(Damians pov) The cold morning air was what woke me up. Titus was at the foot head down as well as his ears. I then said as i had a feeling we are going to think about the same person. "I know Titus, i miss her to". I then sat up and got up and got my armour on. I then said to titus. "come titus, i think i finaly understand why i feel this way". We went to the library and i said as i found it. "Vampires like humans, can feel things like love and saddness. But unlike humans, vampires could tell when they are infront of their mate. The smell of their blood can be. (A flash went through my mind as i remembered how y/n reacted when I got hurt and bleed. She covered her mouth and turned away. But got control when i asked her to stay cause i didn't want her to leave cause of me. That i caused her pain cause i love her.) The sweest and strongest scent in the world. Control over their thirst is a way to be close to their human mate. Humans can feel the pull, some more than others". I looked to Titus and said. "We are going to Gotham Titus. It appears my beloved wants to keep me safe rather than trust that she'll never hurt me". I passed a necklace that would go to the next lady alghoul if i found her. I then said pulling out a box. "You my friend belong to her, the true lady. And only lady on this home". I carefully put the big green gem neckalce in the box and closed it.
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(Y/n's pov)
The cool breeze that flowed through my room are what made sleeping comfertable. The only way to keep my already hot temptiture from preventing me to get some sleep. I was sp out of it I didn't smell damian or Titus coming in. I opened my eyes to see Damian and i was startled. He then said. "I didn't mean to scare you". I then said closing my eyes, sense of smell getting back to me. "Damian-". He then said holding my hand as i looked at him. Shock from his bold move kept me firmly on the bed, instead of speeding away from him. "I know why you kept your distance from me, why you hold back when we spare. I know who your protecting me from. (I closed my eyes and frowned. He wiped away a stray tear and said.) I trust you y/n, please don't push me away". I opened my eyes and repeated what he said in his old voice when i see the little boy Damian in my mind. His old voice before he grow up. "I know who are protecting me from. I trust you y/n, please don't push me away". I then said closing my eyes as i see damian as he is now. "I don't want to take away your chance of living a full life". Damian then said as he placed a velvet box in my hand. "I dotn have a life if you aren't in it". I then said. "What if you want kids"? He then said. "As long as im with you that's all that matters. (He opened the box for me and my eyes widened, he then said seeing my shock.) This was once my mothers. She was lady Alghoul for a short time until i was born. This necklace shows the league that your the compainon and equal of the demons head. (He placed it on my neck and said after pecking my cheek.) Your the only lady that really matters. Cause of you I see the world, not trying to fix it to make it better like my grandfather. (He then pecked my lips and said.) I choose you, only you". I kissed him back and once i pulled away i then said. "Being a hybrid i can't turn people like the vampires of my family. The male hybrids could. But i never tried". He then said. "I know, i won't asl you to do anything that'll make ypu uncomfertable".
Titus came over and i said petting his head. "I missed you both". Damian then said as i held Titus as he cuddled into me. "Rest you have a big day tommorrow. (He pecked my lips as we layed down.) Or should i say in the morning. Happy birthday beloved".