(Y/n's intro) For as long as i can remember I always loved horse's. Ask my mom and she can tell you that i loved horses since i was in diapers. People often asked what is it about horses that i liked so much and to be honest there's no one answer for that particular question. Was it the grace the horse carried itself, the freedom to run to the point it looks like it's flying threw the air, the loyalty to family and friends, or was it the bond you see between man and horse as they rode across the land, and always know that home is what you make of it? I think that there's one more thing about horses that i forgot to mention. What makes them unique, that sets them apart from eachother, spirit. And do you want to know my favorite horse, the stallion of the Cimarron herd spirit himself.
(Y/ns pov)
Ever since i saw the movie I was moved by spirits experience. Even though there were points in the movie that made my heart break, there was something about this horse, this stallion that drew me to him. Now that I'm living on my own I toke comfert in watching the movie that probably made me intreseted in horses even more if there was such thing. No matter where i looked when it came to my horse hobby there wasn't a horse like spirit, none even came close. I guess that's why he's my dream horse, cause he doesn't exist as a horse in my world. He only existed in the movie, drawn on paper and ink. Alot of the things that happened lately felt chaotic and that didn't help make me fell any better of living on my own right after graduating high school looking to go into college the following fall. Covid-19 hit everyone hard, it hit me harder than most can probably Imagen and they still won't come close to being right. My days the first few months were spent cleaning and rearranging my furniture. The next week's after those months were worse, so I focused on my art projects. The 3 days that followed left me bored and upset cause the books i brought with me didn't help me escape the reality that the world is horrible and hope of seeing what i did of the world in the kid began to grow smaller and smaller. Today felt different the moment i woke up. The first thing i saw was a statue of two horses on my bed side table. I felt peace, for the first time in a long time i felt piece. Felt the feeling of nostalgia and memories i made from a movie i watched long ago fill my mind, warming my heart. I got up and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a blue blouse with a pair of hiking boots.
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I walked past my jewerly and looked at an old box that had a horse necklace with matching earings. I opened the box and smiled putting them on once done I looked at myself in the mirror and recognised the woman staring back at me, i wouldn't have if i looked at my reflection months, weeks, and days ago . I went to my living room and pulled out spirit stallion of the Cimarron herd and put it in. There wasn't a problem with it playing in the old DVD player that is practically a dinosaur compared to the new, modern DVD players being made today. Ones that are now being held at checkout when you pick to be cleaned cause of the fear of another custmer touching it and catching Covid. Have people really gotten worked up so much that they are taking these ridiculous actions? Have people honeslty gotten so frightened by a modified cold. If this plague could be rated it be love level to the more dangourse plagues that thankfully died out in the dark ages. And the way things are going, it's almost like we're in the modern version of the stone age. The tv went on the fritz and i said checking the back for loss wires, then bending down to check my trusty DVD player. "Um, they seem to be working perfectly. (I looked to the tv and said.) So why isn't the movie playing"? To anyone this was just a movie, but it would be soon the start to my new life. I then said. "Its not a movie, it's a world that is told by the spirit of a horse. One you can't find in a book". I looked down and played with my necklace. This was the last gift i got from my family before the accident. I'm all alone. The tv sparked and i looked up, the light from the tv began to get brighter. And brighter. I felt someone grab my right wrist and pull me and i screamed. Everything around me flashed in colors and the lights were so bright that it hurt my eyes. I covered them and that was a bad idea. When they blinding lights and constant flashing colors went away, i was close to the ground. I caught sight if the night sky and the tips of the trees of where the horse ranglers were resting. I then started to panic but imeaditly put the feeling down cause panic will not help preventing me from becoming a human pancake. I imeaditly grabbed the tree branch and looked at the ground after the feeling of air leave me like a punch to the gut. I then said as i saw i was close enough to not worry about pain upon my feet touching the ground. Lose balance and fall flat on my a** sure but not break any bones. "Okay y/n you got this. (I looked between the branch and ground and noticed it didn't look, well what do you call something that doesn't look like anime?) Just slowly let go and don't tense up". I let got and landed on the ground and just like that i lost balance and landed on my butt. I then said looking around. "Now that was easy. (I got up and dusted myself off, not knowing if i got anything since it was dark out. Close to morning judging be the closer of the sky slowly turning from maybe to purple and will eventually turn magenta. And also i knew. How did i know.) Now where am i"? I saw the light of the burnt out fire and the sleeping horse ranglers. I then saw the horses that didn't want to be rude to the fallen tree trunk, keeping them from escaping. I slowly, carefully and quietly walked to them and said as one looked up at me tired, and defeated. "I'm going to set you free". The horse looked shocked that i was helping instead of taking it. I then said as i untied him or her first and removed their reins. "Easy now, you got to stay quiet". The other horses woke up and looked at me hopefull. I made sure they stayed quiet as i untied qnd removed their reins. They looked at each other and then at me, smiling. I then said motioning for them to go. "Go your free now, go while you still can". A horse chuffing behind me made me stiffen and hope the ranglers did not wake up to the noise. I turned to see spirit, right infront of me. I then said seeing the younger ranglers stir. "Ssh, youll wake them up". The horses i helped chuffed to spirit when i noticed he was starring at me confused. I watched in fasination. 'Their communicating'. To be continued...