(Y/n's pov)
Waking up the next day, that moment of rest and bliss lasted for only 5 mintues before I remebered where i am.
Barry purred and squeaked in his sleep.
I got up and said seeing the sun rose and the darkness of last night melt away as the moon setted over Gotham.
Edward is arrested, his tech distroyed he never even got to plant the bomb charges around Gotham to flood the place.
The city mourns the loss of the mayor, so the cops would take the day off.
The mayor's killer would now face the death penitly and he'll die knowing he lost to a woman.
Barry yawned and i smiled petting him.
"Moringing sleepy head, ready for a field trip"?
He squeaked yawned andi. Placed him in his cat bed, city it was rare, and even rarer to find pet supplies for bats, even a harness small enough for barry to wear since he likes to flap around and greet people.
When they see a bat people run, but when they see his harness, they find out he's pretty friendly.
I put Barry's harness on along with his leash.
Then i got dressed and grabbed my keys.
Barry held his wings open as i drove.
Once in Gothams pet smart, i got out with my wallet.
Barry on my shoulder.
Once i walked inside people imeaditly stared at me.
I just ignored them with grace.
I got a basket and Barry hovered in the air as i walked.
Then the mayor's kid called out.
"Miss Torres"?
I turned and said seeing him.
"Hey Henry.
(He walked towards me and i said seeing the puppy collar.)
You getting a puppy"?
He then said.
"Yeah, my dad.
(He looked down.)
He promised we go get a puppy".
I then said as i got down to my nerks.
"He is a good man Henry, remember that".
I looked around and said not seeing his mom, or the body guard.
"Weres your mom"?
Henry then said sheepishly.
"I saw you and I just wanted to say thanks, for catching my dad's killer".
I then said looking at Henry.
"How do you know it wasn't Batman"?
His mother came by and said in relife.
"Henry, dont wonder off like that-.
(She saw me and said.)
Officer Torres".
Henry then said.
"Sorry mom, i just wanted to thank her".
She then saud.
"Its okay, Henry, so what you doing her officer-.
(Barry squeaked and she said shocked.)
Henry then said eyes widening in wonder.
"Wow you have a pet bat"?
I then said.
"Yes, Henry, this is Barry.
(Barry flapped over to Henry and henry giggled as barry purred.)
He's a fruit bat.
Very friendly and loves meeting new people".
Henry then asked as barry hangef from his arm.
"Can i pet him"?
I then said.
"Yes it's okay".
Henry's mom said as her son was bussy petting Barry, who seems to be having the time of his life.
"When did you get a bat"?
I then said.
"A few years ago, dont worry i have a license to keep him.
He was a baby, left to due and i couldn't leave him.
By the time he was supposed or be realised, he grown to attached to me and human contact ".
Henry's mom then said as Henry walked around with Barry and we followed.
"How old was barry"?
I then said.
"About a week, maybe less, all i knew was that he was barley a month old.
(I lifted my palm and said.)
So small my palm was to big, I was so worried he might fall out of it, i wrapped a glove around him".
Henry found the puppys and Barry flew back to me.
I held my arm out and he hanged on it before i flipped him upside up and he sat on my shoulder as i scratched his chin.
"I had a week of sleepless nights before i knew he was going to make it.
I guess even back then i knew i couldn't let him go.
So I adopted him and got my license".
Henry held up the puppy he wanted and i smiled.
Henry's mom then said.
"Thank you for catch the killer".
I then said.
"How do you know that"?
She then said .
"The Batman told us, came by to tell us the killer was caught.
How come you didnt-".
I then said.
I don't know".
I then said as henry came over.
"Of you guys need anything let me know".
Henry hugged me and said.
"Thank you".
I rubbed his hair alittle and said.
"Anytime kiddo.
(I looked at the puppy.)
So what you going to name him"?
Henry then said smiling.
"Im going to name her Torres".
I smiled and Henry's mother said.
"That's sweet Henry".
I then said.
"Its perfect for her".
The puppy barled and Barry sniffed her, the puppy gave Barry kisses and i smiled.
'Aw now that is too cute'.
I then said as i pet the bitpulls forehead gently with one finger.
"Maybe me and Barry can come by and he and Torres can have a play date".
Henry looked to his mother and asked.
"Can they mommy"?
His mother smiled and said.
"Its up to miss y/n, but yes.
But she has to get ready to revive the award from the new mayor".
I looked up and she said covering her mouth.
"Sorry i thought you knew".
I then said.
"No, when is it"?
She then said.
"The mayor said she like to pick you up in person today".
I then said lookign around and barry whimpered.
"Then my eaarnes would have to be put on hold".
I then said as i walked around.
"Maybe we can make things quick, get everything we need we been here before".
Barry squeaked happily andi said letting barry off his leash.
"Get your berries".
He flew to the fruit section i got the rest.
Barry then dropped the berries in the basket and we paid for the items.
Once outside i got to my car and back home.
The mayor came by and now after reciving a medal the part is in full swing.
Barry on my shoulder as we revived thanks and congrates.
Then i turned when i felt fimilar eyes on me.
It was Bruce and i said.
He walked over and I said seeing as he knew.
"I feel honored you came out".
Bruce smiled and said.
"You sound surprised".
I then said.
"You showed up at my house".
Bruce then said smiling lightly.
"Cause i saw you, in your suit.
(I blushed and he said.)
So what do you call yourself"?
I then said.
Bruce smiled and said.
"How long"?
I then said.
"I didn't do anything to dangourse, started with small things, and not every night".
Bruce then said.
"I wouldn't know what i would do if you didn't show up here".
I then said.
"How did you.
(I paused and said.)
Cameras, you saw how i got here".
Bruce then said.
"I was facinated by you, and then i grew feelings for you".
I blushed and then said as i sipped my punch.
"I grew feelings for you to,
(He looled at me and i said.)
I didn't say anything cause one, I didn't want to lie to you about where i came from, two, would you of believed me"?
He then said holding my hand.
He pecked my lips and i kissed him back.
Barry got between us and Bruce said petting barry with a smile on his face.
"Hey barry".
Barry hanged upside down and squeaked.
I pet Barry's belly and Bruce said looking at me.
"I knew your okay with where you live, buf people, bad people know you token down the killer, so please move in with me".
I then said as i look at Barry.
"Im not stop working as a police officer".
Bruce then said.
"I know".
Thee end.

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