Dick Grayson x reader part 2

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(Y/n's pov) *two years later*

Either two face had a weird OCD problem that came in full force with multiple personality disorder, or this guy is really just obsessed with twos.
This would be my first mission with Batman, Bruce Wayne's alter ego.
And frankly i don't weather to be nerves or sick.
Though bruce has been training me for this, i cant help my leg bouncing as we got further away from Wayne manor and the bat cave underneath it.
Bruce said softly as the ride may be short, but he could tell I needed it.
"Its okay to be nerves, i was on my first mission".
I then said.
"It not just frayed nerves, everything here is as real as me, talk about a weird time for a mortally check".
He laughed.
Of course two face did not go down easy.
The drive back from being successful of surviving a trap was more shocking that i thought it be, let alone than punching the guy before he got away.
Alfred said at my side of the bat mobile looking at bruce.
"I believe the young mistress is in shock".
I raised my hand and said.
"Give me a mintue".
I got out and I saw it, a cake and some party found.
Bruce said patting my back.
"Congratulations on your first mission y/n".
To know the long day ahead would be smooth thanks to there being no Edward nigma in the company, was more than a relife, but a blessing in disguise.
Bruce then said.
"Im thinking there's a circus charity tommorrow and i don't have a companion.
You always loved that performance group the flying Grayson's".
Actually i originally watched their performances to try to get over my fear of heights and plan on how i might keep them from falling to their deaths.
But as i continued to watch i understood why they loved doing what they do.
But i also fell for the youngest flying grayson of the group.
Kind of weird that i had this crush growing even before i called this universe my home.

I then said.
"To do something they love so much always fasinated me, dispite me worrying constantly.
How can they do this and not worry about heights"?
Bruce patted my back and said.

Alfred then said as we all had some cake.
"I takem the liberty on getting the dress you saw on the window display".
Bruce then said.
"Think of it as a present".
I smilex and said hugging them.
"Thank you guys so much".
I got out of my vigilante suit off and i got into comfertable cloths i went to my room to gasp as i saw the most beautiful dress i ever seen in my favorite color.

 I got out of my vigilante suit off and i got into comfertable cloths i went to my room to gasp as i saw the most beautiful dress i ever seen in my favorite color

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I fell for the dress when i saw it.
Thankfully I didn't have yo worry about it ristrictionh my movements.
I held it and it felt softer than i imagened.
I looked out side and prayed that crime toke a hike, even if it is just for a night.

(Time skip to when they are at the circus.)

I don't know what compelled me to run under the threat of gun fire from two face men or two face himself, but i knew that if I didn't get up that trapeze now they by the time two face will shoot the graysons.
Thankfully all of Bruce training made me quick on my feet.
By the time i got to the top two face fired, thankfully he was distracted by all the chaos to not see me.
I saw the rope and said getting ready to jump.
Bruce yelled as i grabbed the trapeze and moved so my legs held the bar tightly.
I got the rop around my mid section and to my right arm i yelled to the grayson who were looking at me.
"Grab the rope and my hand"!
Richards parents grabbed the rope the same time as his older brother grabbed my left hand.
I had to hold my breath and clench my teeth so hard that im surprised I didn't break my jaw.
The pain shooting from my right arm was horrible.
The wieght of two bodies pulling down my right arm had dislocated it.
But still, will is stronger than pain, i kept my grip on the rope in my right hand dispite it feeling cold and numb.
I guess why it's called of phantom limb when your using it dispite not feeling the muscle from the arm conected to it.
'Mind over matter'.
I grinted my teeth and said looking at the grasyons.
"Hold on".
Then there was a brief shack.
The bomb went of outside and in the water.
Bruce yelled at the police that stared at me surprised.
"What are you standing around for!?
My daughter's up there and her arm is dislocated and she can't hold the flying graysons forever"!

