Zed Necrodopolis x reader

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*Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva*

(Y/n's pov)
I spotted Zed with Elizabeth and Bonzo at the regionals cheer off.
I then said seeing Zed was out of the Z patrols custody.
The evidence that Bucky and the ac's messing with their Z bands must have released them.
He looked to me and ran to me.
I hugged him and i said.
"Thank God your out".
I checked him over and he said lightly holding my wrists were Bucky brisued them when he didn't take me rejecting him to well.
"I'm fine.
(He looked at my day old brusied wrists and said staring at Bucky where the cheer squad was failing.)
That little-".
I then said.
"He isn't worth it zed.
But i think we know how we can get back at him while proving zombies are friendly".
He then said as Bonzo and Elizabeth came over woundering why zed didn't follow them.
Addison then said, finally having her white hair free and on show.
"We form our own cheer squad and win it".
Zed then said looking at me.
"Hard to believe our story will lead to us proving that we belong after meeting in the Z room hu"?

(Flash back)
My parents were argueing again, they been argueing for the past week.
What is about me going to Seabrook high and no longer being home schooled.
My mom said.
"Y/n needs to make friends d/n".
D/n then said.
"She's friends with Addison isn't that enough?
Plus they are just letting zombies in, y/n is safer here".
Mom then said.
"They are going to keep the zombies in the lower levels.
Y/n needs to be outside in the sun.
Not cooped up.
Besides Addison will be with her".
Dad sighed knowing he lost the argument.
He then said.
Mom turned seeing me peeking.
"Its okay y/n You can come out".
I opened the door all the way and she said.
"Tommorrow youll be walking with Addison to your frost day of school.
If you hear the Z alarm ring -".
I finished her sentence before she could.
"Run and hide if i get separated from Addison".
She patted my head and said.
"Good girl.
But stay with the group if you don't get separated" .
I nodded and went to bed that night.
The next i got dressed in my favorite blue blouse and jeans with my favorite sneakers.
Addison just left her house and said seeing me smiling.
"Y/n Oh this is the best day ever your comeing to school".
I then said as we walked.
When we got there along with the other students, we saw the zombies that were joining us.
But one caught my eye and he was staring at me.
But Addison thought i was shocked to see actual zombies so she pulled me in.
Classes today were fast since it was only the first day.
But it was also tougher since addisons cousin won't stop asking me out when we were passing threw classes.
Out of nowhere the z alarm went off.
I saw the zombie from earlier and did something my mother will lecture me for the rest of my life.
I went after him.
I got to the z safety room and said seeing as the lights weren't working properly.
His voice was like music when he spoke.
I then said.
"I saw you earlier, why are you up here"?
He then said.
"I was trying to try out for football.
Why did you follow me"?
I then said as the lights went on as i looked at him.
"Cause I wanted to get to know you.
(I rubbed my neck and said.)
Apart from everyone i met today I felt shy.
But when i saw you i didn't any more".
He then said.
"When i saw you i felt i can do anything".
He then said.
"This might be strange but i thonk i fell for you".
I then said.
"Me to".
(And of flash back)

I then said.
"I can, I will do anything to stand up for you Zed.
(I then said seeing some other Zombies had followed us along with the cheer leaders that Bucky kicked off the squad.
The same day he said out right he wish I would date him.

(Flash back)
Bucky was pissed, he said as he grabbed my wrist.
"You and my freak cousin are off the team.
But ill give you a chance to return if you date me and not that Zombie".
I pulled away from him and said as i rubbed my wrists.
"No, i only love Zed Bucky.
Your only a friend.
But after this i don't think it be possible any more".
(And of flash back)

We joined the squad and everyone cheered for us after the shock seared off that zombies were with us.
I was thrown into the air and i remembered something as Zed waited to catch me.

(Flash back)
Zed joined the football team after he saved me from falling from being forcefully throwned into the air for a demonstration.
Im so proud of my boyfriend.
But he's been tampering with his z band.
I then said during by him.
"Just be yourself zed, i don't want to see you get hurt".
He then said smiling lightly.
"I know.
But i promise I will always catch you".
(End of flash back)

After that day the z bands were tampered with by Bucky and his lackeys.
The z patrol toke them away and i was so upset bree stayed to calm me.
But addison nocked some sense into me and then we set evidence that Bucky and the ac's were the cause of the zombies going out of control.
My father seeing my bruised wrists and finding out from addison that bicky did this he vowed that after the Reginals Bucky and his lackeys will be arrested.
Everyone cheered and i hugged zed to me.
Addiskn then said to the judges, more specifically our mothers.
"Zombies aren't monsters and as you can see my friends zed and y/n are together.
Please let's the zombies be free.
Zed didn't attack Bucky for no reason.
(Addison showed my wrists and everyone gasped looking at Bucky.)
My cousin was hurting her.
Sometimes the real monsters are us".
Addison mom looked to mine and my mother said standing up.
"Your right Addison.
(She came over and said standing infront of us holding my wrists.)
Im sorry i didn't listen to you y/n".
Addison mom then said as Bucky was chuffed by the z patrol as well as the ac's.
"For endangering your family and the people of Seabrook you will be in jovinle detetion".
She then said.
"Thought this squad showed honesty and character along with talent.
Im sad to say your only won second place.
(She then smiled.)
But upon seeing the love of between my daughter's best friend and this zombie Zed Necrodopolis.
I think this is even better than the tophey.
(She then said.)
The monster laws are now lifted".
Me and Zed looked at eachother happy.

Now a day later zed and i were in zombie toen along with Seabrook cause zombietown was now open to everyone.
I then said seeing Zeds dad and little sister ad i held a puppy as a gift.
Zoey had a stuffed dog seeing as zombies weren't allowed to have pets before the monster laws were lifted.
"You sure your father will like me"?
Zed then said holding my hands.
"Trust me, he'll love you".
He kissed me and i kissed him back.
We walked to to his father and little sister and i said as Zoey smile grew when she saw the puppy.
"I got you something zoey".
She then said as the puppy wiggled to get to her.
"My puppy".
As she held her new puppy, he gave her kisses.
Zed then asked as Zoey smile seemed to grow.
"What you going to name him"?
She then said happily
After you two".
We blushed.
Only she qill call us by our ship name she's been working on.
Thee end.

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