*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*
(Y/n's pov)
Growing up i always felt like the outcast in a town of, well outcasts.
Being the only human zombie hybrid born to a zombie family was a surprise to all the people of Seabrook.
Sure things are way different now that zombies and humans were getting along.
But back then things were different.
Sure i wasn't treated like a freak in a town of zombies, but deep down i was different.
I wasn't human, and i wasn't a zombie.
The only thing that made me feel normal was my hobbies of myths.
Believeing at the time werewolves were fack, i put my free time into learning more about them.
After a year the werewolves returned to seabrook, and I felt normal.
For the first time i felt normal.
Everything was perfect.
Thought the relashionship was strained between humans, zombies and wolves things were getting better.
Human, zombies and werewolves were getting along.
But I still had a secret, and that secret was my relashionship with Wyatt lynkensen.The moment the bell rang I was brought back from my train of thought.
The bell ringing ment class ended, and today's subject was my favorite.
Our teacher was teaching us about werewolves.
Thought I could know more about werewolves from my boyfriend just learning more about his culture always fasinated me since i was a kid.
Sorry where are my manners, I'm Y/n Necrodopolis and im the only human zombie hybrid in a zombie house hold.
Why well good question, in what you call a mirical, a human hybrid baby to two zombies
My older brother a zombie, my little sister a zombie.
Alot of people wouldn't think im related to zed cause i don't have green hair.
And that my intresets are in another feild.
I left my desk and went into the hall way and walked to my next class until.
"Hey y/n wait up".
I turned and saw Addison, my older brothers girlfriend and my bestie.
I then said as she finally caught up with me.
"Hey addi what's up"?
She then said smiling.
"Nothing I was just wondering if you thought any more about joining the cheer squad"?
I then said closing my eyes and continue walking.
"I don't know addi what if I.
(I shook the thought away on the possibility of getting hurt.)
My brother is a football player, Zoey is aiming to be a veterinary, I'm comfertable with doing an art career.
(I turned my back and said looking at her, not knowing i was going to bump into someone.)
What if i mess up"?
I turned and ran into someone.
I stepped back and almost fell.
Key word almost.
The person I bumped into grabbed my arms and pulled me to them.
I then said seeing it was Wyatt i bumped into.
He then said smiling.
"You want to meet up with me later after school outside my den for a date"?
I was shocked at how bold he was and i said smiling.
I forgot Addison was here and when i remembered was her telling me im almost late for class.
I looked to her and said scared.
"Please don't tell zed".
Being the middle child i had many things but privacy was not one of them.
Addison smiled and said.
"Of course, my lips are sealed".
I then said turning to Wyatt.
"Ill see you later babe".
I pecked his lips and he wrapped his arms around my waist, an attempt to make the kiss last longer.
He then said once i pulled away.
"Go get them red".
His nickname for me since we started dating, i often wore my favorite red hood jacket in the cold months.
I waved at him saying.
"Have fun at p.e Wolfe".
He smiled and i went into my next class.
I had to relax cause this is a class i shared with Bonzo and Elizabeth.
If they knew who got me excited they will blab to zed.I want to tell my friends and my family, so does Wyatt, but we believed it was best to take things slow and if my brother knew it can go one of both ways, good, or ugly.
I walked to the desk all three of us shared and elizabeth said seeing my smile .
"Looks like someone is in a good mood".
Bonzo spoke English since I do not grasp what he's saying.
"What got our fearless cheer leader to be so happy"?
I then said thanking the lord i toke drama before zombies were allowed to come to seabrook high if they knew my goose is fired.
"It's a nice day and i was just learning more about my favorite subject in my previous class, Todays going good for this human zombie hybrid".
The rest of the day past by and I was excited to see Wyatt.
I dumped my stuff on my floor and grabbed my red hood jacket.
Zed nocked ony door and i jumped.
I turned and said.
"Zed, don't do that".
He then said smiling crossing his arms.
"What got my baby sister all excited"?
I then said reminding him.
"I'm only a couple hours younger than you zed".
He then said seeing me in my red jacket.
"You going for a walk?
It's almost dark".
I then said zipping up my jacket and stopping in the door way.
"I know, it seems the perfect time for a walk".
Zed then said.
"You can tell me were your going you know".
I then said looking at him before i left.
"Ill tell you when im ready zed".
I left my house and walked to the forest.

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