Mick St. John x reader

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(Y/n's intro)
To live forever always seems great at first.
But when you actually get to live forever, everything you love, or wish to see that won't happen in your life time, becomes meaningless.
Being half undead, was maybe worse than being dead or undead.
All the things that made life worth living, that made it so precious that you fear deaths cold hand reaching out to take you away, are suddenly not so bad.
Cause they say in death, you get to see the loved ones the went before you again.
I used to think that living forever like my father, who my mom says was a vampire that turned human temporally to be with her, would be the greatest thing ever, if she got to be there with us.
But the moment dormant vampire emerged, I survived, but my mom sadly wasn't so lucky.
Since I was half human, I could eat human food, but all i craved after the first bite of food I could get to, was my mother's murders blood.
But I didn't have it in me to murder the b*******.
Luckly I knew enough about vampires from my mom to be carefull.
I scared the guy half to death and now, he's on death row fearing to go to sleep.
But I never entered the world of vampires.
I couldn't, though my heart ached for my moms loss and longed for comfert from my dad.
I could put the only family I had left in danger.
Cause if there was one vampire, then there's bound to be more, lots more.
From how old dad told me he was when he came to visit, be apart of my life when ever he got the chance, then there have been vampires since probably ancient Egypt.
Or even farther back.
If they knew i existed, then not only would I either be viewed as a threat or a potental cure, the people I knew, know amd love would be targets.
My freedom would be nonexistent as the chance of going back to the way things were, to tell my younger self to not wish for the gift of immorality, to love and live in the moment was better than looking ahead to find a way to avoid deaths cruel fate.
Cause like all wishes, they come at a price, and sadly, that price was never seeing either of my parents again.
One undead and walking, the other gone forever before her time.

(Y/n's pov)

Thankfully I managed to live the best I could with keeping both my secret safe, the secret of vampires being real as my 1975 Chevy Impala, and living in the human world, where I feel close to being human again, where I felt close to my mother.
She would want me to live, however I could while being careful, to be with my father who no doubt, would put his life and mine, before this vampire community I taken to call all the vampires that exist in the world, and to find my soulmate.
Fat chance he be okay with me being half undead.

I closed my door and looked to see a couple, soulamtes that just found each other, their dogs knew before their owners did, and toke matters into their own paws.
Using their leashes to trap the owners together.
It almost ironic, cause this moment had me thinking about what my dad said.

(Flash back)

'Everyone born into this world has a special someone.
(My father looked at my mother.)
It toke me 400 years to find your mother.
(He booped my 5 year old nose.)
My sweet girl, you won't have to wait that long".

I asked a question, one that was of major importance to a 5 year old.
"But how would I know when i find him daddy"?

Dad sighed and said smiling.
"Humans and vampires feel this pull to their soulmates.
Almost like the way fisherman used to sail across seas before they used the stars.
But vampire have a bit more than this invisible long string, our senses are heightened.
We could see their face and smell their scent.
That way we can get to them before they leave".

(In that moment my mother and father shared a look, like they were reliving a moment.
It clicked to me even for a five year old, that dad told me how he found my mom. Before she left without knowing he was there.
Mother did say I was smarter than I looked.)

I asked amazed.
"That's how you found mommy isn't it"?
Dad smiled to mom and mom nodded, like they had a silent conversation.
Father kissed my forehead and said seeing my gaze and smiled.
"You are incredibly smart, are you sure your five"?
I playfully nodded and he smiled and said.
"Now, its time for my big, strong, smart and brave girl to get some sleep.
Ill be here tommorrow for your birthday".

(End of flash back)

I shook my head and turned my head away from the display of happiness.
I rubbed my temple as the sense of smell of the human that was coming towards me.
The perfum covering her natural scent made it overwhelming since it was similar to it.
Beth Turner, my best friend and coworker.
Well techincally I freelance for Buzz wire, but now i have a cubical with another freelance photographer.
Beth placed her hand on my shoulder and asked.
"Hey y/n you okay"?
I looked at her with my right eye, cause currently my left was suffering from pressure above it.
I then said.
"Im fine, just a small head ache, your wearing alittle to much perfume today, I got those photos you wanted".
She then said feeling my forehead.
"You sure you should be working your alittle warm".
I was confused, sure I get sick, but that was rare.
I shrugged my shoulders, not to move her hand as i lightly smiled.
"The heater in my place is broken, so i toke a warm shower before i left".
We left my care and walked into the building.
But i paused in the door way of all the tables, littered with computers, paper and cables.
I toke a breath and two scents struck me like a hammer.
A vampire was here, and he just left awhile ago.
A woman, who i come to know as Morgan, was different, the smell of decay was unimaginable.
She was still here.
Morgan looked at me and smiled as i stared, she said holding a donut box.
"Hey y/n your early.
(She opened the box of donuts to reveal my favorite, bear claws.)
I went by your favorite donut place earlier today.
Figure you might need it".
We shared a cubicle since we decided to work for Buzz wire.
I then said as she came over.
She held my hand and said.
"You sure your okay, you look flushed".
I then lightly said since everyone is bussy.
"Why do you smell like vampire"?
She lightly smiled and said.
"Cause i am, but deep down you already knew that im not Morgan ".
I then said as i tried to not cry.
"Then why didn't you come when i called for help"?
She hugged me and said moving my hair.
"You know im way older than your father,
(She placed something in my hand and said.)
What ever you do, hide this.
Only give it to mick".
Morgan, or now finaly reunited with the woman that made my existence possible stood up when beth came over with coffee and said.
"You guys catching up"?
I nodded and smiled as i said.
"Yeah, Morgan's just been telling me you were hanging out with this P.I named Mick".
Speaking of the said P.I. looks like he came back.
I had to ignore the pull, the sense of smell, and hearing of his footsteps.
Cause when i looked at him, i could tell he felt the same pull.
Beth then said introducing mick to me.
"Mick this is y/n she just began working for Buzz wire.
(I kept my hands to myself and Beth explained.)
She against both my and Morgan's advice is working dispite feeling alittle off".
I then said rolling my eyes and started to work on my photo's to basically stop myself from going to mick.
'Act human, though you probably don't smell like one'.
"I told you I toke a hot shower before comeing here".
I bit into my bear claw and ignored the reflection of Mick staring at me.
Mick seemed to back me up cause he said.
"It is colder than usualy outside".
Beth then asked Mick as he had something in his hand.
"You still looking for Josf's daughter".
I stopped and i calmed my heart and mick imeaditly noticed before beth and coraline did.
Mick then said as i went back to work.
"Yeah, but i forgot to what else i came here to do.
Came back to remebere i want to show y/n around New York if that's okay"?
I looked at him and said seeing the look Beth and Coraline are giveing me.
I saved my work and went with Mick.
I said to mick as i turned to look at him.
"I know you have alot of questions".
He then said holding my cheek.
"All that matters to me is to know that your okay.
(I closed my eyes and he said.)
I know your not protecting yourself.
But I promise no one apart from me or your dad will know that your a hybrid".
I then said.
"You forgot the women that made this possible.
(He looked confused.)
The friend that gave my father the temporaily cure.
(I held it in my hand and said.)
Mick hugged me and said.
"So morgan really is coraline".
I nodded and mick said lightly smiling at me.
"Now that we finally met, i like to take you to lunch.
If your up for it-".
I held his hand and said.
"If my father knew".
Mick then said.
"Believe me he already did, that pull we feel, happened when i saw your picture".
He showed me all new york.
Now as i was infront of dad, he ran over, hugged me like no time has passed.

Im happy and safe.

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