(Y/n's pov)
'Why a bad guy had to be in the sea is beyond me, can't crime take a hike'?
I had to basically swallow so hard almost my team mates could hear it.
'This place definalty looks more daunting then viewing it on screen'.
Cyborg had aparently been monitoring everyone's vitals, mine seemed to worry him the most.
"Titans y/n's heart rates is increasing, blood pressure is one point above normal, but her temptiture is normal".
Robin then asked, knowing fully about my fears of the deep ocean.
"Y/n you okay?
You know we won't let you,
(He didn't want to say the world drown.)
Well you know".
I then said shacking.
"Yeah i know, it's just.
Hard fear to shack when you know that it happens to others".
Beast boy then said confident and cocky.
"Don't worry y/n if any sharks come near you I'll scare them away".
I then said looking around knowing full well that here in their universe, it's more than sharks or other sea preditores that i should be afriad of.
"Its not the sharks im scared of at the moment, what ever or who ever attack the cargo ship and taking the toxic waste is what i think, then there's more to what lies under the sea".
I jumped when something lightly tapped the glass of my hatch.
I then relaxed seeing the dolphin I helped get better and then realized her, I then said happily.
"Ariel hey sweet girl.
(I told everyone on the coms as Ariel circled around.)
Guys look it's Ariel".
Star fire then said as areil did a trick.
"She's looking better, though i still think we should of thought about keeping her, the wild seems awfully dangers for a creature so innocent".
I then said as Ariel joined my side after scaring beast boy, she for what ever reason does not like him.
"She would of survived long being demosticated either.
But here she has a bigger chance of living a full life.
Besides Collins are like the horses of the sea, they travel in pods like horses travel in herds.
She must of wandered away from her family to come and say hi".
Beast boy grumbled under his breath and i heared him.
"That and she could probably smell the treats you make her".
I then said making him realise he wasn't quiet about his little mumble after all.
"I heared that beast boy".
He laughed nervously and i said looking at Ariel who smiled at me .
"Its so good to see you sweet girl, but right now around the sub isn't safe for you, go back to your family.
We'll come back to visit i promise".
She squeaked and shock her head, there was more than one reason i named her Ariel, one reason being she's the only crimson dolpin i seen in well forever.
Second reason, she had Ariel's stubborn nature.
Robin then said as she contiued to swim with the sub.
"Looks like she's being your guard dolphin that can only mean one thing".
I toke a breath and said getting ready to face what threat Ariel sensed.
"I know, danger.
But why did she come alone".
That's when i heared it, a voice echoed to me from the ocean.
'Because she wanted to protect you, like i do'.
I heared that voice before, in my dreams.
I then asked the team sounding paniced.
"Did you guys hear that"?
Robin asked.
"Hear w-"?
There was an electric zap like beam coming straight towards the sub.
I used my controls for us to drive out of the way.
I checked to see if Ariel is okay and she squealed growled in the direction of the beam and i saw it, a figure like a man carring a trident.
I then said.
"I think we found him".
Beast boy said before leaving his part of the sub.
"I got this".
Beast boy became a sword fish and swam off and Ariel squeaked and wailed.
I had to cover my ears as robin asked.
"Y/n why is she making that noise".
We were hit from another direction, how the villain got back here so fast was impossible, sure if there are atlanteans they can travel faster and hear sound faster under water than people can on land.
I said keeping my ears covered.
"She's calling for help".
Ariel wailed as she came close to my part of the sub worried.
I could see why, the glass has a crack.
I then said looking at her as water slowly pulled in.
"Ariel everything will be okay-".
We were hit again, this time it was the glass of my part of the sub.
The water hit me, the feeling was strangly like the warm sheets of my bed.
The water should feel below freezing and like a thousand knives crashing on me.
Well, technically the breaking of the glass did send the shard my way, cutting my arms the most since I had them over my face.
The team yelled.
Ariel squeaked and came over to me and she got her head under my arm.
The little nicks to my skin hurt like preferable knife cuts.
The pain was gone, luckly the cuts weren't deep enough for me to worry about blood loss.
But i would have to worry about sharks soon if i don't get out of the water.
But i can't leave my friends.
I turned to see the guy just in time, i lifted my hand and a jet of spinning water headed his way.
Necking his hold over the trident he carried.
That's when I noticed something when i gasped.
I could breath, I could see clear through the water, like I had 20/20 vision, and I could hear better than I would on the surface.
I grabbed the trident and turned around to see BB as a whale taking out friends in his mouth, there was another blast, i turned just in time to use my new trident to stop it.
The villain roared in anger as he fired at me

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