Callum x reader

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(Y/n's pov)
Traveling with Callum, Rayla and Ezran was eventfull to say the least.
In fact it was flat out dangourse, what happened to both Ezran and the egg is the perfect example.
The egg was dying, the dragon prince is dying and i toke a breath and the wind picked up.
I then asked rayla who looked at me, feeling the change in my behavior.
"How do we hatch the egg of a air dragon"?
Rayla answered my question.
"In the eye of a storm, why-"?
I picked up the egg and callum got up and said.
"Y/n what are you doing"!?
I placed the egg down and said backing up.
"Saving the dragon prince".
I sat crossed legged and i said closing my eyes.
"Just breath.
(The wind picked up as i continued to breath.)
(I inhaled and then said.)
I let go and storm clouds formed and i opened my eyes.
I raised my hand and did the symbloe of a hurricane.
The hurricane moved to be above me and the egg and i heared cracks.
It's hatching!
I then picked up my breathing as controling the storm was beginning to get wild, but the egg has to hatch .
It started to give me a headach and i looked at the egg and said breathing.
"Just breath".
Then the egg hatched, the light was blinding, the blow back from the egg hatching threw me back.
My back hit the way of the mountain, i groaned as i fell back to the floor.
Callum then said running to me.
He picked me up and i said looking in the direction of the egg, but my vision was blurry.
"The egg".
Callum moved my hair and placed two fingers on my pulse on my neck.
He said.
"The dragon prince is fine, you saved him.
(Callum turned to rayla.)
Rayla her pulse it's moving to fast"!
Rayla rushed over and she placed her hand on my forehead and said.
"Y/n tell me how you fell".
I then said.
Callum then said holding my cheek.
"No y/n stay awake please".
Rayla placed her hand on the back of my head and pulled it back, nothing was on it.
She then said confused.
"Callum there's no blood.
She's not hurt.
(She felt my back.)
I don't feel a bone out of place, her spine feels normal.
(Callum was panicing, i can see it, his eyes were wide and diolated.
He's shacking, i kept looking at him staying awake.
This seemed to relax him and scar him.)
Callum she's going to be fine".
Callum was shacking and i held his hand and squeezed and said looking at him in the eyes.
"Just breath callum".
I closed my eyes and said before passing out.
"Just breath".
I heared a crack, something broke and i don't know what it is.

When i woke up again, it was in the feild we were heading to, to help both the dragon egg and rayla.
An illusion elf lived here, but we all believed it to be a healer.
I woke up to someone nudging my cheek.
I opened my eyes and said seeing the tiny dragon sitting beside my head.
I then said recognising him as the dragin prince.
"Well hello".
The dragon squeecked and licked my cheek and i said petting him behind his ear.
"What's your name cutie"?
I heared running and i turned my head to see it was ezran he said seeing me awake.
"She's awake, callum, rayla"!
Ezran ran to me and hugged me, i groaned in pain.
I then said patting ezran's back.
"Oh easy buddy im okay".
Callum was the second person to come into my field of vision.
When he saw me he stopped.
Rayla yelled running over.
"Y/n your awake".
She yhen hugged me and i said.
"Yeah why wouldn't i"?
Rayla looked to callum who's walking over, she tapped Ezran's shoulder and he saw his big brother was coming.
Ezran picked up the dragon prince and he said.
"Well give you two some time alone.
Y/n you hungry"?
I then said.
"Ill eat later".
They left and i said looking at callum.
"Callum i-".
He held my cheek and kissed me.
I was shocked, but then I kissed him back.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held my waist.
We pulled away cause i felt a brush of the headache I gotten from trying to maintain the storm.
Callum said feeling the spot of my head were the headache is.
"I know, you did what you had to".
He rubbed the spot gentally with his thumb, the pain seemed to ease and i leaned into his palm.
He then said holding me to him.
"Just don't scare me like that again.
(He held me by arms length and moved some hair to be behind my left ear.)
Why did you take that risk.
I had the orb, it had the eye of a hurricane".
I then said.
I saw the prince was dying and, i don't know how to even say this, but I feared I would loss someone who is important to me.
(I looked in the direction rayla, ezran and the baby dragon prince went.l
A brother".
Callum held my cheek and said.
Like you knew how i felt when ezran was under water.
You jumped in".