They pulled out the biggest safety net i ever ween and i said.
"I'm going to have to let you guys go first".
Richards parents said before they let go.
"Thank you for saveing us".
They landed safely, got up and away so i could let go of their eldest son and he said.
"I can see why Richard likes you".
I was confused but I forgot to loosen the muscles in my legs cause i couldn't fall.
Bruce said seeing that i noticed i was very high up.
"Oh no her fear of hieghts"?
I closed my eyes and swallowed.
That was until Richard came on his trapeze and said helping me up.
He said holding my hand.
"Its okay i got you".
He held me to him and we fallen, together.
Probably a good thing he moved in the air so he toke the blow of the landing cause my dislocated arm was exposed.
The paramedics moved me out of Richards arm and re-placed my arm and i passed out.
All i can think of is Richard and if has okay, and i could help thinking about what his brother said.
Could he like me to?

(Time skip to a few hours)

One of the cons to being a super hero, is knowing that danger can come from anywhere.
I woke up and I was in Gotham's hospital, and Bruce was asleep in the chair under the TV.
I got up, but i realised really quick the my right arm was in a sling.
I groaned and said as my voice was alittle muffled by the pillow.
(I then said to myself not knowing who's listening.)
No pain, no gain, no risk, no reward.
But I'm never going to pass out like that again".
Thats when i noticed someone in the door way, cause he said nocking.
"You need help"?
I looked at him and saw it was Richard, still in his uniform.
I then said as i used my right wrm to push me up.
"No I got it,
(I sat up and said seeing his wrapped up wrist.)
Did i do that"?
He then said lightly smiling.
"I don't mined, i got to help protect a pretty girl".
I lightly blushed and said looking away.
"Your to nice".
He came in and said holding my shoes, i kicked off those flat one inch heels cause i would of broke my ankles climbing the ladder.
"You forgot these,
(He sat on the foot of my bed and placed my shoes on the chair beside my bed.
He lightly smiled.)
Cinderella can go to the ball without her shoes now can she"?
I then asked, still kind of foggy with sleep.
"How are you mom, dad and brother doing"?
He lightly smiled and said.
"Doing great, hoping you get better, if you didnt risk your life, they would of lost theirs".
I then said.
"I seen some of the flying graysons acts online when Haileys the circus wasn't in gotham yet.
Gave me hope, that we can do what we put our minds to".
Richard smiled and said.
"Thanks, that really means alot".
I fiddled with the necklace i had with me when i arrived in this world, it was once my mother's.
Richard said.
"That was your mother's wasn't it"?
I nodded and said.
"She was the only family i had left, until Bruce toke me in tau years ago.
I thought I wouldn't feel happy again, turns out i just need to remeber she will always be there with me, i just won't see her every day".
Richard then said.
"I can only imagine what it must be, well until I heared the gun shots.
But when i saw you on the trapeze with the rope, you looked like you were flying.
Have you ever been on a trapeze before"?
I shook my head and said.
"Gymnastics, but i couldn't bring myself to go on the trapaze.
Its amlost lile instinct".
Richard then said.
"A feeling".
I then said as his doctor called out his name.
"Looks like someone's looking for you".
Richard then said.
"Just wanted to meet a real hero.
(He then said in the door eay before going.)
And Cinderella.
(I looked up and he said.)
Ill see you again soon".

What does that mean, the circus would leave by the morning.
Bruce spook as he woke up, or pretended to wake up.
"You know you can have relashionships ".
I then said.
"He'll be in danger, i won't do that to him".
Bruce then said.
"I only heared his voice.
But something tells me he'll choose the help protect the city, because he loves you".

I then said.
"Love would be strecthing it Bruce, we just met".
Bruce then said guestering to my shoes.
"A guy who doesn't love you wouldn't come all this way from the circus to the hospital, where they have there own doctor, to ask for your hospital room number, to give you your shoes back".
I looked at my sparkling sliver flat, one inch, pointed and opened back heels
I then said.
"The circus will leave in the morning, how will i see him again"?
Bruce then said smiling.
"Trusting my gut, that boy will find away".
Bruce got up and adjusted a pillow behind me and said.
"You'll be discharge tommorrow afternoon, right now you should rest".

To be continued.

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