(Y/n's Intro)
They say when you love someone, they never leave you, they remain in your heart forever.
But love can not be bought, it has to be earned and when you love someone, there's no such thing as distance.
Who knew that not even time travel can keep me and Kaname Kuran apart.
But the pain of this separation, was like being stabbed in the heart.
For the ache is something I'll never forget.
(End of intro)(Y/n's pov)
In the moments I wake up, it felt like time was standing still.
It was then that I always wish to rest alittle longer.
Not because I wished to remain snug as a bug.
Because the rare sight I sometimes get to see when my eyes open to see Kaname's sleeping face.
But as feeling returned to my finger tips and to my entire body, I couldn't feel his warm body next time mine.
Nor the feeling of his arms wrapped around my waist, whether it was when he was still awake or unconscious, he done it every time he layed down beside me.
It was moments like those I felt completely safe, and loved.
I reached my left thumb to fell my pointer finger.
'Its still there,
Kaname's ring is still there'.
I also noticed the ache from tired muscles awakening.I opened my eyes and I shoot up from the bed I been sleeping in.
'What I've been asleep for hours'!?
I imeaditly shooting up so fast.
I covered my eyes with my hand, turning away from the source of light.'the lights a medium shade of orange coming from the window.
It must be close to sun down'.
I groaned the moment the huge mass of pressure located right across my forehead made its presence known.
'And there's the headache'.
I scouted closer to the shadows was whatever room I'm in.
Small hands toke hold of my shoulders and a worried voice spoke up.
"Wow easy you fallen on my dads floors pretty hard, you should lay back down".I removed my hand over my eyes to see her, Yuki, looks just like the girl on the cover of the blu ray collection.
I then said.
"No, I have to fined him-".
I stood up and stumbled but stopped myself quickly.
I placed my hand against my forehead and groaned.
"My head fells like it's going to split in two.
(I turned my head to the direction to of the window and grinted my teeth.)
Please close that dam window".
She moved and the light of the room dimmed.
She came back with a cup of water and a pill.
She said.
"Here, you take this, it should clear your head ache right up".
I then said taking it.
"I don't believe it's good to depend on something the body can do on its own.
(I saw her stubborn look and added.) but just by looking at you I can tell argueing will be a losing battle".
I toke it and flinched and fought the urge to spit it out.
I toke a big gulp of the water and said shacking my head.
"Uh that's awful".
Yuki said as i became walking to the double doors.
"you shouldn't be up, you could have a concussion".
I then said looking at her.
"I'll rest when I found Kaname".
She said following me, as i began to feel my way back to where I been carried from.
Ignoring the signs with directions cause the pressure was above my eyes.
"Where are you going"?
I then said.
"To the headmaster's office".
I stopped at the corner as I heared the man's voice.
"Zero I won't argue with you on this".
This zero spoke angerly.
"She won't be safe if you put her in the night class, she's human.
(I clenched my fist and stumped forward and walked in without them noticing.)
If you put her in there, you'll be throwing her to the wolves".I then said making them notice I'm in the room.
"So it's safer to be in a world were to you hunters think I'm a lost cause and have me murdered".
The headmaster moved from behind his desk and he said smiling.
"Oh Miss L/n,
(He moved and guided me to a chair and said.)
Please ignore my son.
(Zero's jaw seemed to tighten.
The headmaster came back and said holding a cup of tea to me.)
Tea miss L/n"?
I toke a gental hold of it, he didn't let go of it into my waiting palms, I flinched when I felt the warmth.
I then said finally fully touching it.
"This is real China,
(I examined the design and said.)
No doubt made in China".
The headmaster beamed and said.
"Yes, it is.
(He sat back in his chair amd i toke a sip of the Tea and the pressure seemed to lessen.)
How are you feeling?
You toke quite a hard landing".
I then said.
"Compared to a red clay bricked roof and a Cobble stone road, the floor boards of your office are like comfy pillows".
The headmaster began to cry and said.
"Oh you suffered so much".
I then said as I could see Kanames reflection in the Tea, an figment of my imagination.
One I'll be using often just to ease the pain of my heart ache.
"Your only scratching the surface".
Yuki placed her hands on my shoulder and I looked at Kaname's ring.
I rubbed my thumb over the gold K and I looked up and the headmaster understood.
He said standing up.
"I know, I to felt the pain of loss.
(He turned to me and said.)
When you really love someone, you love with everything you have.
(I began to tear up and the Tea cup shacked.)
But what your feeling isn't loss, he isn't dead.
You would of know that the moment you landed in my office".
I said hopeful, dispite the ache that now feels better.
If it was the kind of loss the headmaster was just deceiving, then I would of been in more pain emotionally than physically.
"He's alive?
(I stood up and asked walking towards him.)
Is he okay, where is he"?
The headmaster said softly holding my arms gentally.
"He's alive and well, I'm was about to call him myself.
I know he'll be very happy to see you".
I smiled and the shacking of my hands was lessening and i saod sitting back down.
"He's here,
(I moved the damped stray hairs off my forehead.)
That's why I arrived here, he sent me through time to a place where he's waiting".
The headmaster said sounding impressed.
"That's correct miss L/n, Kaname is the only pureblood in the world that can send people, even himself through time.
But he never used it.
The other few purebloods feared and respected him, human only ran the other way.
(He kneeled infront of me and said.)
Yet you didn't run away, you ran toward him.
You saved him instead of doing what many humans would of done.
And for that I thanl you.
For your story, your legend made the choice clear to me about my dream, that their are humans that want to coexist, you just needed to know what's fact, instead of rumors and fiction".
I then said as i remebered I only told kaname that.
"You do know kaname, he's the only person I said that to,
(I finished the Tea and said.)
Thank you headmaster cross".
The headmaster said like a school girl.
"Oh please miss L/n calll me Kaien Cross".
I then said smiling.
"Only if you call me Y/n, miss L/n was my mom".
Kaien smiled and shook my hand and said.
"Deal, now its almost time for the Night class to come into campus, and I'm afriad kaname would kill me if he saw you like this, you are exhausted".
I yawned and said.
"I looked worse from battling dust mites, allergys".
He nodded and said to Yuki.
"Yuki can you lead Y/n to one of the empty dorm rooms in the day class wing, she be resting there untill tomorrow".
Yuki nodded and said.
"Of course headmaster,
(Yuki tole hold of my hand and said.)
Come on Y/n".
I looked out through the windows we passed to see the gates with a moon carving on them was opening.
'Go to them, go to the gates'.
I got out of yuki's grip and ran like a bat that escaped the bellfry.
I got outside and I could here Yuki yelling from the main building of the campus.
Just sound, I was to far to hear words.

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