Jason Todd(Red Hood) x reader

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(Y/n's intro)
They say time heals all wounds, that with time the pain gets alittle bit more bearable.
That philosophy didn't seem to apply to the man that dresses like a bat.
The trauma of watching his parents being murdered infront of him stayed.
He used that trauma and made something good out of it, although not a healthy one in some people's eyes.
I thought I understood what grief could do to a person.
I read and seen the feeling played by actors on the big screen millions of times.
But i guess it's true what they say, feeling it is the real teacher.
Cause when Jason died, I was never the same again.

(Y/n's pov) *5 years later*

After the past five years I never went out on patrol, I dedicated my time to training.
I thought I knew how my father felt when my grandparents died.
Turns out I wasn't even scratching the surface.
I put all my anger in the final punch on the punching bag and it fell, and spilt a seem.
The sand that filled it was now every where.
I removed my gloves as Alfred came over with a towl on a silver platter, along with his famous peanut butter cookies.
Alfred then said as i came over, more relaxed than i was when i began beating the crap out of my father punching bag.
"I taken the liberty of ordering another punching bag mistress y/n".
I then said softly as i rubbed the towel on my forehead.
"Thank you Alfred".

Alfred then said as he looked at the spilled sand as i eat a cookie.
"Ill have the sand swept up right away".
I then said looking at my second father.
"Don't worry I got it, my mess, i clean it.
(I pulled out the dust pan and said as i swept, wondering when dad would be back.)
How long did dad say he be out again"?
Alfred then said.
"You know your father better than me.
(I looked to Jason's old suit and a saddness fell on me.
I closed my eyes, i could still see his happy smile when he wore the suit and i was in the room.
But i could also see his dead body.)
Ever since what happened to master Jason he's been making more of an effort to be the father you would want.
He'll be back as soon as he gets that Amazo android back where it belongs, or in pieces, which ever".
I then said lightly laughing as i finally got the last grain of sand.
"Yeah that sounds like dad, but considering the many keep sakes we have in the caves museum, i don't think it's likely that Amazo will go back to his original owner".
The bat computer went off and i said seeing the location of were my father said the android was going to be picked up.
"This can't be right.
(I looked to alfred and asked if I was reading these coordinates right while remembering what dad told me.)
Alfred the android is going to be at the shipping yard right"?
Alfred nodded and said.
"Yes mistress Y/n why"?
I then said as i looked at the bat computer.
"Either the computer has a glitch or dad needs help.
(I looked at Jason's old suit and then looked at my new one i never wore.
Dad knew how i felt but hopes that I'll help him bring justice.
So he made my new suit to look like my old one, minus the star tights.
I went over to it and i said.

I went over to it and i said

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Or dad needs my help.
(I looked to alfred and said.)
Call Nightwing, if dad's calling for help so early then he really needs it".

I grabbed it and tuen changed, it fit like a glove.
It felt like deja vu when I passed my old small one minus the tights that were attached to it.
Dad had the new one remade to my size, minus the tights that were the only part of the outfit that were like my mother's star boots.
Alfred said as i checked myself out.
"Bullet proof and crowbar impentarable.
(I looked at Alfred and raised my eyebrow, I'm bullet proof without the suit cause I was half Amazon.
But why protection against a crowbar?
Then I remembered, dad has became more worried about my safety when Jason died .)
Incase the joker ever got out from Arkham and got you when you guys might be face to face.
(I strangely wanst angry when i heared his name and Alfred could see it.)
I don't know whether to be proud or unnerved that you aren't angry.
It's rare for me to be unnerved at that's usualy when your father is his happiest self.
With you and your mother around he seems to be different".
I then found my mother's lasso of truth and said.
"If mom comes while I'm out tell her I'm with dad".
I began floating and then flew out of the cave.
I arrived at the scene and said as i landed in the middle of the concrete road next to the opening for ships to come dock and cranes help unload the cargo.
"This is the location but where-"?
The sound of a truck coming my way made me look ahead of me.
I then said seeing that dad was barley catching up, but I'm faster.
"Never mind".
I floated and dropped onto the truck window like my mother did for the bank truck last week on the way as she came to visit me, aka check up on me.
I then said smiling seeing the boys stare in shocked.
"Hello boys my name's Knight gale I'll be handling your apprehension this evening".
They fired something at me, probably a mini missile and some glass shards bouncing off of me instead of cutting me.
I said waving the smoke away, and looking at the boys with my hands on my hips, thankfully that half my DNA was that of a half goddess and Amazon.
"Now that was rude".
I pulled two of the men out and dad finally landed on the truck window after I floated with the two men as he pulled the third man.
The younger guy with a goatee, who was also checking me out asked not knowing who i am.
"Who are you"?
The guy with the cap answered for him.
"That's the first wonder girl.
Knight gale is the first female side kick of the batman before the bat girl, and the daughter of wonder woman and the big bat himself".
The third guy muttered in fear.
"Oh she's that girl we were told not to harm, we are screwed".
I bowed smiling and said.
"The one and only.
(I remebered what the third guy muttered.)
Now why would black mask-"?
Dad never understood why i make small talk with the enemy, wanting to rush things 'get to the point' kind of guy.
The point off trying to build rappor is for people to talk.
But i guess dad saw i was shot by something and he's now in a bit of a mood.
"This shipment was ment for the black mask, i doubt your behind this.
Who do you work for"?
I floated to the cargo that fell out and pressed the de-activate Amazo.
I floated back over and said as i pulled out the lasso of truth.
"Allow me batman".
The Lasso was over all three of them.
I then said as the lasso glows.
"The Lasso compels you to tell the truth.
Who do you work for"?
They all said as the same time, it was almost eerie.
"We work for the red hood".
That's when the echo of gun shots hit my ears.
I turned and said seeing my dad is in the way of the third bullet.
I put all my weight and stength into moving him.
I floated to the other truck and said as i avoided looking at the bodies.
"Its a snipper.
(I covered my mouth as i called the lasso back magically.)
And a good one".
Dad then said as i peaked.
"Do you see him"?
Movement on the roof top where it fit the snipers shooting range caught my attention and i said.
"Im faster than the bat wing.
You stay behind, Nightwing is on his way.
These guys must have really been a hand full if you called for back up".

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