I nodded and said.
Callum said making me look at him.
"Y/n the illusion elf, the healer we went to find to help rayla and Yzm.
(Callum saw my confusion and callum said.)
We named the baby dragon prince Yzm.
He has actually been staying by your side as you rested".
I looked at callum and i said.
Callum then said holding my hand.
She told us something, about you.
She checked you over, you sjould have a few broken bones, your skull should of been cracked.
But nothing.
Y/n You said your shoulder blades have been itching right"?
I nodded and callum said as i gasped in pain when he pulled something off that seemed to stick in my flesh.
"This was there.
(A scale and i was shocked, i felt my shoulder blades and felt cool, strong plates of scales.)
Y/n She says your a dragon.
And aparently, your yzm's big sister".
I then said holding my head.
Callum held both my hands and said.
"The elf explained, you were born a few years before Yzm.
You were then indanger cause a wizard was looking for power.
You were transformed into a human child and sent into the human world.
The way you reacted after using your powers again after many years is normal.
(He placed a hand on my cheek.)
Y/n you used your energy to save your baby brother.
(I nodded and he said.)
Hey what's wrong"?
I then said looking at callum.
"I don't know who i am anymore".
Calluk then said after pecking my forehead.
"Your y/n l/n,
My dragon princess".
I looeld at him and he said.
"Your kind, strong, adventures, brave, loyal,
(He placed his forehead against mine.)
Beautiful and adorable.
And i.
(I looked at him with rapid attention.
Callum then looked up at me after he toke a breath to relax him.)
I love you y/n and i want to know if you-".
I kissed him and he relaxed kissing me back and i said holding his cheek.
He leaned into my palm holding my hand in his.
"I love you to".
He then said as he helped me up.
"Will you be my girlfriend"?
I smiled and said.
"Yes, You don't even need to ask callum".
Callum rubbed the back of his neck and said smiling .
"Sorry force of habit".

(Time skip)
The evil wizard fallen and i was falling after pushing him off the cliff by running at him.
Callum yelled my name.
Callum then followed and his arms became wings.
I watched not fearing the ground that seemed to get closer the long i fall.
Callum caught me and flew back up.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and once we're back high up in the air.
I kissed callum and his kissed me back.
We've been threw alot in the past year.
Rayla trying to kill him, ezran and my baby brother yzm surviving death, callum useing wind magic for the first time without the orb cause he broke it when I past out, saying that he needed to.
The power of the hurricane went into me and that seemed to help me heal.
Callum looked me in the eye and he said.
"I love you so much".
I then said.
"I love you to".
He landed on the cliff and his wings changed back into arms and he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me again.
He then said holding my cheek.
"You okay"?
I nodded and i said.
"Im sorry if i scared you callum".
He then said.
"I know.
(Yzm flew to us.)
I then said walking over open arms.
"Baby brother".
He squeeked again and landed in my arms and i held him and said.
"Thank goodness your okay".
Callum then said as we looked at the door.
"You ready to meet your mother again"?
I then said holding his hand.
"Only if your there with me".
He smiled and we walked into the cave, everyone we met thqt fought the war with us that we won was there.
My mom woke up and she said seeing me and my brother.
"Oh my, is it.
Are both my babies back"?
I then said as we walked to her.
"Hey mom".
Yzm wiggled in my arms, wanting to get loss i let go.
He went to mom and she said as she saw him.
"Oh my little boy".
She looked me over and said seeing my scales which were now on my arms.
"Your scales are coming back".
I then said.
"Yeah, i shifted into my dragon form for the first time a few days ago .
Frim what callum told me, i look just like you".
She looked to my boyfriend and said.
"You hurt her I'll eat you".
Callum rubbed his neck in nervesnes.
I then said holding his hand.
Callum then saod looking at me with love.
"I would never dream or dare hurt your daughter miss queen of dragons.
(He held me to him and said.)
I love her with all my heart.
She's the air i breath".
I blushed and placed my head on his shoulder.
Yeah things are going to be good now.
Thee end.

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