(Scooby Too and KISS) Cat man x reader part 2 final

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(Y/n's pov)
I watched the boys when they went on the ride that will electrocute them.
I then said as there cart parked, smirking.
"So was it electrifying"?
Scooby then said.
"Don't start".
I then said helping them out as talia went onto my shoulder.
"Your a big strong dog Scooby.
(He hummed as i pet him and patted shaggys back and he coughed, i could swear that his breath zapped the air next to my cheeks.)
Maybe we should all decided on the next ride.
(I cringed when I saw the snake part of the rollicoster breath fire.)
And maybe something that won't burn you shaggy and make scooby a giant harliess Chihuahua again".
Shaggy held his chin and said.
"We rode every ride that represented the band, but-".
The sound of the Whirlwind Wildcats ride caught my attention and scooby said wagging his tail.
"And the best part talia can ride".
I looked at talia and asked.
"What do you think sweety"?
She meowed as she stood up proud and brave.
I then said looking to the boys.
"Looks like she's in".
We got on the whirlwind wild cats and i said as talia was carefully strapped onto my shoulder.
"Okay honey you ready"?
She nodded and the ride started.
The boys had a hard time holding on and I was laughing as the cats seemed to calm down after trying so hard to buck me off lile a bull.
Once it was over i then said as i look at the KISS museum.
"That's where my painting is going to be hung".
Shaggy patted my shoulder and said.
"Then why don't we go in to see where they put it"?
We got in and i said as i covered my nose as we walked around the fountain.
"Woah, boys did you eat those devil eggs i made again"?
They shook there heads and that's when talia yeallowed at the stranger in red.
I then said to the boys as i spoted our escape vesile.
"In the boat now"!
The whole ride we narrowly avoided her blasts.
And the whole ride i kept talia close and made sure she didn't fall in the water.

When we parked we ran like bats that escaped the belfry.
The witch yelled after we got onto the spinning drums.
"Give me rock"!
I then said as talia flew off my shoudler.
I then said to the witch after i hear talia yelp in pain.
"You are so dead you crimson b****!
(I jumped at her, not noticeing the green aura around me and my claws became real and my voice changed.)
No one messes with my cat talia"!
I scratched her chest then her mouth, then her eyes.
I landed on the ground and then roared like a jungle cat as the Crimson witch sagged against the floor.
I heared talia whimper and I moved, i held her and said as she shacked and clung to me.
"Thank God your okay,
(I carefully held her chin and looked all over her.)
Nothing broken"?
She nodded and I held her to me.
The ride stopped after the sound of metal ripping.
I looked to see cat man in a new suit and the other band members were ahead of me and i said holding talia out.
Worried and scared.
"Please, she's hurt".
Star Child then said as he was on the ground with me, one eye closed, and one eye open, the eye that had a star over it.
"Brave cat, she's just going to feel sore.
(Both eyes open and said lightly smiling.)
Luckily she's got you to protect and care for her".
I sighed and held her to me and then said feeling dizzy.
"Oh, i feel dizzy".
I began to fall backward and i heared him.
Cat man yelled as running at full speed.
"No, y/n"!
He caught me and he said holding my cheek.
"Come on, stay awake please".
I couldn't, I adjusted my hold on my cat and i asked before the darkness consumed me.
"Is she defeat-".
My eyes closed, and I blanked.

(Time skip)

When i woke up again, I was surrounded by the gang when I felt someone hold my hand.
A voice that I heared before I passed out spook to md in a whisper
"Y/n, please.
Come back to me, come back to talia".
I opened my eyes and saw him, Cat man.
I then said as i looked around to see the scooby gang and the rest of the band.
"What happened?
(I didn't feel talia and i looked at cat man and azked.)
Cat man picked her up from his lap and talia meowed happy to see me awake.
I then held her and said looking at Cat man.
"Thank you".
He then said.
"Im just glad your okay".
I then looked at the gang and asked.
"Last thing i remember was that witch on the ground"?
Velma then said.
"She's the guard you made let good scooby and shaggy.
She was trying to steel the Detroit rock.
Also known as the rock of kisstaria".
I theb said rubbing my head.
"Apparently i missed the mystery".
Daphne then said.
"No, you solved it by using those claws of yours".
I then said looking at the clock.
"How Long have i been out"?
Catman then said.
"A few hours".
I theb said looking at velma.
"Why am i getting the feeling that there's more"?
Velma then said tapping her right shoulder.
"Apparently your birth mark is the soulamte mark.
Only the citizens of kisstaria have the same mark as there soulmates.
It's rare that the citizens have the same ones as the band members".
I sighed as i looked at Velma.
"There's a reason freedom of speech is made Velma.
(I rubbed my head.)
That includes freedom of opinion".
She nodded and I looked at the gang and said.
"I must admit I looked into my own mystery.
Who my parents are".

Daphne then said.
"Did you find where they came from"?
I shook my head and I asked looking at catman.
"Can you guys leave for a minute so I can talk to catman".
They left and i asked looking at catman.
"You knew, how long"?
He then said holding my hand.
"Since star child saw your birthmark.
I couldn't believe that i finally get to meet the most amazing person and that she's my soulmate".
I then asked looking at him.
"What do i do, I don't want to lie to the gang.
And I don't think -".
He pecked my lips and after i kissed back he said holding my cheek.
"You can stay with me, I don't think I would go for long periods of time without being with you either".
He pet talia and I asked worried.
"She going to be okay"?
He then said.
"She's a fighter just like you".
I blushed and he held me.
I finally felt complete.
And it feels like'
'Im coming home'.
Thee end...

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