Nightwing/ Dick Grayson x reader

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(Y/n's pov)
As I watch Nightwing train with Lagoon I can't help but admire his form and skill.
But with ever grunt and groan that was made from any hit the boys landed on one another I cringed.
One thing I learned when I arrived here from my world, is that these hero's have a code.
Whether it was a general rule or moral code, never kill your enemy unless you can defuse the situation before it progressed.
There's always another way to handle the situation, you just got to know where to find it and how to look for it under pressure.
Though I never joined the team on the feild, Black Canary or Nightwing trained with me so I know how to defend and fight.
But I cant help but feel when I make tremendous progress that I become more dangoures.
That's why I usualy train against holograms brought on by the computer.
Everyone has a moral code, mine is that I'll never fight or lay a hand on someone in anger.
Even if it was just training, people could get hurt.
Either Batman knew it when he saw me block the battarang he threw at me, he was beginning to suspect I learned certain moves from the team differently than the usual way.
Visual learning made up for lack of partisipation in sparing with a team mate.
When Lagoon fell the computer announced it.
"Lagoon boy down".
I grabbed some water and Tylenol and walked over as Nightwing help lagoon boy up.
Once they notice me I said holding a water Lagoon boy and showed him the Tylenol.
"Here take these.
(I lread his body language though he tries to hide it, Nightwings punches were anything but gental.)
Do you boys really have to train so rough"?
Lagoon boy smiled and said.
"Don't worry your pretty little head angle fish.
Ill be fine".
He toke the Tylenol pill I held out to him and said softly.
"But thank you".
Connor then came in and said.
"Nightwing you got another sparing match on you"?
Nightwing looked at me and saod.
"Not really.
What about you y/n"?
I stiffened and looKed at Nightwing.
Lagoon boy then said seeing the fear in my eyes.
" Nightwing I don't think she wants to".
Nightwing then said as he guided me to the mate, and imputed my name into the computer.
"Its not about want.
Beside Connor won't do permant damage".
I looked at him and felt hurt, I looked to Connor and prayed in my head.
Megan kept a mind link open between me and Connor incase we ever wanted to hang out or comfort one another when in a bad mood.
Nightwing smiled at me and said to Lagoon boy.
"Besides she's tougher than she looks".
Lagoon saw the panic growing and I was shacking.
Connor then said as I fell to the gorund muttering.
"Um Nightwing-".
I then said as something in the air changed the atmosphere.
"No, I can't do, it.
I won't dot it.
(That's when it happened an Amp coming from me.)
I won't hurt anyone"!
The boys fell back
They all landed carefully on there feet and I said looking at my hands.
(I looked at them and they stared, i huddled in on myself and said before running off.)
What's happening to me"?
I ran away as the boys called out to me.

(Lagoon boys pov)
I looked at Nightwing after i tried and failed to call y/n.
"What the hell were you thinking"!?
Connor of in his space and Nightwing siad.
"Y/n can fight and defend herself why arw you angry at me"?
I then said pointing at him then the dirextion y/n went.
"Didn't you see the look on her face?
The fear in her eyes.
She's scared, she doesn't want to hurt anyone even if it's just to spare.
Didn't you see she didn't want to cause she knows what's she's capable of"?
Connor looked down the hallway and said.
"I cant see her with my x ray vision.
She must be in one of the rooms in the moutain that's lined with lead".
Nightwing looked down and then entered the computer and it showed Y/n vital signs.
I then said seeing the area of her brain that glowed bright blue.
"What's that"?
Nightwing then said.
"Y/n's brain is different than our, parts of it remained dormant until now.
(He rubbed his eyes and said.)
She has powers, but in her world they remained hidden and in touched.
Something here triggered them".
He then said.
"I didn't mean for her to fear herself".
I then said beginning to walk.
"Ill go look for her".
Nightwing then said.
"No, I'll go".
He ran and i asked Connor.
"Do you think hell finaly tell her"?
Connor then said.
"Maybe, but Nightwing has a point.
We all want y/n to be comfertable and safe.
But she knows we wont hurt her".
I then said.
"I don't think it's us she's worried about.
Didn't she say she'll never lay a hand or fight in angery or somthing similar a week ago when we tried to coach her up here.
There's a fine line between practice fighting and real fighting.
(I looked down the hall and said.)
She's trying not to cross it".

(Y/n's pov)
I sat in the team's game room trying to calm my nerves.
When Nightwing came in I backed away.
He raised his hands and said.
"Easy it's just me".
I then said barley containing my anger.
"Why did you do that"?
He then said.
"You have every right to be upset.
I want you to know that.
(I narrowed my eyes at him and he said.)
But y/n super boy would never hurt you".
I then said lowly.
"Ots not him I'm worried about.
Didn't you see what happened when I'm anxious?
Imagen what will happen in anger"?
Nightwing looked at me differently as i sat down and said.
"You not worried they'll hurt you.
It's you hurting them?
(He sat by me and held my hand and said.)
You promised yourself you would never lay a hand or fight in anger".
I then said looking away.
"Yes, the harm from a fist alone makes me no better than those people that cause harm for fun".
Nightwing held my chin and said.
"Your nothing like them.
Don't ever doubt yourself.
If only you see what i do you understand".
I looked at him and he said.
"Your brave, and strong.
Possibly the bravest.
None of us would admit we're scared, that toke real courage.
You could use that angry in an emp for goodness sake.
Your an amazing women, and I love your carefree and hopefull spirit thats what I fell for ".
I was shocked and he then held my cheek and said.
"Why do you think when ever i practice and you watch I hold back?
I didn't want to scare you".
I held his hand and said.
"You can never scare me".
He then kissed me and once we pulled away i said.
"I love you to".
He hugged me and said.
"I know you don't want to fight.
But I promise if you feel like your slipping.
We'll stop".
I nodded and we left and trained.
People watched and finally i won.
Nightwing smirked at me and said.
"Look at you".
I blushed and helped him up and he said kissing me.
"I wounder who taught you"?
I then said.
"All of you guys, visual learned does that".
Nightwing smirked at me and megan said holding a plate of cookies.
"I think we should call it a day.
Let's watch a movie.
I made everyone's favoirte waiting in the game room".
I hugged Nightwing and he said smiling at me.
"You did amazing".
I blushed and said.
"Thank you".

Thee end.

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