Wyatt x (the alpha) reader part 3

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(Y/n's pov)
I couldn't believe it, someone other than Addison saw me shift.
Zed asked seeing that I didn't touch my food.
"You okay"?
I then said as i stared at my food.
Someone flimed it.
I just don't understand".
He then said .
I then said.
"My sense of smell is ten times stronger than a humans.
I must of missed it when I went to protect Addison".

Zed then said as He moved my hair to check my scar, which is turning into a scratch.
"Or you couldn't smell them cause you were also hurt.
What was it you smelled or heared before going to addision"?
I then said .
"I heared the werewolves, if i remember it was all i can smell too".
Zed then said holding my hand.
"Who ever it was.
They know what i do.
Your a hero".
Then said as i toke a frie.
"I doubt a hero could lose it and hurt someone".
Zed then said.
"If only you can see what i see sis.
Now let's go home.
I'll call dad you sit and eat".
I then said .
"Just because i can turn into a wolf doesn't mean I'm a lap dog".
Zed sticked his tounge out at me and laughed.
Once he left, a guy came over and i said seeing him stare.
"Um your kind of making me uncomfertable".
He then said.
"I'm sorry it's just.
Your really cool.
I saw your video".
I then said sitting back.
(Zed comes in and i said.)
I have to go, it was nice to meet you-"?
He then said.
I then said.
I grabbed my food and zed said.
"Who was that"?
I then said.
Zeds dad showed up and he siad seeing my scratch.
"Y/n sweet heart are you okay"?
I nodded and said as i got in.
"Just tired".
Once zed got in, his father drove us back home.
Zeds little sister waited up for us.
She hugged me and said.
"We'll always love you y/n".
I patted her back and then hugged her as i said.
"I love you guys to".
Zed then said.
"Zoey y/n's alittle exhausted, she needs rest".
Zoey nodded and she lead me to my room.
She then said when i opened my door.
"You need ice"?
I then said.
"Ill be fine for now.
Something tells me I'm going to have a long eventful few days".
She nodded and i went into my room.
Once my body hit my bed I passed out.
When i woke up zed opened my door.
I then said as I sat up tired.
"Zed, what is it"?
He then said.
" the mayor wants to give you a reward at school".
I then said.
"Give a monster a reward.
That's a new one".
Zed then said.
"Your human to y/n, you protected Addison".
I then said getting up.
"I know, but I'm also a monster.
I accepted that.
It's what i am".
He then said.
"Well wo got to go or you'll be late".
I nodded and followed zed.
Once at the school the sound of cheer was what woke me up.
I then said as addison ran to me.
She hugged me and said.
"I know.
(she turned to everyone.)
I wanted to thank you and my mom agreed.
She decided to remove the monster law.
But there will be more security.
Those wolves might come here".
I then said.
"Guards won't be helpful.
Armed or not .
Werewolves will defend themselves if necessary".
She lead me in and the mayor said as i stood beside her and everyone quieted.
"People and zombies of Seabrook.
We come here today to honor and thank our young hero.
Y/n lupgarhold for protecting my daughter".
She held a trophy and said holding my hands.
"For incredible bravery and truth.
I award you this trophey".
I held it and it stinger a bit.
She saw my flinch and said seeing it was made if mostly silver.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry".
I then said as the burns went away.
"Its okay.
It just needs ruins on it so it doesn't burn me".
She then said.
"Of course.
Is that how your ring dosent burn you"?
I nodded and she said.
"Okay, well except this necklace as an apology".
She gave me a moonstone necklace and i toke it.
Everyone clapped and i went to met Addison.
She told me to look to the stage again and after zed speech.
The soors opened.
The werewolves are here.
Zed said to his football team mates.
"Frontline protect y/n"!
To be continued...

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