(Y/n's pov *a few days later*)
After jack and i arrived in the pole, thing that happened in the movie happened a lot differently.
Pitch told the guardians were i came from.
But jack stood up for me, when really, he didn't have to.
Now I'm looking at jack who blames himself for Sandy being, well for lack of a better word, killed by pitch black trying to protect me when i was trying to protect jack.
I then said to jack when i came over.
(I sat infront of him he wasn't looking at me.)
Jack look at me please".
He did and he said.
"Its my fault".
I then said.
"Jack no.
(I held his hand and said.)
Jack look, it isn't your fault.
Pitch is well cunning.
But he made a big mistake".
Jack looked at me and i said.
"Messing with you and the guardians,
I believe in you Jack and the guardians, your the spirit of fun.
And pitch is going down".
Jack then said lightly smiling.
"How are you so fearless"?
I then said.
"Cause i know you'll be there with me, and i know pitch black will never win".
He then saw my hand changing colors and said.
"Y/n your hand.
(He moved and said covering his sleeves to cover them and held my hand rubbing my hand to try and warm it up.)
Why didn't you pull it away".
I then said stopping him with my left hand and pushed the sleeves back and looked him in the eye.
"Cause the cold jack doesn't bother me".
He looked at me and then i siad.
"Jack, no one blames you.
You wanted to remember, no one can blame you for that.
(I then remembered bunny and said.)
Bunny is just blowing hot air, his opinion doesn't matter.
I believe in you jack frost.
Manny choose you for a reason.
That reason is your center and only you know it".
He then said recalling the memory of when he fell threw the ice.
"Lets have some fun instead".
He looked at me and said after pecking my lips .
"Y/n your a genius"!
He kissed me out of the blue then grabbed my right hand and pulled out a snow globe and threw it and we walked threw it.
I was just i shock that i didn't register what happened.
Arriving in Burgess it was night time.
Pitch came out and said.
"Well well, what do we have here, y/n Rogers, the avenger and jack frost the screw up".
I then said getting peaved.
"That's quite enough".
Pitch then smirked and said.
"Oh touchy about your boyfriend are we solider?
You can't fight a nightmare avenger".
I then said.
"No, i can't, but i can sure as hell try".
Pitch then said.
"Well least see how hard youll try soldier when there's no one left to believe in the guardians.
Ill be back for you".
Pitch then disappeared.
Jack then said as the sleigh came in and the guardians were weak.
"Guys you okay"?
I then said explaining what is happening.
"As less and less kids believe in them, the weaker they get until.
(I gulped and said.)
They disappear forever".
Jack then said.
"Then why am i-"?
He looks at me and said.
"Y/n you believe in me, there's only you and one other kid left".
I then said.
"Jamie, we, we have to-".
Jack then said.
"No, y/n they need you.
(He pointed to them and I said.)
You may not have your powers, but you have your spirit.
If something happened to you, then the guardians and me will disappear.
(He held me to him and said.)
If i lost you, then the childern will live in darkness".
I then said looking st him.
"Then go, hurry before Jamie stops believeing".
He left and i got to the guardians helping them.
When jack came back he got Jamie with him and Jamie's friends.
i said.
He ran over and said as he hugged me.
"Y/n You okay"?
I nodded and Jamie said meeting the guardians.
"So these are Santa, the tooth fairy?
(I nodded and he asked.)
Where Sandy and bunny".
Bunny came over and said.
"Over here".I didn't pay attention what they were doing, cause pitch was planning for a sneak attack.
I then said yelling and moved to protect Jamie.
Pitch fired and the arrow hit me and i fell.
I fought back and Jamie said.
Jack then said to pitch.
"You son of-".
I then said.
"Jack language"!
Pitch then said.
"You still fighting hu y/n.
How long is it going to be until you give up"?
I then said looking at pitch.
"Soilders never give up pitch".
I then said getting up and actually singed.
"Listen to the wind roar
See the mighty eagle soar
Feel the sun on your face
Trust that you will find your way
And when the night
Is cold and dark
Know that you have fire in your heart".
I walked forward and the black sand started falling off and turning into gold.
"Be strong be brave, let courage lead the way, stand tall and know who you are.
Wild heart wild soul, roam free to the unknown.
And know you have everything you need, to be fearless".
Then all the sand fell off and turned gold and Sandy came back.
I fell when that happened and the guardians fought i watched and said.
"Pitch is angry, blames them for childern not believeing in him.
I wouldn't believe in him either, but sadly there's a balance.
(I looked to Manny and said.)
Manny i can't help them, i used most of my energy fighting back pitches black sand.
Please help them".
I fainted, everything seemed black until I woke up, this time i was floating in the air above and their was a spot of black sand on the ground below me.
Then i remebered what happened and that nocked the air out of my lungs as i float down to the lake.
The ice thickened when I touched it and jack said flying over.
I then said looking to him.
Jack hugged me and then kissed me.
I was shocked but this time i kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.
We pulled away and he said.
"You okay, you fainted then woke up and kicked pitches a**.
Then you floated over here.
Y/n You okay"?
I then said .
"Better than okay".
I pecked his lips and he said holding me.
"Your powers back"?
I then said clenching my fists.
Blue shocks and i said.
"Yeah there back, but I got new ones and i want to keep them.
(Jack looked at me.)
I may miss my home world jack but im happier here.
I may find a way to communicate with my family, but i like it here.
There's this saying my dad learned, home is where the heart is.
He may miss his first love Peggy, but he meet my mom and they had me.
My heart was never in that world, it's always been here.
(I placed my hand over his heart and said.)
With you, the first movie i grew up watching was the rise of the guardians.
I believe in you, that was why I could see you, instead of arriving here and talking to air.
They got the saying seeing is believeing wrong, part of it may be true for others.
But really believeing is truly seeing".
Jack smiled and held me to him.
"That's my girl".
Jack then said.
"Your center is spirit, guardian of bravery".
I then said.
"My center is sprirt isn't it"?
He smiled and said and the guardians show up.
"That's my girl".
North then said.
"Jack, y/n you ready"?
I then said.
Ready for what"?
North then said.
"We asked jack if he wanted to be a guaridan.
Manny choose you as a guaridan as well.
Your the guaridan of spirit.
So you two ready"?
I turned to jack and he said.
I smiled and north said.
"Jack, y/n do you promise to protect the childern, be there to guid them, when they are scared and alone"?
Me and jack said at the same time.
North then said closing the book.
"You two are now and forever more, guardians".
Jack and i smiled and jack kissed me and that is the start of a beautifull relashionship.
Thee end.

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