Jesse x reader

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*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*

(((A/n: The quotes from Romeo and Juliet belongs to Shakespeares play.
You can find one of the quotes from Act 2 Scene six in the book new moon in the twilight Saga.
The other you can find online i f you look it up.)))

(Y/n's intro)
Friar Laurence says to Romeo "Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; To swift arrives as tardy as too slow. That idles in the wanton summer air, And yet not fall; so light is vanity".
Never before has words ment so much to me, never before did I sympathize with these two lovers until my own heart was broken.
Fate has played a cruel hand and the only way I can see my love now, is in my dreams and look back on past vision.
Though it was cruel to relive these memories and not move on, it was the only way I could keep his memory alove and with me.

(Y/n's pov)

'Another boring day at Whitechapel high'.
Though this place is a supernatral hub for all things paranormal, the only way I could distract myself from it all but still be conected to Jesse was to dedicate my time to drama.
We were reading from the play script of Romeo and Juliet and today the teacher was thinking about performing it.
I raised my hand after my mind was brought back into the classroom when Miss Maggie said she wants one of us to read the line we are stopping on for the day.
"Can anyone read this quote from Act 2 Scene 6 for juliet"?
She looked upon me, dispite many of the other girls in this calls that were much prettier than me and fit Juliet's profile, she smiled and chose me.
"Go ahead miss Morgan".
I stood up and cleared my throat and placed my play write down.
I then got into character and said hand over my heart and finaly letting how i feel show.
"These violent delights have violent ends,
(I then held my right down and I looked sorrowfully.)
and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss,
(I felt my lips and closed my eyes and a tear fallen as i though of Jesse.)
I wipped my tear and sat down and everyone looked at me in shock.
Then everyone clapped and the girls smiled at me.
I was surprised, everyone in the school knew me because me and my brother are classified as the school geeks along with our best friends Benny and Rory.
Miss Maggie then said.
"I think we found our Juliet everyone".
I was so in shocked that I didnt noticed a class mate patted me on my back.
Miss Maggie said.
"We'll cast for Romeo in two days, have a great lunch everyone, class dismissed".
I gathered my stuff and miss Maggie gentally called out to me before i got out.
"Miss Morgan can you hang back for a moment".
I did and I asked worried i was in trouble.
"Did I do something wrong miss Maggie"?
She then said waving her hand and smiling softly as she realised I thought I was in trouble.
"Oh no sweet heart you didnt do anything wrong.
I just wanted to ask you something.
(She pulled out a chair and she mentioned for me to sit down and she said.)
You okay honey?
I noticed that this past year, you been alittle bit down.
Now I know it was because your grieving for your Romeo.
I know what it's like to lose your first love.
You can come and talk to me, my door is always open".
I then said wipping away a stray tear.
"Thank you miss Maggie, I might take you up on it".
She then said.
"Please sweet heart, call me Maggie.
(She pulled something from her desk and said.)
Here he would probably want you to have this".
She handed me alittle black book and I saw the name on it.
'Property of Jesse Horace Black'.
I looked at Maggie and she said.
"Jesse was one of my students remember?
I know when one of my students is inspired by being in love with another.
(She held my hand and said.)
It's sad that he moved, but I know one thing he loves you and he the real deal.
He will return to you, just wait alittle bit longer".
If only this reassured me, instead of saddening me even more.
But luckily I didnt let it show in my face or voice.
"Thank you Maggie, I really needed that".
I left and frowned as tears streamed down my face as I kept my head down to not draw attention as I walked to the cafeteria.
'If only this made me feel better instead of hurting me even more'.
Unknown to anyone apart from me, my twin brother Ethan, Benny and our best friends Erica, Sarah and Rory they believed Jesse has moved away.
But the truth was he was gone for good and I would never seen him again.
I grabbed my lunch and went to a table in the far corner and pulled my hood up so no one would approach me.

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