*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*
(Y/n's pov)
Ever since I was young I always wanted to belong.
Well what kid doesn't?
But it's kind of hard when you stick out like a sore thumb.
Pale little girl that is an orphan and has long snow white hair.
In Seabrook that made me the freak.
All the other kids in the orphanage didn't pick on me though, i toke comfert in my many brothers and sisters looking at my white hair with fascination.
But eventually they all went to parents that wanted them instead.
I never begrudge them for it, everyone of us wanted to be loved by a mother and a father.
Have a family of our own, but I also felt a loss i never felt before.
If I did I was to young to remember.
I was so happy they got a family, but saddened when I was never given a second look.
Until one day a family, the mayor, her husband and with alittle girl my age came and toke me in.
Adopted me, and now here I am, 14 years later with a family like I always wanted.
Addison snapped her fingers infront of my face and that broke my daze.
I blinked my eyes multiple times and hummed as i look at my sister Addison.
A girl who was born with snow White hair like me.Everyone out there wonders who they are and where they come from.
But in the end, it doesn't matter because who you are is who you decide.
Addison said as she placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Hey you okay?
You been looking at the sky for over 30 mintues".
I then said rubbing my eyes.
"Have I really"?
My eyes stung as I rubbed them.
I then said as the tears came to remoisturize my dry eyes.
"Uh right I have.
(Addison handed me a tissue and i dabbed under my eyes to wipe away the tears.)
Im sorry Addison I must have nothing on my mind".
Addison then said sitting up.
"Or alot.
(I looked st her and then looked to where she was previous.
Her boyfriend Zed asked us if we could come over for a surprise.
Addison been smiling like a fool all day.
That smile is one where she's in on the surprise and it's not for her but she can't contain it for much longer.)
We grew up together since we were four years old.
I know when you have alot on your mind, you tend to look above for answers".
I then said.
"Have you ever wondered, just for a tiny bit.
(I looked to the sky and sighed.)
What could be out there?
We know so much about our world, yet so little at the same time.
We look here,
(I gestured to the field we are both looking at.)
We look down in the water,
(I smiled as i look up.)
And some of us look up beyond the stars in wonder.
What's there looking back at us"?
Addison then said nudging my shoulders.
"You have a point.
(I looked at her and she says.)
The stars are guides, but often enough what we're looking for is sometimes deep within ourselves".
I then said smiling.
"Quoting me to me are we now addi"?
Addison then said smiling.
"Your a smart women you should take your own advice.
Besides isn't it you who always say that love is family?
Not blood"?
I nodded and said.
Zed then jogged over and said.
"Hey ladys.
How is my girlfriend and future sister in law doing"?
I then said.
"Right now your future sister in law is trying not to bombard you with questions.
But what's the surprise that seems to make addison so anxious"?
Zed then said smiling.
"Your not forgeting anything right"?
I nodded and said look at Zed confused as Addison joined him.
"Um im sure why"?
Addison then said.
"Close your eyes ".
I did and then i heared the sounds of multiple footsteps.
Ruffling of silk canvas paper and hushing.
Zed then said with Addison.
"One two three, open them y/n".
I did and i gasped as everyone yelled.
"Happy early birthday y/n"!
I smiled and said as i stood up.
"You guys.
(I covered my mouth as Bonzo and Bree came over with a cake.)
Oh my god how did you-.
(I looked to Addison and then Bree.
Then my eyes meet Wyatt and Willa and Wynter.)
How did you guys set all this up?
(I gasped covering my mouth again.)
Oh i can't believe i forgot my own birthday is the same day as the big game tommorrow".
Addison came over and said.
"We figure that since the game is on your birthday we celebrate ahead of schedule.
Since we all are so focused on the game we thought we also congratulate you turning 18 on the cheer bus ".
I smiled and hugged addison and said.
"You are the best sister ever"!
I looked to everyone and said.
"And your the best team mates, cheer mates, pack mates, class mates and zombie friends ever"!
Everyone cheered and Wyatt said as he steadied me by holding my shoudlers.
"Make a wish birthday girl".
I looked at the cake and saw it was decorated in true Seabrook fashion.
Everyone of us was on it, watching the sky.
I looked to addison who's with zed.
Bree with Bonzo.
And Wyatt who is holding a tablet with elizabeth on it.
Since she couldn't make it to the celebration since she has an internship at Z Corp.
I closed my eyes and thought over what i wanted.
Dispite wanting to know who my parents are.
All i ever truly wanted was to be some to some one .
'I wish i was someone to someone else.
Like my sister is to Zed, bree to Bonzo, Elizabeth to Wyatt.
And that they remain happy as i hope to one day have'.
I opened my eyes and blower the candles out.
The flames flickered and turned to smoke before going out forever.
But the air that blew out the flames, was flickered in flakes of blue and white.
Everyone clapped as the candle tips were black, with flames no longer on their tips.
Addison batted my back as i smiled.
No one seemed to mention what happened before the flames went out so i thought it was just my imagination.
Zed then said.
"So what did you wish for"?
I then said smiling.
"If i told you it wouldn't come true now would it"?
Wyatt then said.
"Can't you give us a hint,
(He bowed playfully.)
Oh great alpha".
Willa, wynter and I laughed.
I then said smiling as i looked at my sister and zed.
"That the people i care about is always happy".
Addison smiled and hand over her heart.
Zed then said.
"Oh y/n your to sweet".
I then said.
"Its part of my wish, so technically I didn't tell you".
Elizabeth then said.
"Of course, now come on birthday girl, you get the first slice".
I then said as i pulled out my phone.
"Okay, okay.
First let me get a picture of the cake".
The light from my camera flashed andthats when i noticed a space beside me was empty.
But on my camera, something was fuzzy, the size of a person.
It was slowly comeing into fouces, i shock the feeling of knowing deep down i know who that space belongs to.
Addison was right i got alot on my mind, multitasking is a blessing but a curse.
Thinking more than one subject at the time while either cleaning, can leave alot of free times when I ever have a break.
And that leaves me time my active imagination.
My painting hobby or my fiction writing.
I was handed a plate and i was cut a slice.
Everyone clapped and i went over to a table tuat was set up as everyone grabbed a piece of cake.
Everyone eat into the late afternoon.
We played games and played Marco pollo on the foot ball feild.
I was tackled by Wyatt since he was closer to me.
I laughed and he said.
"Your it".
I then said as i got the blindfold.
"Oh your on wyatt".
I called out as i walked around.
People everywhere yelled.
I tagged someone and they groaned.
I lifted my hand and said seeing bucky.
"Your it bucky"!
Zed then said seeing the night.
"Well everyone, it's about time to wrap everything up.
We got a big day tommorrow so get some rest".
Everyone nodded and i yawned.
Though my role in the cheer squad was huge, i wanted to continue the celebration.
But he was right, plus I was more of a foot ball fan than cheer leader.
Me and addison walked back home, so excited that it showed how tired we are.
Addison more than me since she was organising our cheer routine for the cheer national.
I then said as i got into my room.
"Night addi sleep well".
She then said.
"Night y/n sleep well".
I then said to whoever was out there after i changed into my favoirte blue pjs and sat on my window sile, opening it to look into the sky.
"One day we'll meet, until then Sleep well".
I closed my window and then before going to my bed i saw a meter.
I smiled and then went to my bed and fell asleep.

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