*Requested by DelilahArroyo4*
(Y/n's intro)
My mother says that to love and be loved the same way is the greatest gift one can be given.
But when it's taken, it can be the greatest sorrow.
But to have loved once is better than not having loved at all.(Y/n's pov)
Moving back was a decision that my mother felt would be a great start to rebuild our lives.
I was alseep in the back seat, not having to worry about accidently pushing a sibilings off since I'm an only child.
But like always when I wake up, I sometimes could see, for a split second, dad in the passenger seat of moms car.
Then he would disappear before I could fully wake up to see him more clearly.
My dragon alerted my mom that I was now awake.
She turned to say with a bright smile on her face.
"Morning sweet heart how did you sleep"?
I then said stretching.
(Starlight cuddled into my side.)
Starlight decided to be my cuddle buddy/heater".
Since starlight was my pet dragon, I had to learn alot about being a dragon mom.
Dragon's required alot of love, attention and affection, and plenty of exercise or other wise they get hyper and huffy.
Fun fact, If a dragon likes to cuddle with their person, they are your best friend for life, bonus you won't need the heater on in your room.Mom then said.
"Good girl starlight and just in time to".
I saw our old house with a sign that says sold.
The house next door is not one I'll soon forget.
The most painfull moment came from this very road.(Flash back)
"Y/n please don't go"!
A light barley screamed as he tried to follow me with the car driving farther away from his grasp.
The neckalce he gave me that turned out to be a locket in my hands as i cried.
Little me said before I lost sight of him.
"Barley".(End of flash back)
A stray tear feel and I wiped it away, trying to keep my mother from seeing it.
Being the smart woman she is, saw it before I could get rid of it.
She then said being hopefull.
"Maybe their still there"?
I knew there was no point in trying to be hopefull.
It's more than likely that they moved.
Plus at the moment the house apeares to be empty.
But I decided to borrow my mother's enthusiasm.
"Yeah maybe".I looked to Starlight, patting my shoulders and she went to rest there like a scarf, I grabbed my bag of things I wanted with me instead of being packed in the boxes of the moving truck that dropped off our stuff before we arrived.
Something fell to the ground and I looked to see the blue chain heart locket.
The mintue it hit the ground it opened.
I picked it up fast, checking to see if it was unbroken.
My thumb rubbing over the picture inside.
Barley Lightfoot and me when we were kids, a blue rose bud in my hair.
Mom then said coming to my side.
"You two are so cute in that picture".
I then said looking at mom, avoiding the Lightfoot residence incase they moved out long before we thought of moving back.
(I grabbed her purse and said.)
Let me bring that in, ill be roght back to help you with the grocerys".I helped mom bring in the grocerys we got when we got into town and put them away.
The moment I heared the fimilar sound of misses Lightfoot SUV pulling up next door was all I needed to hear to feel happiness spreading through my heart, reaching my eyes.
The sound of two boys laughing confirmed what my fast beating heart already knew that it was the two boys I knew when we were kids.
Sure enough, Barley and Ethan Light foot entered my feild of vision from the kitchen window.
Barley grew up really well and appears to be in college like I am.
Only since moving back to my home town was going to be during my college academic year, I had to go online.
Ethan now appears to be a senior in highschool.
They changed so much, I only hope that they will remember me .
Fat chance, me and barley were 5 while Ethan was 3.
Wait a minute is that a staff Ethan is holding!?
I got out with Starlight hot on my heels and Blazey, upon seeing her old best friend and littler mate, came running straight toward us.
I stopped holding my hands out and said warningly before she got to close, but it was futile.
She hasent seen me since she was alittle dragon..
"Blazey no-".
She got me on my back after she jumped me, I was trying but failing to get her off, she gotten alot stronger now thay she was growing.
'Well at least she remembers me'.
Misses Lightroom came running, holding a spray bottle, saying.
"Blazey down, go back to your lair".
I then said looking at misses Lightfoot, as Blazey curled around my neck breathing fire at misses Lightfoot.
I pet her head and got her off.
"Thank you misses lightfoot".
She said recognising me, the boys I noticed were quiet.
"Y/n, oh my gosh is that really you"?
I smiled as i got up and said.
"Yeah it's me".
I forgot one thing about misses light foot, she's a big time hugger.
She then said .
"Oh my gosh look at you you grown up into a beautiful elf".
I blushed and mom came out and said.
Misses light foot let me go and went to my mom, Starlight helped me stand up and I noticed Barley was shocked and Ethan even more so .
I was worried they forgotten me until Barley hugged me and said as tears were falling from his eyes.
"You came back".
I hugged him back and said quietly as tears of joy fell.
"I promised you I would didn't I"?
Ethan hugged us, Starlight and Blazey found their way into the hug.
The note Barley put in my locket said he loves me, that he always will.
As I look at Barley and he pecked my lips without anyone noticeing I can tell that he still feels the same way as I do.
To be continued...

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