(Y/n's pov)
I stretched my arms the moment the game ended.
Uncle Dean pouted at the way the enemy team played.
But the look from my father as he nods told me what I dread would come.
We needed to talk what's been killing the hickers.
I then said looking at Bella.
"I just remebered I have to pick up a few things from the grocery store before it closes for the night".
Bella then said.
"You have a full fridge".
I then said getting up.
"Enough to last me a month, but not four grown men and two teenage boys and you.
When ever my father, uncles or God brother and brother are in town we sort of have a reunion brunch after breakfast before they hit the road again if they couldn't find work here".
Dad then said putting his arm arpund my shoulder, smiling at Bella.
"Since your a friend of my daughter we would love to have you join us".
Bella smiled and said.
"I would like that very much".I then said looking at my father then my uncle.
"Since all of you are here in town, dad, uncle im goign to need you to come with me to the store".
I grabbed the keys and said to Bella soon as my uncle and dad went to wait by baby.
"Ill be right back, Jack, Dean jr, and Cass will stay behind to keep you company before they go make hotel reservations".
Bella then said.
"Ill help you put the food away, and tommorrow help you cook".
I then said.
"Thank you".
I closed the door and closed it and said coming close to them.
"I know what your going to say,
(I grabbed my hunters journal and said.)
What is killing the hickers is a nomad vampire, not like the ones you killed".
I got in the driver's seat and said.
"And im warning you uncle Dean if upu even think of hunting the cullens down I'll find you and shot you myself".
Dean said looking to me dad.
"Did I say anything"?
Dad then said as he read the journal.
"She has a point Dean, we can't even if we tried.
(He gave the journal to him and said looking at me as I stayed focussed on the road.)
Plus they never killed anybody, they hunt animals like garth and his pack".
Dean then said.
"But this Edward killed people-".
I stopped the car and turned to him face him and said.
"Those people were hardly humans to begin with uncle Dean.
They were rapist's, murders, psychopaths and sociopaths .
Edward could of killed the guy named Lanny when he tried to get me and Bella but he left.
Don't forget you went on your own killing evil humans without my dad uncle Dean so don't you dare be a hypocrite".
I started the impala again and remained quiet.
Dad patted my shoulder and said.
"You have the lead on this hunt Y/n.
Well do it your way".
I looked at him and said.
"Its not you Im worried about dad".
Uncle dean was about to protest befpre he corrected himself and leaned back remembing the countless points I made about the many times he went behind Cass and my father's back.
"Fair point.
(Dean said to my dad.)
Are you sure she's your kid"?
Dad then said.
"Yes Dean, she inherited both our stubbornness".
I then said.
"I wrote in my jounral about the kind of vampries the cullens are, what a nomads is and a newborn.
I found paper clippings on what happened to Rose, Alice, Esme, Jasper, Emmett and Edward when they were human".
Dad then asked.
"So a nomad is a vampire that drinks human blood"?
I nodded and said.
"And I know the one or two that's hunting the hickers.
The third of their coven was killed years ago by the cullens when James tried to kill me and Bella.
That's when they found out I was a hunter.
(Their breaths stilled and said.)
Bella was passed out from Edward sucking James venom out of her blood.
That's why she has the bite Mark on her palm, it's sparkly becasue the venom already changed the skin and muscle there, blood will never flow through that hand like it used to".
Dad then asled stealing himself from full blown panic.
"Are you alright though"?
I then said.
"He didn't touch me, I shot him with the cult before he could.
Bella was disoriented from lose of blood from her leg being broken and head cracks with glass shards all around her.
Edward came the moment I shot James as he bit Bella.
Bella forgot that part.
But i learned that of the venom stayed in her system she would be like them by now".
Uncle dean then said.
"And she was in a relashionship with Edward.
(Dean said to himself.)
What's with chicks and monsters"?
I then said.
"We can't help who we love, human or monster.
(I then said.)
And before you even think about what your oging to say next just remember my cousin Emma who lives a couple towns from here".
Dad then said going to the page where it described what I found following the vampure.
"A quillian wolf warrior"?
I then said.
"The La push reservations protectors.
(Dad looked at me and said.)
They were once spirit warriors, the out of body experience kind.
But Tah Aki had his body stolen and a wolf followed his spirit and offered his body for salvation.
The longer they were out of the body, the more they were in pain and being to deteriorate.
But some how the wolf and man merged and Tah Aki became man once more.
Later he found out that generations of his bloodline could shift into this wolf warriors.
He banned the spirit travel to prevent body's, lives being stollen".
Dean then said.
"Thats whats following the nomad okay their the good guys, but what are these nomads after"?
I then said.
"Me and Bella.
Victoria must of sent to Laurent to see if the Cullens still protect us".
Dad looked scared for me and I said.
"I have the cult don't worry, I also have aunty Rowena's barrier around my house to prevent her from coming inside.
We'll be fine".
Uncle dean then said.
"You got lucky with this James, and his gift was tracking.
(Uncle Dean shock his head and said.)
A vampire with the skills of hunter, how are you going to handle two.
One who has the give of escape and one that doesn't have a gift"?
Dad then said.
"She's not alone".
I then said see dads look.
