, zed has been trying to be normal, appear human.
But he's not, hes a zombie and my best friend.
"We are monsters, that is what makes us special.
Makes us who we are, and honeslty, it's better being different than being normal".
I then said noticing he quoted me when i noticed his behaviour change"Quoting me to me now zeddi"?
He laughed and said.
"I needed to hear it, but i didn't listen, but after what i saw you did today, you were in control.
You stopped yourself from lossing your mind and you protected Addison.
Maybe Elizabeth was right, maybe zombies can still be in control without our a bands.
now come on, dinner on me".
I stopped and said taking my ring off.
"Then i guess i don't need this anymore".
I then I threw it away and then went in, my white hair on display permantly.To be continued...

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