New Moon

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*Edward Cullen, Jacob, Sam x reader part 5*

(Y/ns pov)
I spent my days off with my dog, jacob and Bella.
Today was no different.
Charlie gave me more time off a few days in after i told him what Mike told me.
But honestly im not complaining.
I drove to Jacobs garage cause he called Bella who told me the bikes were finished.
I then said checking out the house.
"Billy must be occupied with the tv".
Bella then said holding Sherlock.
"How can you tell, it's cloudy and the curtains are closed".
I then said.
"The lighting, the color of the curtains is a dark shade.
But when it's made as fabric, light behind it brightenes it.
(Bella looked as i rolled the window down.)
She then said.
(I reached to the bacl seat and grabbed Jacobs present.)
What's that"?
I then said.
"It's for Jacob".
Bella then said.
"Why, its not Jacobs birthday".
We got to the garage and jacob said .
"Hey guys".
I then said going to jacob.
We hugged and sherlock ran out of Bella's hold and Jacob caught him when he jumped.
Jacob then said.
"It's good to see you sherlock.
I got you something".
We got into the garage to get out of the rain when it starts.
Jacob pulled out a dog toy with a red bow on it.
He said as sherlock toke it gentally.
"Happy Valentine's day sherlock".
I then said holding.
"We got you something to,
Happy Valentine's day jake".
He then said looking in.
"Thanks y/n.
(He pulled it out and he said cheerfully.)
Wow a model Harley sprint, and it's a collectible, we're did you find this"?

)Wow a model Harley sprint, and it's a collectible, we're did you find this"?

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I then said.
"I passed by a gas sation on one of my trips here.
I needed to fill the tank and also went into it get snacks.
When i got back out i saw a store that had collectibles .
So i thought i check it out.
I saw this on the shelf behind the register and thought of you".
Jacob hugged me and he said.
"Thank you.
Oh close your eyes".
I laughed and did as i was told.
Jacob put two things in my hands and he said.
"Okay, open them".
I looked at what's in my hands and i said lookign at Jacob.
"Jacob it's.
(I smiled wiping a stray tear away.)

Jacob then said

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Jacob then said.
"I knew you love it.
I didn't know what kind of chocalte you liked but i seen you eat rochers.
(I smiled holding the box.)
You like it".
I hugged him and said.
"Thank you".
Bella then said.
"Now I fell bad i didn't get you guys anything".
Jacob then said.
"It's okay, Bella".
I then said pulling out a gift for her.
"Here, since you enjoyed the underworld series, i got you the collection".
Bella smiled and hugged me.
I then said.
"Plus your company is gift enough".
Jacob then said.
"Oh the bikes are down".
He showed me the Harleys, one was black, the other blue.
I cover my mouth smiling.
Jacob then said.
"I painted one blue, you like"?
I nodded and said smiling at Jacob.
"Your amazing".
Bella then said seeing her bike.
"You completely restored them".
I then said looking at them.
"My mother always said you can do anything you put your mind to.
(I looked to jacob and said.)
You have a phenomenal gift".
Jacob blushed and Bella said.
"So when do we start learning how to ride these beasts"?
I looked out to see it's raining and said.
"Well we can't do it today.
Jacob then said patting my shoulder.
"It's okay, well go biking soon".
I seen Jacob look outside and i said.
"you okay Jake"?
He then said.
"It's Sam, he's watching me, like he's waiting for me".
I then said puting my hand on his shoulder.
"Did you tell your dad"?
Jacob then said .
"Yes, but it didn't help".
I then said.
"Jack you can stay with me at my new place, im thinking of taking a camping trip this weekend"?
Jake smiled and said.
"I might actually take you up on it y/n".
I then said .
"So what do we do now"?
Bella then said.
"There's this zombie movie i want to see".
I then said looking at her and make.
"Translation, Mike asked you out and you need wing men to keep him in line"?
Jake said surprised and smiling amazed.
"How did you know"?
I then said.
"It's what i would do,
(I then said.)
Is this the one that has all the guns and Gore"?
She nodded and i said.
"Well if Jacobs coming, we got to some how convince Billy".
Jacob then said.
"You be surprised, as long as there's an adult with me he's okay".
Bella then said.
"So that means me".
I raised my hand and said.
"Actually us bella".
She and Jacob looked at me and i said blushing.
"This may ill turn 19".
Jacob then said.
"Wow, your 18"?
I then siad.
"Why does that always surprise people"?
Bella then said teasingly.
"Well one, you look sixteen".
I then said snapping my fingers remembering why people say thar.
"Cause i have autism, second stress does age people".
Jacob stood beside me and said.
"We got to celebrate".
I then said smiling.
"It's okay guys".
Sherlock barked and growled at the woods.
I stood by him saying.
"Easy boy what do you see"?
Jacob then said seeing Sherlock change in deminor.
"What does he see"?
I then said.
"My best guess is an animal, and too close for sherlock comfert".
Jacob then said petting Sherlock.
"It's okay Sherlock".
Bella then saud.
"Maybe go hiking"?
I then said.
"Im down where we going"?
Bella then said.
"A field I found, im pretty sure ill find it again, but with the hikers going missing, safety in numbers".
I then said.
"It's rare for animals to attack people.
This grizzly must of smelled the DNA the hikers left behind from injuries".
Bella then said.
"Charlie found paw prints, wolf prints, with blood in them".
I then said.
"Somethings killing the hikers and it's not an animal".
Jacob then said.
"We can hike tommorw, i have a map.
Incase it is a bear, best we bring honey".
I then said.
"I have a few jars".
Jacob then said.
"I have a map and compass.
Well go in the afternoon".
I then said getting sherlock on a leash.
"Ill meet you at the trail".
Jacob then said.
"We'll text you".
I then said.
"Okay, I'll see you there".
Sherlock and i ran threw the pouring rain .
Once inside the car I rhen drove slowly threw the rain to the cullens house.
I shook my wet hair and i said ro Sherlock.
He did and i then said watching the trail of prints.
"I'm sorry esme".
I then cleaned up the muddy prints.
Sprayed air fresheners cause it smelled like wet dog.
I then went up the stairs and to the bathtub.
I gave him a bath and dryed him .
I then said.
He ran to the bed and he barked and i siad.
"Good boy".
I then said finish taking a shower.
"Okay sherlock, we need to be on our guard.
If you smell anything that's not a wolf.
Close to human let me know okay, don't attack".
He whimpered and i pet him saying.
"It's not worth losing your life to something dangourse.
I can't lose you.
(I then said.)
Bella is going to need us more now, okay".
He whimpered putting his head on my leg.
I then said knowing something is going to happen to jacob.
"I know buddy, im worried about him to.
(I then said.)
How about some puppy ice cream to cheer you up.
Well go shopping tommorrow to get you doggy hiking gear.
He raised his head smiling.
He's a mommas boy, loves geting new stuff.
Especially if there's a possibility of geting treats and toys.

To be coniuted.

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