"Whenever I track the nomads I was watched over by the protectors.
They been gone for a generation, but the moment vampires come to town, the wolves return.
The generation that's in the area shift and the knowledge of their ancestors is passed down.
But that's all I got, there's litteraly millions of possible candidates to be shifters around the globe, they could be from out of town, or from the reservation.
But there's many boys their that could be shifters but I haven't bothered to check becasue they would know im a hunter".
Uncle dean patted my shoulder the moment I parked the car at the grocery store parking lot.
He said.
"You did good kid".
Dad then asked about the picture of me with Jacob beside me as we leaned again my motorcycle he gave to me after he fixed it, which Bella found with two other motorcycles waiting on one of our classmates front yard to be taking to the junk yard.
"Who's this"?
I then said quietly looking at the pciture.
"Jacob Black, he's the son of Billy Black, a family friend of Bella and her father Charlie.
He knew the cullens were vampires because his people, the wolf warriors made a treaty.
As long as the Cullen's don't bite a human, the wolves wont come after them and they can coexist.
But the Cullens can't cross onto the quillain's land, and the quillain's give the vampires a wide birth on vamoire land if they cross".
Dad then asled before we entered the store.
"How do you know this"?
I then said.
"Jacpb told me the legends, he didn't believe them.
But now he is a shifter".
Uncle dean then said.
"First it was your dad, now you?
What is with you guys loving monsters".
I did the doctor pinch on his hqnd and said.
"You forget uncle, I'm half and half.
And jacob isn't a monster".
I let go and dad said as i walked away with a basket on my arm.
"You know that will just upset her.
(Dad looked at Dean and said seeing that uncle Dean did it on purpose.)
You did that on purpose didnt you"?
Uncle Dean then said as I grabbed the many kinds of pie on sale.
"Did you miss the look she had when she looked at the picture of Jacob.
She's heart broken.
Im trying to keep her mind of of it".
I then said coming back with 7 different kinds of pie, knowing my father and uncle they had let my grandma know what the situation was before coming here.
And uncle Adam is joining her.
(((A/n: in this one mary didn't get accidently killed by Jack.
And Adam is alive and not possessed by the angel Michael.)))
"And I thank you uncle Dean.
But now let's get this grocery shoping on the road so Sarah can lock up".
I walked to the register and Sarah said mentioning my dad and uncle who no doubt are argueing healthy and unhealthy food options.
"So is the bug guy your dad Sam and the smaller guys your uncle Dean"?
I nodded and said pulled out my big wade of cash knowing I had more than enough to pay for the food when they brought it over.
"Yep, my family decided to surprise me with a family reunion.
My cousin mary and other uncle Adam are on their way.
Uncle Cass and my god brother Jack and my brother Dean Jr".
Sarah then said ringing up the pies.
"Girl you got a bigger family than me.
You have three uncles".
I then said.
"Cass is my uncle Deans husband, jack is his godson.
Adam is my papa and uncle Deans half brother.
(She nodded amazed and i said smiling.)
Incase your wondering".
Dad came with healthy foods and said.
"You must be Sarah, sorry that were probably keeping you from going home".
Sarah then said smiling.
"Oh please its a pleasure to met my besties relatives.
You know she just won the art contest yesterday".
I then said surprised lioking at her.
"I won"?
She nodded and Dean said comeing with unhealthy foods and two tubes of ice cream.
"Well this calls for celebration.
(He then went back and said grabbing my favorite cake, carrot cake.)
Tomorrow Y/n were geting you a puppy".
I always wanted another dog in the house but since we had mirical in the bunker before I moved out I was content on having one pet.
Sarah then said smiling.
"And she's valivictorin of her class along with Jessica,
(Sarah looked to my dad and said.)
Y/n must of got her brain from you.
She said you went to Stanford".
Dad smiled knowing I was being proud and said pulling out some of his money and my uncle doing the same.
"Yeah, i did".
Dean then said giving his money dispite my protest.
"Not to mention she's got her mother's looks".
I rolled my eyes and said after the food was bagged up.
"Looks like this is going in the back seat uncle Dean, your going to be sardine".
My father laughed and I said giving sarah a tip since my father insisted on paying for the rest.
"You have a good night Sarah and drive safely now".
As we drived back I told my father and uncle that Charlie planes to hunt wjat they think is massive grizzley that he thought was killing the hickers.
Dad then said after I mentioned Bella whats to go to the feild Edward used to take her, for closure since he dumped her and left.
"Well go wirh the hunting party and keep an eye on them".
I then said.
"Take Cass with you, Harry Clearwater has a heart condition.
If Victoria or Laurent get to close it might cause a heart attack".
Cass showed up and said after realising he's now squished in the back seat with uncle Dean.
"How much food did you guys by"?
I then said asked Cass knowijg he heared what I said before.
"Cass with you go with them, Harry Clearwater is Charlie's friend".
Cass nodded and said.
"Of course".
Cass disapeared and i pulled up on my drive way.
Bella came out and i watched, seeing the smile on her face as she laughed with Jack and my brother.
If only this moment can last forever, wishing that this night doesn't just so she can be safe from the dark side of the world were creatures go bump in the night that wants both her, my family and me dead.
To be contiued...

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