(Alice's pov)
*a few weeks later*
I looked at my phone, waiting for it to beep with an incoming text message.
Excepting at least for one.
But y/n stopped the moment Edward went to say good bye.
Jasper then said seeing me stare at the phone for a long time.
I then said as i was angry at Edward.
"I have half a mind to get Edward and drag him to forks and apologize to her".
Jasper then said after patting my shoulder calming me down.
"He already feels like S.ugar H.oney I.ce T.ea Alice".
I looked at him and he said.
"I admit it, her way of cursing rubbed off on me.
(He lightly smiled as he remembered y/n's happy smile.)
And honestly I never thought of it before.
(He slackened his jaw and said.)
But we promised to not interfere".
I then said standing up.
"I know that jasper-"!
I gasped as a vision toke hold of me and Jasper yelled before i couldnt hear him any more.
Y/n enter the feild with a bandage below her eye.
I covered my mouth upon seeing it.
Thought we promised Edward that we wouldn't interfere, i checked on her when i had a vision of her getting hurt by Bella.
Not being seen by her, the sound was huge and painful.
She wanted to be asleep while they stiched it up.
I did the work since Carlisle taught me when i wanted to learn to help people.
Y/n stared out onto the field tired, sad and empty.
Nothing like the y/n I remembered.
When she looked up to see Laurent she said.
"Let me guess, Victoria asked you to check to see if the cullens were still protecting me and Bella"?
I looked at Laurent and he replied to y/n.
"What happened to your eye"?
She then said looking down.
"Humans can be dangoures to, especially the ones that you trust.
(She then said angerly.)
Having a cheap day i see, your the one killing those hikers.
(She raised her voice.)
They have families!
People that love them how could you"!?
He looked away from her, y/n wasn't going down without him knowing those people blood is on his hands.
He then said looking at her.
"I was going to help Victoria,
(He looked at her and said.)
But honestly, i came to warn you.
She's back, I've been lieing saying that there is someone protecting you.
But that won't stop her from getting to you and your sister".
Y/n then said shocked.
"Your the one patriling my house"?
Then their was a growl that echoed throughtout the air.
Y/n then said seeing the wolves.
"The protecters of the La push".
She then said to Laurent.
"Go, run and don't come back until your eyes are golden, no more cheap days not now or ever"!
He ran, and she said getting in the middle of the feild.
"You won't be getting any trouble from him.
But Victoria is the one you should worry about.
I know who she's after.
(She paused and said.)
Me and bella".A red wolf came up beside her and said recognising him.
"Jake"?(End of vision)
I then said looking at Jasper.
"Y/n's in danger,
(I got up and got ready to leave.)
Im going to Denali to talk to Laurent after he gets away.
You call Edward".
Jasper got up and went to the phone and i got to my car and drove.(Y/n's pov)
The sound of the rain wasn't what woke me up so early in the morning.
It was the silence, the lack of someone shacking me to wake up on a bloody Saturday.
Dad came in and said seeing that i was laying down.
"How's your eye sweet heart"?
I then said as i grabbed the eye patch i taken to wear when the pain below my eye began to bug me when i use it.
"Its getting better".
He sat at the edge of my bed and said seeing the motor cycle magazine.
"I know we talked about that machine.
(I nodded and remembered the talk turning into and argument.)
Your right you have the right to make your own choices.
Im just worried for you, even though you aren't my biological daughter.
Your still my little girl.
You rode on horse back, so thats perpared you for ridding that machine.
The money i got from selling Bella's truck is enough for you to buy one".
I looked at the envelope and said.
"Thanks dad".
He then said looking at my uninjured eye.
"You sure you don't need me to come with you to look"?
I then said.
"I actually been think about what you said about seeing eye dogs.
(I then said.)
I think maybe your right about that one.
I always wanted a dog".
He then said lightly smiling.
"Ill drop you off at the pet shop on my way to work".
I got up and got dressed.
Ince i got in the car dad began to drive to the store.
Ince he stopped i got out ANF thanked him.
I got in the store and Sarah said seeing my covered eye.
"Oh y/n honey did Bella really do that"?
I nodded and i said.
"I was wondering if you had any dogs that i can adopt".
She then said showing me some guard dogs.
"They are retired seeing eye dogs for those in the military, two of them are already marked to be picked up".
I looked at the third one and said as she let me pet her, paw over my wrist sweetly.
"Is she one of them"?
Sarah then said shocked.
"She's never been like that to anyone".
I looked at sarah and said.
"This sweet girl"?
Sarah then said.
"No, she lost her partner in battle and has been classified to have PTSD.
She avaible but due to her agressive nature no one wanted her.
Do you"?
I then said as i looked into the dogs eyes, her pleeding me to take her home.
(The dog began to kiss me and i said.)
Welcome to the family Odette".
To be contiued...

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