Wyatt x reader

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*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*

(Y/n's pov)
Cheer practice just ended and i got up from the bleachers and i said handing bree a towel.
"Good job out there sis".
She then said smiling.
"Thanks, how was football practice with Zed"?
I then said whipping my forehead.
"How do you think?
With the game closing in Zed is putting in more football practices every chance he gets.
I guess he just wants Seabrook to win the trophy".
Wyatt snuck up behind me and lifted me up.
I screamed out surprised and i said as Wyatt looked up at me.
He laughed and said settimg me down.
"I missed you sweet heart".
I then said as i pecked his lips.
"I missed you to wyatt".
I stepped back playfully and he toke the bait.
He said pulling me back by the waist.
"Come back here".
He kissed me and i kissed him back.
Addison came by and said.
"Good practice bree and w-.
(She stopped seeing Wyatt was busy.
She crossed her arms and smiled playfully.)
I guess im catching you at a bad time".
We pulled away and Wyatt said as he had an arm wrapped around my waist keeping me close to him.
"Sort of".
Addison then said gushing.
"You two are so cute together.
Your sure to be the next prom king and queen".
I then said.
"I think you and Zed have that covered".
Addison then said.
"Well your parents must be happy for you both".
My smile dropped when addison mentioned our parents.
I met Wyatt's parents on one of my sleep overs with willa and wynter.

My parents don't know about Wyatt and honestly im scared on how they will react to finding out that their other daughter is dating a werewolf.
They were cool with Bonzo but their still geting used to him.
Breec hen said taking a hold of my arm.
"Speaking of parents mom and dad are here".
I then said waving Wyatt good bye.
"See you later wyatt".
Bree then asked stopping us once we were out of ear shot of the werewolves.
"Okay spill.
What's got you down"?
I then said rubbing my neck.
"Who says I'm down"?
Bree pointed to herself and said.
"Me, i may be your twin y/n but I know when your in a mood.
What's wrong you can tell me".
I then sighed and said.
"Mom and dad don't know about Wyatt.
(Bree continued to star waiting for me to continue.)
I don't know how to tell them I'm dating somebody, let alone that it's a werewolf".
Bree then said.
"Come on y/n mom and dad would love Wyatt.
They like bonzo and he's a zombie".
I then said.
"Bonzo's a zombie.
You know their beliefs on werewolfs bree.
I'm scared".
Mom hooked the horn and bree said .
"Look we'll think about this later if you want ill be there for you when you want to tell them".
I then said smiling as we continued walking to the car.
"Thanks bree".
Once in the car my mind began to drift.
Thinking of all the possible ways of telling mom and dad i have a boyfriend and that he's werewolf.
This continued into the night as i layed in my bed in my room not able to fall asleep.
There was a nock on my window and i turned on my lamp light and said in a whisper seeing Wyatt.
"Wyatt what the heck are you doing"?
I opened my window and said once Wyatt got in.
"If my parent's see you-".
He hugged me and said.
"You looked worried earlier and i wanted to check on you.
(He rubbed his thumb on my cheek under my eye sighining.)
Your begining to have black eyes".
I then said as we sat down.
"I can't sleep".
Wyatt then said holding my hand.
"Its about me meeting your parents isnt it"?
I looked at him and he said pecking my hand.
"Im your boyfriend y/n i know when your worried".
I then said.
"I don't know how to tell them I'm dating".
He then said.
"Well how ever you tell them ill be with you".
I was about to speak when my door was opened
Mom and dad were in the door way and mom grabbed me and dad said.
"How did you get in here!?
(I was about to speak when dad said.)
Never mind im taking you to the z patrol"!
I yelled as dad dragged him away.
"No dad stop.
(I yelled.)
Wyatt "!
Mom then said worried for me checking for bruises.
"You okay honey, he didn't hurt you did he"?
I got out of her grasp and said yelling.
"No he would never mom!
He's my boyfriend!
(I ran down the stairs and dad drove away.
I followed from behind and yelled as i cried.
He placed a hand on the window and i tripped and twisted my ankel.
I held my hand up and cried watching as the car got far away.
"No Wyatt"!
Mom and bree found me and mom said helping me up.
"Why didn't you tell us"?
I then said as i cried.
"Cause of this".
Mom tried calling dad and couldn't reach him.
Mom then saud.
"Y/n well figure this out".
I then said as bree helped .
"If anything happens to Wyatt ill never talk to you and dad again"!
Once in my room I cried the night away.
Dad came in when the sun went up.
Looking sorry.
He then said.
"Y/n honey you up"?
I then said angry.
"Get out".
He then said.
"Look honey im sorry.
Why didn't you tell me that he-".
I yelled pointing to my door.
"I said get out"!
He looked heart broken and said once in the door way.
"The zombie patrol is holding him until they get ready to spray him with silver.
Ill try what i can to stop it".
I looked away from him and said.
"I hate you".
He closed the door and i cried.
Bree opened the door and said.
"Y/n You coming to school"?
I then said.
"No, even if i can my ankel is hurt.
You go and have fun".
She left and i stayed in my room.
(Addisons pov)
Cheer practice went off without a hitch, bree just entered and she looked down.
I then said to everyone.
"Everyone take 10".
I went to bree and asked.
"Everything okay"?
Zed ran in and said when he stopped by us with bonzo beside him.
"Have you guys seen y/n"?
Bree then said in a whisper.
"She's not coming.
(I looked at her and everyone came to listen.)
Wyatt snuck in to see her woundering if she was okay.
My parents saw him and thought he came to hurt her.
Dad toke Wyatt to the z patrol and now he's facing the sliver spray.
Y/n is so depressed she won't leave her room or talk to our parents.
She also hurt her ankle following dad as he drove".
I then said hitting my hands.
"Then we need to save Wyatt".
Zed then said.
"And i have an idea, but we'll need y/n's help".
(Y/n's pov)
There was a nock on my door and bree came in saying with addison and zed.
"Y/n its time to get off your butt and save your boyfriend".
I then said.
"How?, the z patrol is basically impenetrable".
Addison then said.
"Weren't you the one that said the impossible is something that hasn't been made possible uet"?
I nodded and zed said.
"Then it's tine to put that philosophy to work".
I got up and said pointing to my ankel.
"But my ankel".
Addison then said.
"Dont worry we got you covered".
Addison but my foot in a brace made for cheer leaders incase they injured their feet.
Once on I said as Zed helped me walk by holding my right side until i got used to walking with the brace .
"Then what are we waiting for "?
Addison then said.
"We will have to go at night".
I then said.
"Even though dad toke me and bree to the compound on career day when we were kids.
It's changed we wont know where we're going".
Zed then said.
"Elizabeth's got that covered".
Elizabeth came in and i imeaditly felt awkward with her here.
She had a crush on Wyatt but got over it when he told her he likes me.
Elizabeth smiled and said holding my hand.
"I know it's awkward for me to.
But I promise he's all yours.
I then said shacking her hand.
"Most definitely".
Elizabeth then said as she pulled up her computer.
"Lets get those blue prints".

