Dick Grayson x reader part 3 final

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(Y/n's pov) *a day later*

One thing I hated more than not training, was being babied.
My arm was still numb after being relocated into its socket.
One thing about the pain medicain that the hospital gave me to take made me sleepy.
So i didn't have it in me to argue with Bruce when he said I needed to take the time off and let my arm heel.
I nodded and walked up to my room with the straps of my open back heels hanging from my pointer and middle finger in my left hand.
I haven't really been able to sleep comfortably at the hosptial, the mattresses were nothing like the beds in the Wayne manor, then again I always did perfer a semi soft and tough bed, the hospital beds where just stiff.
I yawned as i looked at the warm comferter, inviting since it was cold in this room cause one, those i find it kind of homey to have the harth lite.
Im just to safty cautious and used to living in a house that didn't have a fire place.
I shrugged my coat off and placed my shoes on a chair pillow close to my bed.
Ill put them in my closet later, right now I'm just tired.
I was able to put on my blue night gown slip on easily since i was told to never take my arm sling off until it's healed.
I yawned and climbed into bed and got comfertable.
I looked at the tv and said.
"Mayeb just one episode of moonlight".
The TV played and then i heared a motorcycle and a police car.
Alfred came on and said seeing i was still up, and looking tiredly outisde my window.
"Mistress y/n watching moonlight before getting some sleep".
I then said as he placed some strawberry in a bowl on my lap.
"Thank you Alfred,
(I then said.)
It was probably my imagination and wishfull thinking".
Alfred then asked.
"About what mistress y/n".
I looked to my shoes and Alfred ahhed as he sat at the foot of my bed as he talked.
"You know I was in love once, quite a beauty and what a spite fire.
Kind of reminds me of you.
You were very brave to face your fears the way you did.
If this Richard feels the same as master bruce suspects.
(Alfred toke the pillow that my shoes sit on.)
Then it probably wasn't your imagination that heared what you did".
I nibbled on my straw berrys and Alfred asked.
"Will you like the harth on mistress y/n"?
I then said.
"I sleep better with cold air on my neck since these warm blankets are thick.
(I felt my right arm and said.)
I'll do it when i wake up anyway.
You should probably see who's at the door".
Alfred bow and i said.
"Thank you Alfred".
He smiled at me and said.
"Your very welcome mistress y/n".
He left and then i turned off my tv and layed me head down as I slept on my left side.

Dreaming and hopeing that it was Dick's motorcycle i heared.
He had that air about him that screamed his vechical of choice is a motor cycle.

(Richards pov)
I parked my bike and Bruce came out.
Bruce and the Detective conversed as i looked where i felt my heart and mind said i should.
'That must be y/n's room'.
I planed to talk to my mom and dad about staying in Gotham.
Turns out i didn't need to ask, the Gotham police warned us that two face is not someone to let attention be another.
Y/n saved our lives, but he be looking to kill not only us, but her to.
She's safer in the manor, but since I asked the Detective if i could stay in gotham when i was in the station bruce voultnered to look after me.

(Flash back)

I was following the Detective as i said.
"Im not leaving Gotham City,
Two face won't just be after me he'll come for y/n.
I don't know how safe the Wayne manor is but I think its-".
Bruce spoke up appearing out of nowhere and he is agreeing with me.
"Mister grayson is right detective Gordon, the manor was once a Fortress.
But it be best that while he wishes to be on Gotham, he can stay with me.
The manor does sometimes get lonely even of its just me, alfred and my daughter".
The news of y/n's adoption spreaded throughout the news like wild fire.
The press followed, about after a while they got a picture of her risking her life, saving a child from being run over, the child was in the middle of the road cause they were chasing their kitten.
Y/n saved them both.
The detective looked at me and said.
"Well boy, it's either that or im going to have to drive you to metropolis myself".
I then said looking at bruce and the word lonely echoed in my mind.
Y/n must be really lonely since she just has Bruce and their butler.
"I agree with bruce".
Bruce smiled and said.
"Great, ill call alfred for him to set up your room".
I then said before Bruce left.
"Mister Wayne.
(Bruce looked at me and i said.)

Bruce said.

(End of flash back)

Bruce came over the moment the detective left, and after the Butler told Bruce something.
Bruce spoke to me, and for a moment i thought somethign bad happened to y/n.
"Y/n's alseep, turns out the hospital bed aren't comfertable.
But she'll be up around lunch".
I then asked as he lead me to the garage.
"How is she"?
Bruce then said.
"Strong will that girl has for sure.
She's got nothing to serious to worry about.
Im just amazed she faced her fears".
I saw all the bikes, one was set aside from the rest, a Harley with a blue bird on the side.
Bruce said as he noticed me admiring it.
"Ah figure that one might catch your eye.
That's y/n's, she found a hollow shell of that bike and restored it.
Painted the bird herself".
I then said knowing what the bird is.
"Its a Nightwing".
'Talent and brains'.
But i can't help but have seen that symbloe before.
But where?

(Time skip) * after y/n as a hero saves robin from nearly being impale at the riddle hideout with two face and that brain sucking box*

(Y/n's pov)

Once back at the manor, I dread what was to come next.
Maybe I was just nerves, when Richard found out my secret identiy I avoided being alone with him.
Now since I almost lost him, i don't have it in me to run.
Bruce then said seeing Dick staring st me, and me with my back turned and rubbing my neck.
"Ill leave you two alone to talk".
I then toke a breath and before looking at Dick.
"Dick, I never wanted you to find out the way you did.
And I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you, I know this will be a silly thing.
But I fallen for you, hard infact.
(I turned to him with my eyes closed.)
When you found out I thought you hate me, and I deserve it.
I just wanted to say-".
He kissed me, I was shocked.
He wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me here.
I wouldn't have it any other way, cause I kissed him back.
I wrapped my arms around his neck.
Once we pulled away to breath he said higging me to him.
"I could never hate you, I understand more than you know.
I love you, mask or no mask.
(He lifted my chin up to look at him.)
Just don't push me away again okay
I nodded and he said.
"Now i saw you get hit by the riddles cane to your side.
Let's get you upstairs to Alfred and maybe we can cuddle, I won't take no for an answer".
I smiled and sais.
"I won't have it any other way Dick".
Thee end.

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