Andy Davis x reader part 1

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(Y/n's pov)
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
I groaned and grabbed my phone.
I sat up and moved my eye mask off my face.
Regretting it cause the sun was up and my curtain was slightly opened.
I said seeing the time.
I looked to an old highschool picture my mother toke of me and my classmate Andy Davis.
Childhood friend and former neighbor.
Closing my eyes I remebered what he always said to me.

(Flash back)

Mom was waking up b/n, it must be time to get ready to go to school.
I got up and dressed.
Grabbing my Harry Potter back pack and walking out to grab coffee.
Mom then said seeing me pour a cup.
"Morning honey".
I then said sipping my coffee.
"Morning mom".
I looked out the kitchen window to see the lights in the davis residence turned on.
I then said pouring another cup for Andy.
"I'm walking with Andy".
Mom then said.
"Stay together".
I then said as i walked out the door.
Andy exited hos house and he said seeing me.
I then said holding up a cup for him.
He then said smiling as he blowed on it for the coffee to cool.
"Your an angle".
I smiled and shook off the blush.
Knowing it was dark enough out for him not to be able to see it.
I then said sipping mine.
"I try, how's Molly"?
Andy closed hid eyes and shooked saying.
"Watching twilight, again".
I laughed and said.
"Well get used to it Andy.
She's a preteen.
Itll pass hopefully".
He then said.
"What's with girls and vampires"?
I then said.
"Honeslty i think it's cause the romance story".
Andy then said.
"Please help me".
I then said.
"Ill try, but if you haven't notice she's basically me when i was 12".
He laughed and said.
"You were a my little pony and hello kitty fan".
I then said reminsing where my my little pony toys are.
"I still have them though".
Andy then said.
I then said shrugging my shoulders.
"if i have a daughter, I want to give them to her".
Andy then smiled and said.
"Youll make an amazing mother".
I then said looking at Andy.
"What about you, i remember every cowboy camp we ever went to and you toke woody every time except when we were 10".
Andy then said.
"I acidently ripped woodsy arm".
I then said.
"Luckly he was fixed".
Andy then said as we sat on the bench of our bus stop.
"And yet it was the best summer I ever had.
Cause you gave me your stuff horse toy.
We hung out most of the summer.
I think it's still in my toy trunk".
I looked at him when he looekd down the street.
I haven't seen my stuffed horse in years.
I then said.
"You needed spirit more than me".
Andy then said.
"You know what our consulers always told us"?
I nodded and we said at the same time.
"Early bird gets the worm".
I then said.
"We never missed anything.
We even applied that phrase to our goals".
He nodded and i noticed he's staring.
I looked at him and smield asking.
He then said.
"Nothing, your beautiful".
I then said smiling and sipping.
"And you are handsome".
The bus came and Andy let me go on first.
That day changed everything.
That was the day i stuff my romatic feelings for Andy cause the biker girl asked Andy to homecoming.
I ended up going with the girls and i won against the biker girl in a dance off.
Every one treated me the week on with respect and bowed.
But Andy didn't talk to me.
I figured it was just his part time job and school work.
Turned out the biker girl didn't want him to see me.
That's when News spreaded he broke it off with her.
He came to me and we been good friends since.
But never progressed, cause i didn't let it.
Andy went to college and left his toy chest in my room with a note.
(End of flash back)

To this day i didn't touch it.
I got up and walked across my new bedroom floor to my closet.
I opened the door and looked at the only packed box in it.
I pulled it out and opened it, then got the chest out.
I coughed cause it was dusty.
I then opened it to see all of Andy's old toys.
I picked up Woody and i said.
"Hey sheriff".
I pulled the string and woodsy voice played out.
"Theres a snake in my boot".
I smiled and laughed.
I hate snakes, the minute i came across one infront of Andy.
Andy got me away and called animal control .
I then said.
"Hoepfully there's no snake in the box".
I gentally put him down .
I like hold of the note and caught a glimpse of spirit.
I then said holding him.
"Spirit, hey buddy".
I smelled him, the scent of cinamon still strong.
I then said.
"I missed you".
My phone went off and i said.
"For the love of.
(I placed spirit down and said picking it up.)
Who would call me at the crack of dawn"?
It was my best friend Shelley, i forgot she was going to call me back when i told her i was back
I then answered it.
"This is y/n".
Shelley then said squealing.
"Hey girlfriend, i heared you got promoted".
I nodded and said.
"Y/n, i have some time off before they call me for more ideas".
She then said.
"Toy story is ingenious.
Where did you get it"?
I looked to the toys and said.
"Had it for a while.
So why did you call"?
She then eaid.
"I figure why not celebrate at our old haunt the pizza planet"?
I then said knowing there's a catch.
"Why do i have the feeling you have other motives"?
She then said in her pretend inocent voice.
"What motives"?
I then said.
"Okay, ill go, the others coming"?
She then said.
"You know it".
I then said.
"What time"?
She then said.
"How about lunch"?
I then said.
"I meet up with you in an hour.
Knowing the girls, they want to shop before we go".
She then said.
"Youll have fun trust me"?
I then asked.
"When have i not"?
She then said serious and calm.
"Don't give me that, you haven't had fun like you used to before homecomeing".
I then sighed and said.
"You know why, ill meet you guys at the mall.
I was planning to check out hottopic and Barnes and noble anyway".
I then said.
Shelley then said.
"See you".
She ended the called and I looked to see the toys stretched.
I knew they were alive in fact i found out when Andy went to his dad's for the week end and i went to play with Molly.
I used the idea since.
Kept it a secret but didn't lie.
Woody then said.
"So you going out"?
I then said.
"What if i run into him"?
Spirit niegde and jessy said.
"We don't know y/n but your going to have to face him soon".
Buzz held the note to me and said.
"You should read this first".
I then said remembered the peek i got.
"I know what it says.
Im just-".
Rex then said.
Mister potato head then said.
"Of course she is red, Andy went with that biker girl and not her".
I then said walking away to get dressed.
"Don't remind me".
I got dressed and said before leaveing.
"Have fun guys.
Ill be back".
I got to my car and heared someone call me.
I looked to see misses davis.
I then said seeing as she walked over.
"Misses Davis.
(She hugged me.)
Hey, how are you doing.
How's Molly".
Misses Davis smiled and said.
"Good, how are you o heared your promoted".
I smiled and said.
"Yeah, taking time off to recharge before getting back to work.

Im going shopping with the girls.
You want to come"?
She then saod.
"Oh no, but Molly would love to.
She's grown up since we last saw you".
Molly ran out and yelled.
"Y/n your back".
She jumped and i caught her.
I spines her around and said seeing her outfit.
"Oh my wow, hello fashionista".
She then said.
"So we ready to go"?
I pointed to the car and she got in.
I drove to the mall and she said.
"So have you seen andy"?
I looked at her confused and said.
She covered her mouth she said.
"You guys went to college, i thought you guys saw eachother"?
I then said taking it.
"Um no, we didn't go to the same one".
We pulled up at the mall and we got in.
I looked at Molly and thought.
'What are you hiding'?
To be contiued...

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