Once night time fell they helped me all the way to Z patrol head courters.
Zed, Addison and i got inside and went to the containment unit and i said seeing the holding cell wyatt was in and he didn't look to good and i said.
He got up and said looking at me.
I got to the cage and held his hands cause right now I needed to hold his hands to stay foucesed.
Zed then said to Wyatt.
"Stand back wyatt".
Zed zombied out once me and Wyatt stepped away from the bars.
But i wanted to hold onto him alittle longer.
Zed broke the cell door and Wyatt went to me holding me.
It was kind of hard cause of the cuffs.
Wyatt then said touching my cheek.
"Why do you look so pale"?
Zed then said.
"She hasn't left her room since you were taken".
Addison helped Wyatt out of his cuffs.
I then said.
"Were not out of the woods yet".
Wyatt picked me up and once outside the z patrol stopped us.
Addison then said.
"Stop theres been a miss understanding".
My dad then said stopping them so they didn't hurt us.
"But he's a monster".
I then said yelling.
"No he's not.
He's the love of my life".
I held onto Wyatt and mom said patting dad's shoulder.
"Honey I know your upset that your daughter said she hate you.
But look at them.
(He did and said.)
They love each other".
Dad said after sighing.
"I made a mistake.
He wasn't trying to hurt my daughter.
He was worried.
(He came to us and said.)
I drop the charges".
He held his hand out to Wyatt saying.
"Welcome to the family wyatt".
Wyatt shook his hand and said.
"Thank you sir".
Wyatt carried me to the wolf den where most of the cheer squad and the foot ball team came to celebrate.
Wyatt and i couldn't stop hugging each other.
Wyatt then said.
"I never want to be separated from you again".
I then said.
"Me neither".
Wyatt then got down on one neek and said holding my left hand.
"Y/ni have something to ask you.
(Everyone when quiet and he held a ring a moon stone.)
As i sat in the cell I realised something when i thought i might never see you again.
I love you more than anything.
So when our last year of high school ends.
Will you marry me"?
I then said after some happy tears fell.
He got up and everybody cheered.
Wyatt put the ring in my finger and held me, spinned me around and then kissed me as everyone cheered.

Thee end.

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